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The sham that is

Anons everywhere, please take back your voice. AnonNews is running ads for Papa Johns Pizza. I wonder if they’re getting free pizzas delivered to their house. Is supporting corporate interests what you stand for? I have spoken with the creator of AnonNews about his web site and in the light of his actions he is a complete hypocrite.

It’s my personal opinion that the greatest majority of so-called “press releases” misrepresent Anons and destroy the image of Anonymous in a way that is reflected by the media. I feel that this is in fact more relevant than any press release so far, so I attempted to post it to AnonNews, being assured of the openness by the creator himself. This was a lie. Your holy freedom of speech is so sacred until someone speaks criticism. Who determined that my criticism is not relevant? I’m guessing it was the same person who I was critical of.

The truth is that I was CENSORED by – a sham web site that stands only for Papa John’s Pizza and the ideas of its moderators.

If Anonymous is a “hyperconsciousness” it lacks the ability to properly communicate, even as it takes down major web sites at the drop of a hat. I will repeat my appeal to AnonNews to at LEAST add the up/down vote system to press releases as it already does to outside news articles. This is only the first step to giving Anonymous a sophisticated voice that recognizes what a press release actually is: The most relevant information presented with the most accessible possible language. Threatening images that highlight every other word in red or rambling manifestos that quote Gene Simmons will not win Anonymous a place in history.

If you disagree, I am begging you to reassess the material currently on AnonNews. Pay special attention to the tone and the wording. Look at the complex vocabulary and ideas, the usage of terms that only Anons can use. Think about how this must look to someone who does not understand. Anonymous horrifies where it should inspire liberty. You’re far too busy trying to tell people they’re so wrong about you instead of seeing what is wrong with yourself and correcting it.

The civil disobedience that forms the body of Anonymous is remarkable. The reason why Anonymous has been maligned and attacked by media outlets is the fault of Anons and their refusal to communicate on the same level with nonAnons. Present yourself better, Anons, you are not criminals but THE new kind of protesters! Anonymous will be important to the history of the world if, and only if, Anons can better present their points of view.

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Editorial Hate новости

A Digital Monument to the Freedom of Speech

Silence is not golden. It is red, white, and blue.

“You have the right to free speech, as long as you’re not dumb enough to actually use it.”

Joe Strummer

I have published my unvarnished opinion at every opportunity, a personal success I am usually proud of. In high school, I made friends with others who were like-minded and I networked our websites together. I felt like that wasn’t enough, and provided an open section allowing anyone to make anonymous comments. Within one week of doing this, I was threatened with a lawsuit and expulsion for anonymous statements I had published but not written myself. Aside from these empty threats, the school brought in a psychologist who read everything I wrote and questioned me about my drug and alcohol usage. Upon learning that I had never so much as had a drink of alcohol, she was unable to punish me with further counseling and praised my writing. Because of her evil reverse psychology and the other trauma imposed on me by the administration, I didn’t write my opinions like that again for several years. Today, I get a special rush from writing that only a few others can understand.

I can’t help but identify with Julian Assange, at least in a small way. WikiLeaks is enabling and encouraging the freedom of anonymous speech, which is dangerous to the natural balance of power and runs contrary to America’s cultural standards. I will never keep my mouth shut, even if the consequence is death.

You see, the freedom of speech is not just about being able to criticize the government or your high school. It’s a matter of self-expression, personal value, and the pursuit of happiness. Even the least likely of people are shackled with silence, it is our culture and our nature. I have made every effort to remove myself from that prison, to express that which I am told is better left unsaid. It has been nothing if not an alienating experience and I don’t claim any kind of victory. With the Chronicle I have pushed the limits of speech in a purposeful attempt to highlight this for the world. I’ve of course been accused of hatred, attention seeking, and insanity. To that I almost feel thankful. I would never deny my own humanity.

I like to think of the Chronicle as a digital monument to the freedom of speech. I can’t tell you what it all means, or if it means anything at all. I just know that when I use the word love, I’m the one who’s fucked in the head, I’m the one who’s scary.

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Editorial Hate новости

Evil Empire

Let your voice be heard! Your civic duty is fulfilled and you can’t complain when they start dropping tear gas on your parade, even as you chant your support. You can take comfort in the fact that it’s not a daisy-cutter like they drop on the people who aren’t allowed to vote.

Voting is the greatest pillar of justice and equality. When you vote, you give your approval to whoever wins the election and whatever they do is in your name. Take pride in your vote for the government and all the great things it does for the world.

9/11 wasn’t an inside job, it was a blowjob. Sure, Clinton got more pleasure from his blowjob, but Bush got more approval. Now Obama’s ratcheted it up a notch and hoodwinked all the protesters with the promise of a little healthcare. Now you’re the one getting blown, and the government’s buying your Cialis and paying for the treatment when it blinds you. What goes on in Afghanistan is a state secret, but this is a modern age. If you really want to know what happens you can take a look at Wikileaks. Would it surprise you that civilians suffer more than Al-Qaeda or the Taliban? This is a state secret, but also a normal fact of war.

Silent consent is the kind of approval that allowed the holocaust to happen. Israel isn’t the end to all future holocausts. Zionism is a kind of holocaust revenge. Islam is the new Jew and Jews the new Hitler. If you’ve voted in the past few generations, this is what you’ve voted for. Holocaust. You voted for starving children in the Gaza strip and you voted for needless conflicts that serve the interests of multi-national corporations. They’d outsource your job to Mexico if they could find a way to get hot food served up to fat Americans from across the border.

This is your taxpayer money. This is the freedom you vote for. The education system I have voted for taught me that this was just deeply seated cultural differences between two religious groups. Life is good, but not in Gaza.

Spending billions of your taxes bolstering Israel’s military was never enough. Ruining Vietnam for generations was not enough. Overthrowing Saddam on false pretenses while Kim Jong cooked up a nuke didn’t impress me much. Russia took our peaceful precedent as an opportunity to invade Georgia. Afghanistan is history’s battlefield and it’s only appropritate we put our weight forward there now that all the cards are down. We set up a democratic government in Afghanistan only to see it turn to corruption. Is this a surprise? Surely the right to vote is the bulwark of liberty. Is it not?

Evil is necessary. Vote for it, you have no other choice.