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Did Nobuo Uematsu plagiarize Led Zeppelin for Final Fantasy VII?

You decide

Listen to the following track from the unforgettable Final Fantasy VII videogame soundtrack, composed by Squaresoft’s in-house musical guru Nobuo Uematsu, and then listen to the legendary track from the Led Zeppelin album Physical Graffiti.

The possible plagiarism starts at the 15-second mark of ‘The Shinra Corporation’

The movement is the same, note-for-note, as John Paul Jones’ synthesizer crescendo beginning at the seven-minute mark of ‘Kashmir’

Led Zeppelin got their ideas from literature, folklore and the Blues. The idea for the song Kashmir came from a visit to the South Asian region of Kashmir. For three years, singer Robert Plant and guitarist Jimmy Page worked on the song, with contributions from drummer John Bonham. They finally released the song in 1975.

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RICHMONDThe Elf Wax Times hits the streets in an explosive new Fall reality series that GETS YOU HIGH with Willy Q, unemployed, where you’ll hear his thoughts on Led Zeppelin, experience his nightmares of Eastern Europe, and shoot the peace sign, which is actually the middle finger where he’s from. Pack a bong and tell the kids: WILLIAM LOVES THE SHIT OUT OF SOME FUCKING LED ZEPPELIN on an all new season of HATE.

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When all are one
And one is all
To be a rock
And not to roll
We love you William.