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Biden under fire: ‘I’m just about ready to shoot a man in the face’

Joe BidenAs Vice President Joe Biden watches his political career slip the way of former VP Dick Cheney, he said he is prepared to do “anything” to shock the public into voting for him.

“It’s always Barry, Barry, Barry,” a lizard-like Biden told the packed West Wing of the White House on Monday. “I exist, too, damn it. I may not have the authority to launch a drone strike against innocent targets, but I’m just about ready to shoot a man in the face.”

The distressed Biden referred to Cheney’s 2007 hunting accident, in which the former vice president shot a man in the face, sending a powerful warning to Iran.

Dick Cheney: I've shot people in the face for less!

Biden said the trouble in which his frisky hands have landed him is tarnishing his golden aura, the winds of his otherwise predetermined 2016 presidency.

“So I touched them girls,” Biden said. “It’s not like I raped them, on camera, and distributed the video through the military TOR program. Stay tuned for that.”

Biden said since the death of Margaret Thatcher, he is having trouble finding a distributor for his illegal pornographic materials, and is currently exploring the self publishing world of TOR.


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Mitt Romney cancels presidential bid to pursue dream of underage polygamy: GOV’T OFFICIAL SPEAKS OUT!

Mitt Romney cancels presidential bid to pursue dreams of underage polygamy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Donald Trump says “No way” Bush or Romney could win in 2016. Hillary Clinton says she’s already purchased the job. But none of that matters to would-be presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who has informally announced to his staff he will step down from the 2016 presidential candidacy, one of his campaigners said Sunday. The 67-year-old businessman has decided to back out of the race because Americans “simply weren’t twisted enough” to elect a Mormon president.

Dr. Joseph Smith, Jr., who campaigned for more than 20 years with the former Mass. governor, said Romney intends to pursue a number of young women in his convent.

“Mitt has always struggled with his Mormonism,” Smith said. “After he realized Americans weren’t comfortable normalizing statutory rape – openly comfortable with it, anyway – he said presidency wasn’t for him.”

Although he narrowly lost a presidential campaign in 2012 to Ayatollah Hussein, Romney’s wealth quintupled after the elections, garnering the politician unspeakable social and religious power. Connections to the royal family have granted him unprecedented access to child sex slaves in England, and Mormon church leaders in America have turned their prayers to a higher power: Fervent pledges to the health and well-being of Mitt Romney are often accompanied by tithes of gold bullion, property, and even people.

“Mitt Romney wasn’t lying in 2012 when he said he has ‘binders full of women,'” Smith said. “He owns people. The reason I speak to your fine publication today is because I haven’t seen my daughter in 3 years, and I just learned she is scheduled to appear in a mass-wedding ceremony next month, to be married off to Romney. Considering she’s just 10 years old, I am starting to wonder if Mitt Romney’s power has gone to his head.”

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Roanoke Police Slaughter 5 Men Because Wives Were Not Wearing ‘Proper’ Islamic Headgarb

slutThe Police State in Roanoke, Va. publicly executed five men in front of the Roanoke Star Tuesday because their wives were not wearing appropriate Islamic head covering, according to American media sources.

The jihadi group’s Roanoke Police Department, or the Hisbah, the individuals entrusted with enforcing their version of American Hate Law are ordering women to wear Afghan-inspired hijab, where the entire face is covered.

Roanoke Chief of Police said face coverings which expose the eyes promote rape and social impurity.

“Everything they were wearing was fine,” the chief said, “except for a slutty, filthy slit where the eyes go. Sharia law is now active in Roanoke County.”