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LulzSec, the lovable Anonymous Psy-Op

From the pit of despair that was AnonOps, a couple of new beasts have arisen. There seems to be little interest in continued DDoS attacks against just anyone. Apparently that part of Anonymous is in hibernation, waiting for the coming crack down on hackers. Barrett Brown’s Project PM – a combination of Wiki technology and the Guide to Pursuants – continues to reveal information from Aaron Barr’s emails. The most prominent post-AnonOps splinter is LulzSec. LulzSec is a group of hackers that break the unspoken rules of Anonymous for the lulz, and boy do they deliver.

Now close your eyes, and visualize the situation Anonymous faced after SonyGate. Someone, leaving the calling card of Anonymous, had accessed the personal information of tens of millions of people. Regardless of whoever was behind this attack, Anonymous stood to lose followers. Think of what a good troll would do in this situation. It doesn’t take a genius to see that LulzSec is the perfect solution.

After a round of attention-whoring on PBS, LulzSec hacked the fuck out of Sony and released the personal information of millions. Oh, the power of trolling when combined with hacking. It makes pussies all over the world go sopping wet, as lulz echo through the canyons. Dear LulzSec, are you the second coming, or the Anti-Christ?

Despite the pwnage of LulzSec, it is now the victim of the endless trolling cycle too. In a Twitter war against a tweeter who thought LulzSec was actually just working for Anonymous, LulzSec devolved to accusing this poor little twit of paying for the PBS hack. Of course, Fox News immediately attention whored this story and used it to prove that LulzSec is actually Anonymous. To many Fox News readers, LulzSec is now definitely Anonymous.

However, LulzSec purposefully breaks the unspoken rules of Anonymous. That is, they have attacked media and leaked the information of innocent people. This doesn’t solve the problem of Joe six pack’s hatred at Anonymous ruining his Call of Duty, but it does solve the glaring DDoS drop off in the wake of the Sony fiasco.

Anonymous has been cured of its lulz shortage, for the time being.

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MING MING – murder of the most artful


how to dress well, neon indian comes out on Lefse, June 28th
till then there’s always Myspace

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Lord Joplin of the United Kingdom and member of NATO parliament recently drafted a general report updating the organization on information security. While there were many truthful and honest arguments about war in cyberspace, it largely consisted of language aimed at destroying free speech. I have taken the time to sift out the most blatant lies from Lord Joplin.

“Despite its inherent advantages, this dependence on information technology has also made state and society much more vulnerable to attacks such as computer intrusions, scrambling software programs, undetected insiders within computer firewalls, or cyber terrorists. The Internet is inherently insecure as it was designed as a benign enterprise of information exchange, a decentralized patchwork of systems that ensures relative anonymity. It is ill-equipped to trace perpetrators or to prevent them from abusing the intrinsic openness of the cyber domain.”

Everything Lord Joplin says applies to the printing press and the copying machine. These are inventions that totalitarian states have always sought to control and destroy. Be honest, Lord Joplin, the world is ill-equipped to trace perpetrators of ideas because ideas are ephemeral.

As mentioned above, the Information Age has brought about an environment that has made the state and society more vulnerable to digital attacks. They are vulnerable because we no longer keep our files and data in a shelf, but in a virtual world accessible from any one of the world’s corners.

Oh, so someone like Daniel Elsberg can’t go into a shelf and copy all the data on a copying machine with the help of his children? This is a blatant lie, from a monarchist! Go crush a printing press, you’ll feel better!

“The Information Age and its transparent nature may, for example, prevent diplomats from conducting “business as usual” such as making off-the-record statements or engaging in frank discussions with their colleagues.”

Oh no, I can’t be honest anymore with this information age breathin’ down my neck! Fuck’s sake, are you tweeting what I just said? Better keep on lying, damned information age’s fault, not mine!

“Transparency cannot exist without control. The government, and especially its security agencies, must have the right to limit access to information in order to govern and to protect. This is based on the premise that states and corporations have the right to privacy as much as individuals do and that secrecy is required for efficient management of the state institutions and organizations.”

Firstly, transparency only exists without your control, and you are the worst liar ever. Corporations have a right to privacy. Fuck no they don’t. Privacy from their stockholders? Their customers? I think we need a bill of rights for corporations – a bill that takes away their rights. Corporations don’t have the right to suck my dick! They’ve got the right to sell me Coca Cola and past that they don’t have shit.

“…Transparency can be misused on several levels – by providing unprofessional or poor-quality interpretation of information or documents, by conducting superficial or biased analysis, by lack of experience on the topic or by pursuing a political agenda.”

Transparency can be misused, but people can just make up lies without transparency anyway. Last time I checked, the nightly news was more twisted than ever because of political agendas. Did you know that the political parties are paying off the news? Oh, that’s right, they’re corporations, they have the right. Why “misuse” transparency when you can just make shit up to get ratings and scare people? Transparency can be misused, but so can Plutonium. Which one’s going to hurt people, power[expletive]?

Cut us some slack, you twisted little power maniac. You’re a printing press smasher in the age of the Internet. What’re you going to do? Start ramming rockets down our chimneys like Gaddafi? You power mongering maniacs are all the same, in your pathetic little core. I would not even dignify you with a punch to the face or even a kick to the balls. Violence is what gets you off.