
Madison Rising: Astroturf political rock for the right

I heard about Madison rising today on the Glenn Beck radio show, introduced by the woman who reads headlines as if she is not a part of Beck’s program.

Madison Rising’s song, “Honk If You Want Peace,” depicts Occupy Wall Street protesters as “tie dye slobs” and tells the story of a female protester who has been fatally injured by her own misplaced convictions.

A mother’s scream, the father races over
His little girl sprawled helplessly
He lifts her up upon his shoulder
And they run frantically

They’re in the car, it won’t be far
Their angel they can save
But as they turn the corner
She’s destined for the grave

Jeering mobs and tie-dyed slobs
People lying in the street
Whistles, drums and megaphones

This music is for people who really like Nickelback, but really can’t stand anything that doesn’t have a conservative message.

This live performance for Fox News features unbelievably anemic vocals and lyrics that are painfully stupid.

“Amen to the ones on the battlefield

Amen to those who fall

Amen to the [American] women and the children

Gettin caught between it all”

A perfunctory listen will reveal that these lyrics were not written by musicians. In fact, the phrases used by Madison Rising are assembled by a think tank and successful songs are then constructed from these phrases by a focus group of middle aged white men. Then, the lyrics are set to the music of songs that were not quite good enough for Nickelback.

5 replies on “Madison Rising: Astroturf political rock for the right”

Nickleback was easily the best band of the 90’s and early 2000’s, topping out Creed and Maroon 5.
That’s all I listen to, I don’t understand all this ‘techno’ retarded music and head banging devil metal; and what’s with all this hippie music, filled with lyrics about hugging trees and abusing Lsd and Marijuana. Beatles? Try the Babies if you want good old music. Ever heard of a band called Styxx? They invented awesome.

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Can we just smoke some weed and listen to ween…can we just not all get along kids, tree huggers or not (except for geofag/dumbstepper). There is something in ween’s music for everyone ;)

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