Editorial Hate

What The Legion and Westboro Baptist Church have in common

  • Extremist views on the freedom of speech
  • Seek attention with the element of shock
  • Exclusive
  • Hateful
  • Self-Righteous
  • Excessive use of the word fag
  • Trolls till death
  • Homophobic

The Jester has taken credit for his fail of a false-flag attack on Westboro Baptist. Westboro Baptist and The Legion have buried the hatchet. The Legion is waiting for Westboro Baptist to figure out how to reboot their servers, so they can flood Westboro’s communications devices with praise for how they have “really shown those fags who’s boss.”

Anonymous – “Holy Lulz. +1!”

You know, I’ve read what Nate Phelps has to say about his father, Fred. It is no wonder that 31% of Fred Phelp’s children have fled. He beats his entire family into submission. There’s also the fact that Fred Phelps faps to one single thought, “Not only do I get to ruin your funeral, but now you have to pay me for it!” Seeing as he’s now weaker than those he once beat on, I don’t see why the rest of his kids even stick around. The old man’s crazy and must get in their way. The protests seem to be a kind of pointless slavery now that most marks have wised up, but the old bastard just won’t give up. Well, at least they’ll always have the faith to feed them.

Just for some kicks, here is what The Legion and Westboro Baptist Church don’t have in common.

  • The ability to use a computer
  • Foresight
  • Public support
  • A future
  • Education
  • Pragmatism

Now back to your regularly scheduled information cycle.