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PYONGYANG — Kim Jong Un was “downed” Saturday, with medics from China rushing to get him back up. Internet Chronicle reporters gained exclusive access to Kim’s private quarters, where he lay in a state of uncertainty.

“He’s somewhere in between alive and dead,” Dr. Troubador, our in-house medical doctor said. “He could pop right back into action at any time, just like Terry Schiavo. With China coming in, I wouldn’t write that possibility off just yet.”

Kim currently looks like this, only on his back now, with eyes closed.
Kim currently looks like this, only on his back now, with eyes closed.

“He might just be doing this whole ‘I’m dead’ thing for the attention,” said one Anonymous Juche party insider, who asked not to be named due to great personal risk to himself, his entire extended family, and their pets. “He’s been hate watching the daily Trump briefings and nearly blew his lid with the comment about sunlight in the body, injecting disinfectant. Kim demanded we shoot him full of ‘Rona that minute.”

Number Stations which were previously dormant for decades are now alive with cryptic messages, often delivered in an original, alert, and hasty fashion not seen since Kim Jong Il died of a heart attack almost 9 years ago.

A team of ten thousand American intelligence agents are intensely monitoring these energetic and upbeat “number stations” embedded in Kim’s palace, including “steamy” emissions from a smart TV and Alexa device “air-gapped” by the Space Force.

According to a Pentagon official close to the Chronicle: “They did it, they pumped the Corona into his blood. It seems like they hit a vein heading for his head, causing what many doctors in North Korea believe might be brain death, and the first known case to medical science of a COVID-19 infection starting in the brain.”

COVID-19, named after the year of its discovery, 2019, is a comparatively ancient disease to inflict on a modern, forward-thinking Supreme Leader like Kim Jong Un, Troubadour noted. “It’s so ironic, when you think about it.”

Will North Korea let Kim rule his country from a permanent vegetative state, or is it time to pull the plug?

It could be the case that Kim can still hear the outpouring of praise and thanks from Juche Party officials around his bedside, according to Anonymous.

During our man-on-the-street interviews in Cuthbert, Ga. a young Korean boy named Min-Jun approached one of our reporters with his hands where we could see them.

“How heartbreaking would it be if it was you in that bed, listening to your sister making plans to test nukes and neutralize “threats” — but they were your old drinking buddies?” asked the boy with an unusually mature perspective. “You probably wouldn’t get it.”

Gerard Boucher of Georgia – where coronavirus does not affect us – told the Chronicle, “It is too soon to tell. I don’t think you oughta pull the plug if there’s a chance Kim’s alive in there. He’s good friends with the president, you know. Great friends. Sad!”

This message is brought to you proudly by Lebal Drocer Pharmaceuticals. Lockdown and chill, with Colloidal CoronaLung TERRORMAX. Put the sunlight INSIDE of the body – It’ll take your breath away!

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Corona doesn’t affect me, simp

You don’t understand true pestilence, true oppression. You are just following the herd, as always.


The government is pushing to take over the world and force you into oppression. Meanwhile, I am free to do whatever I wish, because I do not believe in Corona.

I am an atheist

Enjoy your toilet paper, while it lasts. Corona is just another religion created to control you with fear.

Social distancing? This is just to create population control. I won’t stand in line on your stupid boxes.

I stand outside the box

I am above the box. I don’t need to wash my hands. I don’t need to stay at home.


Wear your stupid masks, you idiots. Rub your hand with sanitizer until the skin peels away. I will still be standing when you are all culled. I can see through this matrix and this illusion.



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Mass Shooters “at a loss” as Social Distancing deprives them of targets

INTERNET — As Americans struggle to pay rent and utilities with employers shutting down all non-essential businesses, would-be mass shooters in America are also struggling — to find targets, as well as a new meaning for their life.

Bobby Newmark of Hartford, Connecticut told reporters, “I’m at a loss. My whole life was leading up to shooting my school, and now classes are cancelled for the rest of the year. What the hell am I supposed to do now? I’m starting to lose my urge to go on a rampage, and instead of meticulously planning it out, I’m just sitting around playing video games. I’m loving this new Animal Crossing.”

Newmark shrugged and looked out his window as if remembering the distant pain of bullying, “I never even got my hands on a gun, but maybe once this Corona stuff blows over I’ll get back to life and start scheming again.”

But school shooters aren’t the only folks having a hard time adjusting to life under Quarantine. Radicalized militiaman Gerald MacClunky of Alabama stood in his front yard, saluting his Gadsden flag, “I was going to go out like a blaze of glory and prove that all other so-called mass shootings were created by the fake news media. My real shooting would put those fakes in stark contrast, and people would finally wake up and see that they’re just trying to institute gun control. But now that the security state has created this fake Corona Crisis, I ain’t even got a target.”

MacClunky took a long drag from his cigar and smashed it into the dirt. “They finally got us though, before I could get off my attack. Probably better I didn’t waste my life anyway. It’s Checkmate Liberty, for now.”

Even religious hardliners are having a hard time adapting to social distancing. ISIS coordinator Abu Ibn Bin Ahmed told reporters, “All of our best plans to attack sporting events have been put on hold. Even the wildcat improvised vehicular attacks are just impossible now, with no gatherings of people to run over.”

Bin Ahmed relaxed his tense grip on his Kalashnikov style rifle and rested it on the wall of his cave, “Many of our most hardened warriors are skipping out on meetings with their cell out of fear of Coronavirus. This whole Corona thing has shut us down big time. We were going to form an alliance with Al-Qaeda, do a great attack for the history books, beyond even 9/11, make the infidels fear Allah! But now? There’s just no way.”

Alfred Poynter, a radicalized MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), is more positive than other radicalized killers, even seeing Coronavirus as the light at the end of the tunnel. “When Elliot Rodgers struck the first blow against the Chads and Stacys and sacrificed himself for our good, I knew that there was one day hope that beta males might have a fair shot at sex. I’m still positive we can achieve our mission, if we have to. But of all people, the disgusting sex thieves are most likely to congregate and spread virus.”

Poynter stared wistfully at his computer monitor, smiling as news of Corona scrolled across his screen. “Perhaps Corona will do our work for us, and I can just bide my time and wait for the Chads and Stacys to go extinct. Then, if I’m still not getting sex, I’ll go back to plotting. We’ll see how Corona shakes out, but I’m positive. I think I might finally get some sex once enough Chads die off.”