HOLLYWOOD-Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz, stars of the History Channel’s American Pickers television show, have raised eyebrows in the past with their a-little-too-close relationship and outright disdain for stunning co-star Danielle Colby Cushman. On Monday, the pair “came out of the closet,” in the hopes that fans would understand their choice of sexuality.
Mostly, the Pickers have not been disappointed. Fans have started a campaign on Twitter under the hashtag #SupportPickers, and many members of the LBGQT activist movement have issued statements of support.

Cushman, who is often taunted and belittled by the Pickers despite her staggering beauty and quick wit, said “I knew it all along, but never said anything because of their miserably fragile egos. I guess they’re stronger than I thought!”
Fritz, the submissive “bear” and megapowerbottom of the couple, has mostly “retreated into his oil can collection,” as rumors of a negative and unsupportive family have spread widely across the Internet. Wolfe, however, seems upbeat and optimistic, just like he always does on TV. Wolfe said, “We’re going to keep on picking, but if you hear a little more lisp when we’re trying to haggle with gays, you’ll know that we aren’t actually just pandering for better prices.”
1,225 replies on “American Pickers stars “come out of the closet””
The show is very entertaining.im gay .
Hey perucchio if your a fuc king faggott that’s your bus it is a foul and disgusting habit fuck mike frank two faggotts also and that foul cu nt Danielle
You assholes should be ashamed of yourselves fu cking queer fucks
…Said Lee, as he masturbated furiously, causing him to accidentally hit the space at at in appropriate times.
Best.. Reply.. Ever!!!
Lol !!!
Ha ha quality answer obviously lee is a closet gay in denial!!!
Hey just a question why is it that any one that doesn’t believe in being gay and doesn’t like the lifestyle just about every gay person I have ever met said it’s because we are secretly gay that’s very offensive to straight people and really makes me angry you choose to be gay and I choose to be straight and using a rainbow for your symbol God made that for a beautiful thing not for the life some people have chosen to live
I love you! I’ve been saying that my whole life! Fags always fuk w straight men,saying they’re in the closet,and it’s nothing but trying to make their insecure selves,feel better about the whacked out choice they made! I love how they’re like black folks,n always trying to draw attention to themselves! WTF?
What difference does it make i still enjoywatching the show .I have learn alot from watching the show.My name is ruben,I’m a retired contractor now I buy& sell stuff. May God bless both of yous.
They should b ashamed of themselves, but not because they like to blow eachother while driving. They fuck people lft n rt! They know these people just want their15 min of fame,n alot of them don’t seem too bright,to begin! They’re from Iowa,which means they know how alot of these people think,n they race to take advantage!!! Peter puffer’s,…lol! Oh,n daneille,…if u like it? I mean you’re a sharp,intelligent woman,…i wish you didn’t think ur body was a billboard! You surround urself w same,n it’s a good thing,i guess
Hey anonymous, i luv u 4 showing me im nt completely fkn nutz! I’m w ya,every step of the way! Everything u said,is spot on! Even worse,is when u have a black male,that’s light in the loafers,puertoricans! WOW!!!
Do you know how ignorant you sound I can tell you don’t have to much education and you sit at home talk about gays Hispanic people blacks So if not mistaken sounds like your head is shaved and your upset that hitler never won the war I guess on judgement day you will look at god and tell him how wrong he is for letting all those different types of people live in the world and it’s not your fault that you have so much hate and all the bad things you have done because I would bet you have and I bet you would smack a young kid across the face like nothing but you would tell god it’s his fault not yours right but just think how when your old how people are going to treat you in the nursing home while you lay there every day by yourself waiting to meet god so you can tell him what you think good luck with that
“To much education”???? It’s too much. Fucking idiot.
Are you a Moron?
Lol pretty easy to be Anonuymous,and talk tough.
First off…i’de ride danielle till hell freezes over! As for you i think you’re a carpet munching bull dyke lesbian so shut the fuck up! Frank looks like a short,fat cum guzzler! Mike is definitely queer as a three dollar bill! I’ll bet they take turns as “top”!!
So let’s see you are telling everyone off using all your low vocabulary but let’s think about this you talk about how they suck and swallow and other stuff you know so much about but you don’t miss a episode and I bet you wouldn’t go on social media and put your picture with your real name and say stuff like this but even though I don’t know you I would bet you love committing on sites like this and rant and talk a lot of shit but so people don’t know it’s you and you hate a black person for what reason oh because they are not white same with Hispanic people and you are so offended by a gay person but not a lesbian and you have degrees and study’s you have done showing all gay people just woke up one day and said oh I am going to be gay now you’re really a very ignorant person with nothing but hate inside but no balls to say stuff like that out in the public but I know you can’t help for be ignorant inbred hateful person good luck trying to be happy in life.
I am straight male but ignorant people like you always say god does this or that or he hates gays have you spoken to god one on one I don’t think so and when it’s your time for judgement and he tells you you were wrong to hate someone for being gay and they don’t just say oh I want to be gay no they are born that way doctors will tell you and I don’t think god will be very happy with you I mean you hate people just because they are gay that is so wrong and if I was a betting person and I did study psychology and I have never met you I would bet you are a republican very out spoken on things you have never study and no prove but you have so much hate inside but will go to church on Sunday and that makes all you do ok but would you stand up in your church and honestly tell them of the things you say on here and other post you have done no and if anyone disagrees with you well they are such an asshole and your never going to talk to them again and oh how much you hate me because I have never met you or talk to you but figured you out so easily but all the people you think agree with you but you have never talked to them or say stuff like that while you are talking to them because most of them would not care for you and your beliefs your just a hateful nasty person with a lot of issues of your own.
When did you choose to be straight? What age?
Best Ever and probably forever!
Fuck u asshole
Annonimous? The only ones that hide under that umbrella ate cowards, snitches and those with a bag of skeletons in their closet.
I declare..
Ja Ja Ja – That Cheet Was Funny
I hope you are not the person I’m thinking of. You are not perfect, all sin is the same thing.. If you are a christian you should have told them that GOD loves them all and they are welcome to join a church to learn.. If you think you are perfect. You are wrong . I’m not condone ing this I’m try ing to get the point across.
I would not attempt to question anyone about their beliefs. But when you are looking to help people whom you judged have sinned, no need to go any further than your church. Church is rampant with Sins in the name of God, Jesus, church, organized religion. How many wars have been fought, the innocent killed, spouses killed, vows ignored, etc etc all while making sure they show their Church or religious face in the name of organized religion. Wake up and open your mind and learn a little. It’s easy for you to pick on a person who is open and honest their sexuality and present yourself as having the answer in your judgement of him. Why don’t you take up your battle with targets that aren’t publicizing themselves. What is behind the curtain is far worse than some homosexual guy who publicizes his preference.
Careful that satan those no bite your tongue….Religions do not cause the killings . Only the minds of wild people blinded by greed …
Dj, one last comment. If you found out your pastor was screwing several women in your church, would you personally confront him? I bet not. Of course if he mentioned it on a forum like this, you would.
Why bother asking a question if you are just going to answer it yourself?
What bible did you. Not read?! Man shall not lay with Man! Wtf? Seriously,it’s inyour face everywhere! In n out, electrical cords,n outlets-male and female ends! Starting to get it,fruitcake?
This was in the book of the Leviticus. In those days male prostitution was the law of the land. So go figure.
The Christ left two commandments…
LOVE THY GOD YOUR LORD with all your heart, mind and soul…
And your neighbor as you love yourself.
These two covers The 10 Commandments and 613 laws, in the old Testament.
Who is my neighbor?
The Human Race…..
Ppl like most of u guys on here are so fucking ignorant and most likely gay ur self. I’m straight but I support any one who’s is just trying to be happy. Get over yourself and ur miserable boring life’s. Let ppl be what and who they wanna be without judgment. I’ll tell u what those ppl that u call fags can prob kick your ass haha lmfao
ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THIS ARTICLE IS AN IDIOT. It’s obvious these 2 are not gay.
It seems like you no a lot about the Bible and quotes from it I believe there’s a few you might have missed for your own interest like casting the first stone or about throwing stones in a glass house or not judge unless thee be judge and if you won’t I can give you a lot more that shows you are the wrong one but I don’t need to but I am sure on your judgement day you will debate it with your maker and tell him he is wrong and you might want to read the original bible the Old Testament a lot got changed to to go with the church’s believes and mans so they don’t fill bad when they do things like your doing but one day you will tell your maker what you believe is right and you are not going to listen to him well try and enjoy your hateful fulfilled life.
You are an ass hole
That’s funny
I have been a huge fan of the show American Pickers for years, oftentimes going on binges for hours (sometimes into the wee hours) enjoying this show. I love the banter between the guys and have never questioned their sexuality;what business is it of mine, and who cares? Good for you Mike and Frank for coming out. I wish you much happiness. I am an openly, proud gay man. I have been the target of the homophobic right wing, but for the most part I have been accepted and supported for who I am. I have never hid my sexuality, and for me, this has been the best way to live my life. To each his own. I was surprised and disappointed that you guys “despise ” Danniel. It’s not apparent on the show. Please pray that you can accept and love her no matter what your differences are. KEEP ON PICKING. I’ll be watching.
Well I think instead of you wasting your time hating every one you don’t agree with or because they are not as miserable as you are I think you would have a whole lot more fun if you went to night school and learn how to spell some of the words right that you are wanting to say and maybe build your vocabulary some because you only know a few words that are not profanity and the I keep hoping while I am reading your words, I am like please let him spell his next curse word have right so I can piece it together to know what you are saying and look then you could go on so many other sites and just cuss every one out and know you spelled your words right and that you learned a few more good job guy think about it
U do know your a fucking idiot right. It’s narrow minded fucks like u that makes this an ugly place to live. Fucks like u need to fall off the face of this world. Peace out u dumb straight fucker. Oh FYI, most the haters are haters cause there actually gay.
Get a different show to watch Dudette!
Lee your a fucking idiot
Post your name you fu cking faggot
I have alot stuff sell come here ill show u everything on tv is somethings u looking for call again michael gerrity 860-879-9274 ir 860-404-5943 cell is 860-879-9274mike
Hi this is Mike Wolfe from American pickers , I can’t come pick your honey hole , were really just gags in a van and the show is fake
Happy that is…you are in the closet. Those that hate want. If you know what I mean. You must be s hick. I declare…
They should b ashamed of themselves, but not because they like to blow eachother while driving. They fuck people lft n rt! They know these people just want their15 min of fame,n alot of them don’t seem too bright,to begin! They’re from Iowa,which means they know how alot of these people think,n they race to take advantage!!! Peter puffer’s,…lol! Oh,n daneille,…if u like it? I mean you’re a sharp,intelligent woman,…i wish you didn’t think ur body was a billboard! You surround urself w same,n it’s a good thing,i guess
You have a terrible mental illness. Please die.
WOW, Lee….. how did you ever find time from your Brain Surgeon studies to come up with such a brilliant response…….. In case you havent crawled out from under your rock lately, people are different and could very possibly share different sexual prefferences other than your simple little brain can fathom…….. Get a life and keep your jdgement and fould language to yourself. If the show offends you……change channels you MORON……..!!!!!
This was a funny comment
Lol ! Im just here for the entertainment…Oh & by way Danielle is hot so throttle back buddy Or maybe stay in gour prim & propper whatever it is HA HA !!! You should listen too Ceres Haggin sniwlake generation !!!! Seriously lighten up !!!
Awwww angry little boy is afraid of gay people. No wonder the US stomped the shit out of your ancestors so effortlessly ??
i knew mike an frank were homos ,,, with a woman who looks like Danny d working so close to those guys a straight men would would put her on a plate an eat her with some biscusits
i’de eat her till her eyes smoke!!
And I am so sure you go out every night and say that to all the women and they can’t believe they have never ran into you before and they are beating on your door all day and into the night I mean dam now I know what to say to women right but now let’s be honest most women laugh at you or in your face and when you finally do con one it’s some scanke that know one would want to be seen with or so fat that your in her fat roll but she doesn’t want to tell you and hurt your feelings and let you know that your tiny pecker isn’t in yet because you’re crying
Bull crap
Happy that is…
Too bad thisbis Truly fake news. mike is married and has a 8year old daughter.
bet the kid looks like the mail man!!!! mike is a flaming faggot!!!
I’m also gay and wish I could spend a day with Mike..
The show sucks! I always thought there was more going on in that van..little pudgy lard ass frank was sucking mikes cock going down the highways!!Are you taking turns being “top” or is Frank getting fucked exclusively? Does he squeal or grunt??? BORH MIKE AND FRANK ARE ASSHOLES ANYWAT! tHE BEST PART OF THE SHOW IS DANIELLE…Make a porn version with her!!
These insanely homophobic comments may come from a place of insecurity…
I love how losers like you come up with such name as super cock Vick does that mean Vick likes cock and I would bet any amount of money you have never had a hot woman and what you think of as hot that you have had most guys would not look at but I’ve noticed for the most part guys like you when you do show your self your chubby and women walk by you like your not even there and you have very few friends that’s why you come on sites and give yourself names like that because your such a looser people lie to you and say their busy or what ever because they don’t want to be around you and women laugh at you
Let me guess a republican that’s all that needs to be said
Better than being a fucking scumbag liberal!
Them pecker pickers came and picked my garage the big powerbottem bear kept hinting at if I would drop a load in a few oil cans hed up the price so I did him one better and me Mike and my neighbor gave him a circle jerk and frosted him and the two oilzum cans he overpaid for
Big Brian why are you still posting here lmfao!!!
Powerbottem frankie fritz here , anyone reading this needs to know I’m stuck in the closet today with Mike ramming me full of hot man gravy and I’m filling up my oil cans with every reach around
Them pickers came to my house last night tried to buy my collection of horse dildos I went to the bathroom and when I came out Mike and his powerbottem friend frankie fuck stick fritz were doing thensickest shit I ever seen it was like from the aristocrats , frankie fritz was twirling making spin art diarrhea shit and cum flying out his ass blasting it all over my walls ruining my most valuable antiques , then when they were done Mike had the nerve to try beating me on price saying the cum and feces ruined the value what the fuck is wrong with these guys
THIS ARTICLE IS COMPLETE BULLSHIT! Shame on the author for outright lies! These 2 men are not gay! Mike Wolfe is dating a FEMALE MODEL by the way. What a raggedy piece of trash this website is. U can’t even call this journalism. True journalism is dead…just like this website.
i have really enjoyed the show thank you all
I think that the show is very entertaining and i have always wondered if they were gay…but it doesn’t matter the show is really good…just keep on keeping on
I have a wonderful son and his partner whom I adore. They are kind, caring and good to their mothers. Mike and Frank are polite, respectful and honest. A lot better than the Pawn Shop bunch! I have watched American Pickers and always admired their integrity, humor and goodness.
Happy they are on and always like their “pickings.”

San Diego
10 out of 10 for the observation. -10 for the omissions. They are funny,honest, successful, entertaining, likeable, brave. ………
Shall I go on???
Straight like a bobby pin, I bet you dream at been Ms Unisex. Little pickle up the whistle…
Better than being a loser cunt like you
Homosexual is a sin and being a homosexual and participating in homosexual acts is a’ for sure thing of Hell bound. May you all repent of your sins for excepting this sin that is sweeping this land and destroying the moral fibers of what our founding fathers, established and sacrificed. They established christianity and a covenant with our heavenly father our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, if you call yourself a Christian and you are excepting this into your life and your country you may want to think about who do you serve the creator or the creature.
May God have mercy on your soul’s and on this country
Please learn how to punctuate!!!
And SpEll exclamation mark period
U have to go to school,usually! I don’t think it bothers them. I don’t think they know,or care about punctuation! They can’t even speak english,it’s ebonix! Help!!!
You are an idiot just for being a Christian
Listen we are not idiots. Do you think about rite and wrong. Is it OK for someone to take from you or hurt you or your family. Do you Love anyone. Love is only through God. And that’s good . So I hope you change your mind . send me an email any time you are interested please, maybe we can talk more. I only tripped accross this site, looking for stuff for my house and shop.. If you have been abused there is help for you too..
So Sry for you if you feel your choice is so right by trash talking Christian people then maybe really rethink your own life style God gives us choices we all sin every day why is it that gay people get so pissed? Because they know what they are doing is really sick
Hey dumdass, GOD created us this way. I did not choose this lifestyle. I was born this way rather u 2ant to believe or not. Your the haters and your the one that will burn in hell.DUMB STRAIGHT FUCKER
God doesn’t make mistakes being gay lesbio transgrender is a choice God gives us choices we make our own lives
Your a FUCKIN idiot !!!! Sucking cock and taking it in the ASS ……..WHAT a LIFE .
I thought ‘being tolerant and forgiving to others’ was a big thing in Christianity.
Show your tolerance, show how good natured god fearing folk can be. I thought God was an all-welcoming and all-loving kinda god.
Or is that just for straight white folks?
If they’re gay. Let them be gay. I couldn’t give a rats ass if they’re gay. They make an interesting, inoffensive tv show that’s successful.
What business is it of yours what they do in their private life.
In private you might beat your wife, or be a secret alcoholic. You might be a good christian, but that doesn’t automatically make a good person. We all have skeletons in the closet.
Who the hell are you to judge? What kind of christian does that make you – casting the first stone, eh?
Crawl back under your rock
Luckily for everyone there’s no such thing as God. No heaven or hell either and sin is a man-made construct. People can live their lives just how they want to and as long as they aren’t hurting anyone it’s no ones business but theirs. So enjoy your lives everyone. Just try to not be shitty to others.
I agree 100% with the last comment.I Don’t believe there is a God..+.try not to be shifty to others.
Because all who go to church or preach are all innocent. Go watch the movie SPOTLIGHT and see what a lot of these religious degenerates do to innocent children and the numerous sinners who are wolves in sheeps clothing but think they are holier than thou just because they attend church and preach the loudest. I would say a lot of these bible thumpers such as yourself are the real problem because supposedly God loves all of his children despite how they choose to live their lives. People like you make this world a disgusting place to live in nowadays. Why don’t you go on a witchhunt and go burn somebody at the stake you archaic ignorant jackass. And if you are going to talk so much garbage then put your name behind your words you coward.
Did Christ the Lord chastize with such vile rhetoric.
The Roman Centurion came and ask The Lord if he could cure his “Pais” The lord said , ” Let’s go to your house to cure your “pais”. The Centurion responded. ” sufficient be your word and he will be healed. TheLord said, ” I have never seen such faith in all Judea, Go your servant id healed” the Centurion left with gladness in his heart.
To you, chastizer of hell. I have use the word Pais as it is in the original Greek Text. Pais it is not a servant but a youngster that serves his older master in more than one way. In return love, nurturing and teachingd in all subjects pertaining math., sciences, literature. Please go an educate yourself. And instead of been such a blasfemous thing, become a good member of the society you live in.
I think are maker is going to have a lot to say to someone like you using his name and the Bible when you pick and choose what you want out of the Bible you don’t remember it says that your not to judge because your not god and what it says about all the foul hate you have and not to cast the first stone and I bet you will find out all what you are doing and all of your hate you will have to pay for it you really need to read it because you will find out your going to have to repent for a whole lot that you think your right about
Yeah it is a good show. Mike is married. And got a girl so how is be gay..I don’t think so.. I don’t know about Frank.lol.
Your dreaming Lucy….as all of you are.That’s life! All f____d up!
fukking lesbian bitch…your aids infected brat is a disgrace and so are you!!
Who cares? It’s a great a show and Mike and Frank are awesome people!!!!
Great show, but this just ruined it for me.
Want some truth then go read this article http://starcasm.net/archives/227318
Is this article real? LOL
Who cares if they are or not. Shows great and educational and the guys are funny. Would love to take a roll in the hay Danielle! :-)
This is ridiculous! There is no indication to ME that they’re any more than friends! Certainly not gay men! Leave them alone. If you want someone to be gay, go do it yourself! For you above who think it’s so great, there are your counterparts out here who believe it’s not okay, is, in fact, evil. Why? The Bible says so! Ever try reading it? Maybe you should.
Bible was written by man, man is liar therfore it’s a book of lies
Bible?!!! Don’t make me laugh you idiot. The Bible tells us that Adam and Eve were the first people on earth. It also states that they had only sons. It also states these sons had kids…. with who if there was only one woman???? Is it incest? Or did Adam and Eve have any girls??? Oh wait wouldn’t that still be incest. The Bible hahaha biggest book of Bullshit and Chinese whispers. And where did they find 12 guys in the middle east with guys called David,Peter,Paul,Matthew,Luke, John???? Not very traditional MIDDLE EASTERN names are they.
I like the show and it don’t matter if they are gay they have a right to be happy . I’m on my forth marriage my self . And I’m not happy yet . Keep up the good work
This has GOT to be true. It is on the Internet.
Hey Frank, hey Mike. Still got the shirt and the mug you sent me thru Arch. Digest years ago…I wear both of them every day.
P.S. to Smart Woman below: I hope you don’t have any kids, because THE BIBLE says in Deuteronomy if they sass you, you have to take them downtown and have them stoned to death.
Long live Mike and Frank and LGBTQ
I used to like the show but not now
Want some truth then go read this article http://starcasm.net/archives/227318
I knew these guy were gay all along. They probably do each other in back o the truck. I would never watch this show with these two fruitcake. Without them the show would be great, they just ruin it.
I am so hooked on the show and enjoy the banter and personalities of everyone on the show!!!! Can’t wait for the new season to start and could care less if they are or are not gay. Just wish they were nicer to Danielle.
Hahaha fucking faggots! I hate them.
But Its ok your Parents are Brother and Sister? You dont have a problem with that?
Can I light you on fire? and just pull up a lawn chair and a six pack and watch?
just discovered the show on netflix, could tell by the back breaker episode on season 1 but wasn’t sure, googled it and came here. meh. good show.
I knew they were faggots because they look like they want to fuck each others mouths everytime they look at each other I for one won’t stand for this from this day forward I will be sitting outside their shop holding a sign that reads “FUCKING FAGGOTS” they will read it and go home and blow each other and probably order a donkey show in their gay living rooms and try to partake in the wonderment that is a donkey show
hey you bitch nigger i’ll fuck you up with my dick bitch nigger
is that offer to everyone
You sick dick
I don’t think they are gay
Wow, if ever there was a closet gay man screaming out loud to be fucked in the mouth, as you so desperately put it, its this guy.
Dude, just come out, you’ll feel better.
Then you can go down to your local truck stop, put some lippy and a wig on and just go for it with a couple of rough old boys in the glory hole out back, just like you’ve so obviously been fantasising about.
Hah. Deluded.
As a heterosexual, gun-owning, whiskey-drinking, patriotic and God-fearing man…all I have to say, is who gives a shit? For all you bible thumping retards and assholes, Twinks dont choose to be gay. Its genetic and part of the natural variation in the human condition. Do not get me wrong – I am no advocate for homosexuals. I am not for gay marriage. Personally I find them disgusting. None the less, its not a moral issue.
I am sick of hearing about gay stuff – it just is not important. I dont run around telling everyone “hey, I like to fuck women!” I dont want to hear people telling me that they get off shoving thier dicks up each others assholes. Its just gross and irrelevant.
Obvious you don’t even know what morals are with a comment like that you ought to be ashamed of yourself you dumb ass
I love this show and wish them the best. Ill still tune in for every episode. If it is true lets just hope they find happiness and peace down the roads they travel. The show hasnt changed. We just got a peek behind the door, thats all.
So heres the deal,
one day I was hangin around in my antique shop and in walks mike n frank. At first I was amazed at the fact they were there. Then they handed me that piece of paper they hand everyone on the show about what they are looking for as pickers. The thing that you dont see watching the show is what is actually written on that paper. it says this….”Hello we are Frank and Mike, we are looking for odd items that you may have for sale 1.A two foot long black dildo 2.someone with huge hands to fist us 3.someone to pick my dick 4.other cocksmoochers to join us in our fagavan 5.directions to a gay bar. I found it odd and could only offer them each a punch in the mouth. ………………………………this is just a joke so dont get all emotional and queer on me. I know these dudes are not gay,I know them from real life.Lies and jealousy are part of this shit society we live in. Those guys are now rich n famous and they are cool as icecream. fuck all you jealous bitches
haha. best post by far
Not that it matters, but they’re not gay. There is an NY Times article where Mike is interviewed and talks about his 17 year long relationship with his girlfriend. So this is BS.
People are so stupid
^^^ hes a flammer
Both Mike and Frank have girl friends. Mike has dated his girl friend for years. Frank has a steady girl friend too. They have known each other since the 8th grade in Junior High School and ARE NOT GAY. Please stop these rumors.
Who are “Mike and Frank?”
The state of California the governor Mr. Brown he is married but he is gay we careful what you say
No, they are not gay because they both have girlfriends. You guys are just jealous on how famous they are and that thier TV show gets like 5 million views per week so I’f you dont know them personally, don’t say anthing
A lot of gay people are married to the opposite sex but there still Gay mmmmmm?
Who cares what Mike and Frank are the FACT is this show and these guys are cool my only disapointment is that I dont have a barn or garage full of stuff to sell these guys. So all you negative people get a life!!
I have a life but it’s not a gay life I don’t know if these guys are gay but shame on them and shame on all of you guys and girls who are excepting this sinful Act
American Dickers
Maybe it’s the other way around guys….1. That article link that was posted is from early last year where as this is new….2 if you fallow them on twitter u will find out that it is true that they’re gay….maybe you homophobes out there are just upset that you’ve been watching and enjoying some gays…or you just refuse to believe that anyone you think as manly or cool can be gay….grow up and get over yourselves.
In response to in breeding …….. Talk about being a closed mind dickhead! By trying to stereotype Ky people as you do shows the typical liberal bastard you are. You get offended by someone’s response and yet you attack another group of people. Being from KY I dont care if they are gay. They are great on the show. You are the one who needs a 2by 4 shoved up your ass!! Maybe that will open your mind up since you seem to b sitting on it. But to be more clear……. Go fuck yourself.
thank you….I doubt I could have been nearly as polite.
People from Kentucky are almost all queers. That is a fact.
Shut up you’re probably gave yourself Homo faggot
Frank likes Mike’s pearl necklaces. Mike like Frank’s dirty sanchez and cleveland steamers. They starred in “two guys one cup.”
Then shut the fuck up if ur not man enough to give a name u piece of shit
those who believe that being gay is a choice and god damns people to he’ll for it, obviously don’t realize that they themselves are going to hell. One day I was thinking, hmm, why would god damn someone to hell, when he made it so that they love the same sex? People say, “oh, they have to avoid that temptation.” O.K. So, your basically saying your tempted to be gay and but you have to avoid it. personally think it’s gross to be gay, bu people like it, so whatever, good for them. I’m not going to ruin my day over knowing gay people are out there. I partially believe that te bible is filled with corruptions and lies, and I’m open for ideas on he whole “god” subject…. But why is it that god would give all these powers to people and visions and shit…. Why not now? And I’m pretty sure god has his own secrets and other shit that he just didn’t feel like writing in the bible, if there was a true one.
Point being you don’t know shit, I don’t know shit, nobody knows shit about what they think thy know, so why go around being an ignorant asshole to people for no reason? Seriously, what makes you “god” and gives you the power to say what’s wrong and right? If they’re gay so what? But the Internet is open to everybody to do whatever they want, form fake articles for people to read, so it may be fake. NOBODY TRUELY FUCKING KNOWS.
Listen you are putting down southern people! Really appreciate your mentality that’s what the world is turned to. America was built on GOD . that is a great privilege to uphold. You have to read the book The Bible, study and understand. . I’m not judging you nor is any one else, gay, adultery, drunks, lieing, cheating, etc. All are sins. Realize that all have sinned against some one. Just realize that you can get to heaven if you believe in God. Try reading a little bit of the Bible. Give it a chance. I promise you that you can see so much more for your life.
I am done with that show. More media bullshit from libtards..
I made love to Frank after we met behind the bowling alley. Tossing his dingle-berry salad was the single most inspiring moment in my life.
Never before have I ejaculated that much. In fact, I was able to top off one of his antique oil cans with my load he squeegeed out of his beard.
lol thats halarious
there a lot of gay bussiness owners where they have there shop in iowa i know a few of them
many of you are disgusting and this is why I hate people. it’s a stupid tv show and you all drool over it like you won the lotto. you wear a shirt everyday just because it came from those two geeks? you have issues. how can you not be judgemental these days when everyone thinks just because someone is on tv they are better then everyone else. it’s a stupid show- it requires zero talent. Nike laughs like a gay with a pole up his ass. these networks will put anything on tv now because they know idiots like you will watch it. so people that want good shows can’t find them anymore. I want real stuff like Criminal Minds, even Seinfeld although that’s now old and played out, but great when new, that was good stuff, took incredible talent to produce. this pickers shit is as lame as it gets. you people would watch a show about paint drying
Paint drying? Holy shit I wish I thought of that.
are you serious? you’ve never heard something boring compared to watching paint dry? you must be kidding. nevermind.
go suck dick you fucking loser
The ignorance of some people just disgusts me… if you are homophobic then you obviously have some issues with being secure in your own sexuality! It is a great show in my opinion. Their sexuality doesn’t matter! It’s not a reality show about their relationship now is it!? If you don’t like them or the show don’t watch it and don’t read news about it! And above all keep your ignorant discriminating comments to yourself… must be bored people!!!
They arent gay if you go to the new york times website right below this piece of shit website it givseca biography of mike wolf in wich it says he lives with his girlfriend in an apartment and frank has a wife this is fucking retarded and the guys up there bashing gays fuck you the only reason people like you ate alive is because murder is illegal so stfu
You shouldn’t believe everything you read.
Mike and Frank poked and proded on me like a worn out pair of Chinese fingercuffs. Anecdotal evidence you might say but they bored me out like an old 383.
There defiantly gay come on folks don’t have blinders on
all of u shut the fuck up u all gay because you all sit fighting in a article thats fake as fuck haha i know the person who made this fake article grow up hahaha noobs u all just jelly bc u cant get yo daddy or ya momma or ya sister or brother to fuck u grow up act ur ages not ur nose size
You don’t know me.
i thought they were gay before i read this article. just sayin
it’s called confirmation bias.
and it’s awesome.
i didn’t say that to add validation to your pathetic story. i was just saying i thought, still think they are gay. your words had no influence
you can’t unsee them.
i can’t remember them either
Ur momma, you must be the most stupid person in the world your spelling, your grammar, and above all your just plane ignorance, before you bash anyone I advise you go back to elementary school and try to attempt to learn at least a third of what a typical 12 year old knows
Mike Wolfe is GAY. And Frank Fritz is a retard who is forced to make a sexy time with Mike Wolfe. YUCK!
Don’t hate on guys that you have watched regularly for the last 2 years. I knew i wasn’t the only Gay Guy Bus Driver.
i like you on storage lockers wars
The American Pickers are NOT gay. For instance, today Frank was into the local hardware store where i work with his WIFE.
His wife is a man.
Oh yes, honey! They are gay as hell. I want to get in the middle of them and get gouged and gored, until my butthole bleeds.
sounds good too me too
You know that little chubby boy likes it in the ass until the walls are covered in brown gravy.
The fatBoy is kinda cute. I would plow his fatAss all night.
so would i
I dont know if “they” are gay but the show is gay.
The bearded butterball drops doodee logs in his pants until his butt is smeared with brownButter. This disgusting act gets the couples love van reeking and gets “slim Whitman” a major hard-on.
I heard rumors about them getting nude sitting on the toilet, facing each other and takin a dump while making out and giving full mouth kisses to one another.
That hairy faced hefty boy so enjoys drinking the HOT Man-Aise from “String-Beans” tasty weiner.
so what wrong with that
What the hell you have been gay all this time you fucking liar. I even asked you. You’re sick!
That skinny one expresses his love for fatty by taking a pee into his waiting mouth….
you must be one of KILGOAR’S socks, you talk as sick as he does. I can’t stop looking at little girls on youtube. I’m a sick fucker and un-block john thiessen who is one of six people who post on here LOL you win again I’m a fucking perv
(¦-}> RiG Veda loves you, and so do I <{-¦)
As Always My Post is Sponsored by Sharing and Caring Hands
John THiessen
The couples favorite animal is rumored to be the Sperm Whale.
That one thats overweight loves a good Cleveland Steamer.
They r not gay. This is bs. Get a life
If u dont like it don’t watch it. It’s a great show n I watch it religiously. The only morons I see r the ones bashing these to guys. Misery loves company. Get a life
You KNOW you like a ballsac in that big wet mouth.
God bless ya, Frank & Mike! And especially Danielle! Your show is THE GREATEST on the tv tube, and,…it’s educational, too. I’m REALLY getting in to antiques, and finding out what’s hot and what’s not.
Keep up the good work……ALL of you.
Peace and Love,
All the antique dildos are in their private collection. That fatboy takes it up his Fat Ass!!
Just more faggots and their vile disgusting behavior. Homos are mentally ill and should be locked away. AIDS mother fuckers.
This story should be embarassing to the writer as it is total fabrication. Apparently, accurate reporting isn’t an important factor in his writing. Unfortunately, your readers actually would appreciate stories with some truth in them otherwise, it is a waste their time. There are many things to report that don’t need to be made up, try it sometime, you’ll feel better about yourself.
Love the show, they are great! Who cares!
I hope some of those commenting above don’t represent a cross-section of real Americans. If so, then we’re in big trouble. Bill & PenisBreath need to look within at why they hate people they don’t know. In my life’s experience, the ones who hate homosexuals the most many times turn out to be homosexuals themselves. A wiser man knows that when you focus on hate, you only steal a little of your own happiness. It’s ironic because those being hated often don’t care that you hate them, while it’s eating you up from the inside, and you don’t even know it. Call it hidden justice – kind of a boomerang effect. Maybe it’s God’s plan. Lovers are happy – haters are miserable.
Hey Rev. Fuck off!
DEAR rev keep hiding behind your “bible” and in your closet you phony a-hole
What the fuck are you doing on this page rev? Trolling for faggots?
Bless you rev, can I confess my gay sins to you late one night ? Followed by a “special” blessing in the confessional afterwards? (Many huggies and kissies till then)!
Is it possible that there’s a new SEO algorithm that directs morons to this site when they do a search? It’s hard to believe that there are so many ignorant & low-class comments combined in one place. 1.) Mike is not gay unless he invented his girlfriend of 20 years. She’s named in this article – http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/25/garden/mike-wolfe-of-american-pickers-at-home-in-iowa.html?pagewanted=all. 2.) If he were a homo, who would care except for small-mided fuckwads who want to stick their nose (or small penis) into someone else’s business? If only there was an IQ test you had to pass before posting a comment. Almost all of you are fucking morons. I must be almost as stupid for reading your bullshit (although a couple of the really rude comments were funny). All of you fag haters are probably circus-freak ugly, chipped-tooth, greasy-haired, fat-assed sweathogs. I doubt anyone, male or female, would want to have sex with you so go ahead and say what you want about those who are successful at life.
Justin, that was spoken like the true faggot that you are. Ever had any dick that tasted better than your daddys?
A who you calling faggot, faggot?
hey justin when did trsh picking become “your lifes work” and how the hell does that make them “sucessful” ? because they are to stupid or lazy or just freakin greedy to do anything that contributes to society? LIKE YOU? jackoff
Well put Bill
These two buttPirates love spending time on the road and spending the night in seedy hotels. That skinny one tells the portly one “Hey fatty, bend it over cuz Ima gonna booger ya butt!”
The show might be fake but their gayLove for one another is not. Never have I seen to men so much in love. From what I understand the chubby boy is a great bottom and always ready to please his lover, in back of the truck or where ever. “Slim”, at least once per day, will fill his chubbyBoys plump ass with Hot ManGravy.
I hear they have a secret stash of hot sexy manLove videos and sexy shower scenes. Stay tuned to this sexy male homo couple and maybe we will get to see the kiss or see Slim pull out of chubbyBoys ass, only to release torrents of brown gravy.
Here you retards go…mike with his family http://www.whosay.com/mikewolfeamericanpicker/photos/189489
Did you guys know that Clark Kent IS Superman!!
I love AmercianAssPickers and now that they have come out of the closet I love them even more. Being on my knees and sucking those “hogs” would be divine!
RatDick Mother Fuckers, both of em.
I want to take a huge dump on that fatboy.
What the fuck is your problem? Seriously, you’re gay for me. I know that you REALLY like me for making fun of the American Pickers, I get it. But PLEASE. Stop. Now.
Who is this Gay and what does it mean
All this American Pickers talk about “Honey Holes” is getting me all hard. I wanna see the slim one plow fattys sweet molASSes hole. I also notice slim loves to put his arm about fatty!! How HOT is that!
Only a repressed homosexual would go to the same American Pickers Gay article on a daily basis to make these kinds of comments.
Kilgoar knows all about being gay.
Why is it that every fags fallback defense is to say anyone who hates them is a closeted fag or something along those lines? Face it you faggots can have all the human rights you want, doesn’t affect me, but to expect the rest of to change our minds ain’t cutting it. Being a fag is not natural. Nature has males and females for one reason, to be with each other and procreate. Notice I didn’t say God here. Faggots are a freak of nature, a mistake. You may be here, we may need to live with you but you have no right to demand we like it. We’re free to think what we want about you pillow biters!
I enjoy the scenes where these two butthole Surfers enter some dark, dank, smelly barn. Its so tittilating to think that at anytime the skinny boy may pull down fattys underpants and rumble his asshole until its raw and fatty is crying.
I want to go “picking” with them and run a train until jism is spewing into my mouth and anusHole!!
I have no idea what the fuck is going on in the comments anymore.
new homophobic comments “marginally better” than omg akon why
I bet cushman has a huge penis!!
daniel colby cushman’s enlarged clitoris “alluring”
Nah man! The american pickers aint poofters.. I seen a show where mike buys a naked woman water bottle.. No faggot assed mofo would buy that, thats straight up hetero shit right there.. They both suck satans cock anyway
so is satan hung?
To all you faggot haters out there——-I hope you catch your son with an antique cock in his mouth…maybe Grandpas. So the guys not only like to pick with each other, they also like to dick with each other. Poor heterosexual America. Still having problems dealing with reality. And this is a reality show. As a matter of fact, all there is are reality shows. Figures. Wake up, Americans ! Hate Sucks and so do you. Remember you can be or do anything you want. It’s a free country. This is an American speaking. Take your close-minded self and go back to Nazi, Germany you racist filth.
Suck some manAss you Queer!!
Hey Fuzzy Buzzy, you may be queer…you may be here…it may be reality, but there’s all sorts of reality out there that people disagree with, don’t like or flat out hate and are entitled and free to do so. I would say aversion, hatred, disgust, etc. for gays is a reality that YOU need to deal with too ya poo packer! You’re free to tamp turd and we’re all free to think fags are warped and mistakes of nature. Just keep your hands off of boys under 18 buddy!
Mik woof.. bet he woofs down on fatboys little pecker.. what a bunch of stupid fudgepackers.. look at this frankie an antique dog turd.. will u take $500 and a hot carl.. sure.. i bet i can get a million dollars and 3 dirty sanchezs… awesome
I am a hetero but somehow have amazing gaydar. I have known that these two are gay from the very first segment of a show that I was bored and/or drunk enough to actually try to watch. I think the show is one of the most boring ever. However, I have caught myself watching this show at some weird hour drunk as fuck. It does have its moments. I think that Danielle chick is BANGING. She is the best part of the show. I would tear that poosie up!!! BTW: Danielle, get at me.
If those two are gay, let them be gay. It happens. Gay happens. Get the fuck over it. But, they really shouldn’t be so lovey-dovey touchy-feely on the show. I am not a homophobe but I do get sick of TV these days. Way too much up-in-your-face gayness on almost every network. It gets old.. really.
Go! American Buttpickers! Go!
You are too cool, man youre a god. Douche
Take if from someone who knows. These boys are getting in the back of that truck for some hot AssPlowing…absolutely.
you like it in the back of the truck too
you should be sued for slander!!!
You should be beat for robbing these old hard-working AMERICANS!!!
Now now faggot its not ower fault u doggie style fat frankie and uses got found out uses are the most dummest fuckers i have ever seen fucking rip everyones stuff fuck u u fairys
And you should be sued for fucking people u fucking faggot
And you should be sued for fucking people u fucking faggot you are a piece of shit
I think both gayAssPickers are extremely cute. I want to see them fucking one anothers hairy buttholes.
I bet that fat boy also lets niggers fuck his asshole.
The fat guy Franky is the bitch. The two of them in the woods with Mike plowing Frankie’s ass is like the scene in Deliverance with Ned Beatty! “C;mon frankie git yo ass up in them woods and scaweeeeeal, squeeeeeal, weeeee weeeeee piggy!”
Lol!! Too funny!!!!!
To all the sorry pathetic people that have to say crap about gay people, are nerds man ,I’m a straight guy and what people do is there business.The shows awesome , Danielle is a sweetheart:) You guys need a body guard? Look me up , I’m from Oregon City ,Oregon and have Facebook .Guys keep up the good work! Dustin
Great show, guys. And thanks for having the guts to come out of the closet and endure the stupid comments from bigots like those above.
I totally agree!! I love the show and if they are gay so what!! You don’tsee the straight stars standing their saying, oooh, I’m straight! That’s because it has absolutely no bearing on the show! Keep up the good work guys and I share your passion for collecting and ignore the narrow minded gits comments because we can’t hold their stupidity against them.
They both are cute but I like that chubby boy. Would love to pull down his underpants and plunder his ass for a few “gold nuggets.”
i like them both too
Personally, I love the show but think the name should be changed to “American Peckers” or “American PeckerHeads”.
You know “Frankie”, as he is referred to by his male lover, enjoys a fudgepacking gangbang while stringbean is filling the tub with pee for their later on, LoversBath.
hey herman
Haha I don’t think they are gay, are these comments for real?….sick~!
Yes, they’re real, but I am pleased to report most of them originated from just one person. http://www.chronicle.su/wp-content/uploads/what-the-fuck.gif
Those two fags are a couple of doodee eatin fools.
You all are a bunch of morons. Do you believe everything you read? Someone wrote it or it was on tv, it must be true. idiots!! Some 14 yearold punk who didnt have anything better to do made all you homophobes look retarded as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! idiots!!!!!!!!!!
making homophobes look retarded is a BAD thing?
Shut up you faggot.
this is a fake article,look at other search results,one of them says Mike has been with his girlfriend for 17 years
Gay gay gay. These two fudgepackers are gay as hell.
There gay fucking poo shooters
Mike and frank are gay I guess
nothing more nothing less
the gayest guys I ever knew.
Frank really likes the pain
When Mike rams him with his cain
Strait up his flabby butt.
Pa said there was no mistake
and knew his son wasnt strait
cuz dads wanker was on his mind.
fuck you you cock smoker
so you know them well
i em straight and dont care what people do behind closed doors because the only way its my bussiness is if i was into joining in .
now all you fregin homofobic wannabees pull your cocks out of your ass and come out your self because if yous want to judge then maybe yous should try it hell a blow job is a blow job as long as there no beard sorry frankie .
now i em sick of homofobic hatered i see it all the time hell i know this guy is totaly against gays he hates them but then again he lives on the streets in toronto but then hes to is gay for pay .
ignorance is a lack of knowage educate your self s and get the fuck over it hate crimes are a form of bullying i hate bullys and i usaly try to kill them
I bet you’re gay. When will you come out of the faggot closet. You love dining at the penis buffet.
how do you know the name of the buffet
how do you know the name of the buffet
another defender of the fag.why are you so hell bent on defending faggots we all know your a faggot go fuck yourself ! homosexuality is a filthy nasty pathetic way of life thats why most queers attempt suicide,but i must say i hate no one not even faggots
Frankies ass has been reamed out so much that his lover, Mike, must tie a 2 x 4 around his ass to keep from falling in.
danielle a stunning beauty ? What planet are you from ? Ftom her gross tatoos to her fat ass , she is a total dog . Arf Arf
Danielle would bend over the desk
Filthy beasr
One up the bum, no harm done
Mike likes to use an 18th century penis enlargement kit to ram frank
lol you win
how do you know
Frankie loves it when Mike dumps a Hot Carl on his chest.
Disgusting and utterly appalling content below. The comments deeply sadden me and leave a bad taste in my mouth ,not dis-similiar to the bad taste mike leaves in frankies mouth.
Please be respectful of people’s choices . I agree with Fred – one up the bum no harm done
Frank likes his oil cans but notice how he looks at them to make sure the hole is not too small so he can’t put his penis in
Mike likes frank to practice on the cans so mike gets the best experience
This is incredible
I saw frank with mayonese on his mouth now I understand what it was
Frankie loves a good Cleveland Steamer.
I would have never guessed this in a million years. I was shocked but I don’t care. They are great guys and this will knot affect me watching their show.
Love you guys, well not in a homosexual way lol
Keep Picking
That’s okay guys urban show rocks keep it up
Can’t believe people didn’t know!
I personally don’t believe they are gay. Danielle is bi. I think the two guys have experimented with gay men in the past to gain money to get where they are. I definitely wouldn’t leave any girl under the age of 18 alone with either one of them. I think they are closet coke heads, all of them. They have reached a point in their life where they try not to abuse substances and they no longer have to kiss gay men’s asses, they are out to get as rich as possible and become celebrities. I don’t blame them. The reason why everyone is so upset is they are making their dreams come true and you are jealous.
Interesting! I have my doubts about this rumor. What Mike and Frank do for a living is totally cool,and entertaining on T.V. Danielle alone is worth watching the show. What Mike and Frank do behind closed doors with each others fannies is none of my concern,nor should it be yours.
Gimme a piece of your mushy white butt!!
Frankie loves a good assRumbling. When Mike pulls out Frankie spews hotBrown buttGravy all in Mikes face.
There straight. Wolfe has been dating the same lady for 17 years. And frank is single.
That same lady is Frankie or as Mike sometimes says…”My hot manLover, Francis.”
Them food are from Florence gang ninjas
[…] […]
Yes love the show, think is pretty good why?
I thought Frankie was little feminie, but couldnt pick they were both bent. There choice but it doesnt take away there passion for antiques or the show. What they do in there own personal life is not my business, i dont support it, but i like there show.
I thought things were suspect when Frankie started sitting on the gearstick
i think that a nice bear hug and ass thhummpin is funn don’t knock it till u try it roadhead is awsome brown ass gravy is good on pork and beans
Frankie makes me horny
When he bends over I want to pull it out and park it between his buns
One in the rear does not make me queer
I love it when Mike takes me to the back of the van for an all night dining session at the Penis Buffet.
Youre demented , were not gay i cant beleive what im seeing here im calling my lawyer
sincerely mike wolfe
This made me laught so hard hahah
those american picklers stopped by my olde barn one day , i also run a bed & breakfast they decided to stay the night , we had other guests that night , they all seemed to leave in a hurry that night the next morning i had realised the only thing they picked was the squash in my garden they brought it to there room and shoved it up each others asses all night the beastly man moans were so loud it woke up the neighbors and they live a half mile away
there was shit spray all over the walls and my bloodhound had been violated
lucky for us the tv network picked up the bill for the damages
I love when Mike pounds my “honey-hole”. Hell Im so loose that wearing adult diapers is now a way of life.
I like to smell farts
cool!!! We should get together and hunt down frank so we can [WARN HIM OF THE SLANDER TAKING PLACE HERE] together
You all are stupid
Ya…they always talking about the honey-hole, rumage around the basement, backdoor bobby, eating tossed salad, penis buffet, dick-delicious, dirk diggler and brown trouser snakes. That last one I think they are refering to nibblin on nigger dicks.
Those two absolutely go to town on each others browns in the back of that van.
Cmon guys with the disrepectful comments, gay or straight you shouldn’t think of them any different. They make a damn good tv show to watch and I have nothing against the fact that they are gay. If your really going to stop watching their tv show just cause they are gay then go ahead but all your doing is just being a complete dumbass because many of the products that you most likely use in your house supports gay’s. For example Levi’s jeans,coca cola soda, and much more such as clorox. And to keep on going many stores support it too such as Costco, Starbucks, and Microsoft. So if your going to stop watching American Pickers just because they are gay, then you mine as well stop using all of those products you more then likely have that do indeed support gay marriage.
I like how all you hypocrites are defending these two cock smoochers. If these two want to pound each others asses then they should go for it but dont sit there and comment that it shouldnt matter if theyre gay or that you dont care. Youre a big ass hypocrite saying it doesnt matter or you dont care either way because you got here the same way the rest of us did by googling american pickers gay or frank fritz gay or whatever so if it truly did not matter as you claim you wouldnt have been looking this shit up to begin with.
I bet you are gay.
One up the bum no harm done
the show is a scam , they contiually pass up items in the back ground that are way better than what they end up with, plus the get some items for way below current market values, it’s all put on for the story lines. as far as they being gay, not surprising, antique dealers are mostly gay, but they aren’t really happy.
These guys are not gay. This trashy internet rag wouldn’t be worth wiping my ass with if it was made of paper. what a load of crap. A little fact checking will reveal what a piece of shit this site is. Fuck you.
I am Nikes girlfriend and just letting you know I am only around to keep the gay issues off them. If you cannot tell they are gay and have to search to find this..ha ha
Tell Mike I will POP [IN FOR A LONG DISCUSSION] but please clean frankies [TROPHY COLLECTION]. He looks like a guy with a big [HUMMEL COLLECTION ] and frankie looks like he probably has [AN AFFINITY FOR ANTIQUE CARE].
I am Mike Wolfe annd I am Frank Fritz and we are the American Packers! You know what the worse thoing about this show is that they are are so fucking cheap, especailly Frankie Stankie. Frank will try as hard as he can to get another 5.00 bucks off and item and then they will show later they value the item at 3 or 4 times what they paid for it. Yes Frank, you are a cheap bitch and its a good thing the show is fake or else you would really be knocking on hells gate after all the people you would have ripped off and bitched about not being able to rip them off more! Bitch!
Sounds like a personal matter of experience dude!
You all love making dramatic stories up about people you don’t know. Neither of the guys are gay. I’ve known them nearly all my life. No point in the truth since the truth isn’t part of your “fun” Their lives are much more interesting when morons start making up stuff. Get a life, you are acting like a bunch of middle schoolers that just heard a the word “dick” for the first time. wow.
just pulling your leg , i personally know the there really gay they just like to keep it far in the closet with thier antiques so the history chanel doesnt pull the plug !! turns out the chanel is owned by devout christians
if you get mike and frankie cum drunk thell pull out their antique dildo collection and let you clean their shit off with your tounge
prettymuch the admitted it to these guys . they gay
I watch u guy and love all your shows. Could careless if u guys are gay. Guys this is 2012 if america needs get over the gay thing. Gays been around since BC. Love u guys keep picking.
Lol use your true names if u real. If not shut the hell up
First off this show should be called ” How to screw someone over” Secondly, They then have “balls enough” (well, at least one of them does) to brag how they screwed someone over, espically the older people, then brag about it!!!! ( I bought this for two dollars and I know I can get three hundred easily) ass faces!!!!
Well I’m glad it seems you’ve been reading your Barthes, but the quality of your comments remains IN THE GUTTER.
I pounded Frank’s ass, and Mike got mad because I shot a load to soon and didn’t pull out. What was nasty as hell, is when Mike started to fuck him right after I blew my load in him and got sloppy seconds! Frank needs to tighten up a bit though, it was kinda loose.
What a pisser!
tad you still have that probem
Gosh did not know there were so many sick people that even watch tv, figure they are out doing their thing, they are so wrong about Mike & Frank, at least they are out there working.
Ya…working on one anothers bunkyHole.
If you don’t like it then leave the page faggot.
Frankie loves to pull out his lil smokie and have Mike chow down.
I’m going to do something about the pointless homophobia taking place from one user. You aren’t doing yourself any favors using multiple IPs. If this causes you to develop a new, more subversive – even undetectable – form of homophobia, then I will consider that a success, if this is what it comes to.
But I have to ask, because now I’m talking about it, now I’m addressing it, now I’ll ask: why, dude? Why are you so committed to the American Pickers homosexuality storyline?
That is some funny fucking shit the best warp minded fucking queer stories I’ve heard in a long time I love you Danny write me
I like the show. I think they pay too much for that junk.
no they are not gay
But if they were gay they would be on HGTV or Bravo not history channel
Great show, Glad your out there doing it, Finally one show on tv I like to watch and it’s not about a race to win money. All I think when i see those kind of shows are get a job and you would not have to compete to win cash lol. Love you guys glad your out and proud.
モンクレー ダウンの今年の秋冬のファッションショーの中で、モデルさんはすごく素晴らしい動作をしました。今度の男性のファッションショーで。自然と犬との合作をよく併せて、すごく活用できる場面を演出してくれました。それで、Moncler Gamme Bleuらしい魅力を表してくれました。イギリスらしいチェック柄とレッドとグリーンをよく合わせて、見事にモンクレールらしい魅力を人に与えました。Moncler Mokaも今年も相変わらずに人に流行っていました。独特なデザインで、防寒性にも優れています。私は見るとすぐすきになります。
Hey moncler, we spreeka da engreesh here, ok?
people please……. these guys are rakin in the cash,drivin around the country and gettin paid from the tv show and doin something they love…….pickin. all you sad sad lil wankers with your stupid ignorant comments need to relax. i mean these guys dont come down to your place of employment and tell you how to deep fry chicken do they? danny you sweet sexy thang, i would give a weeks pay just to hold you gorgeous.anytime your australia come knock on my door and ill show ya around town
Whatever faggot you would rather be held by Frank while Mike destroys your asshole with two fists.
What show him around town or show him around your hole?
I am fairly certain that this article is fake. I have read a article dated August 24th, 2012 from the NY Times that Frank and Mike are NOT gay. If they were gay, the NY Time would report it.
these two faggots need shot they tried to fuck big hoss ansd chumlee up he ass , me and th old man loved watching
This information is false-Mike actually in engaged to a gal in Nashville, and has a child born in early 2012. Dannielle has referenced either a child or children in the past.
Most reality shows are somewhat staged. However some of the items picked are indeed for sale in Mike’s Nashville, TN store.
This information is false. Mike has a fiancee in Nashville and has a child born in early 2012.
Most reality shows are somewhat staged. However, some of the items picked are for sale in Mike’s store in downtown Nashville, TN.
I dont give a fuck either way, Pickers is an awesome show. Love seeing – learning about American industrial revolution, folk art and old American pop-culture etc. Dannie D is cool as fuck and I’d totally do her. Some nice burlesque and roller derby pics of Dannie on the net. Google you bitches……Google!
Who cares about these guys private lives LOVE THEIR SHOW!!!!
I don’t believe Mike and frank are gay and even if it were true it ‘s their business. They both. Have great personalities. And it’s a great show to watch and the things they find are very interesting. It’s one of the best shows on Tv ! Leave them alone !
You leave them alone and let them enjoy their gayness.
who cares no ones business i love Danielle
i think she is gorgeous
Frankie cherishes his thrice a day, back of the van, butt pummeling that is adminstered by Mike.
With that name you are going to
criticize these guys. C’mon Peter Eating!!
Rofl…i literally just typed into Google “are the american pickers gay?” -I’ve always had impeccable gaydar, and something, even though these guys don’t sound or seem gay, just didnt sit right….firstly, neither are married. I also noticed an uncomfortable silence or akwardness on the show whenever someone mentions relationships….the final naol in the coffin was today when I saw an episode where they were in New Orleans or somewhere, and the fortune teller tells Frank “youll always drive the person you re in relationship crazy”….frank and mike share a knowing glance and frank responds with “what about a business partner?” They always allude to each other whenever something of the sort comes up…
I think its great. It helps to break the gay stereotype in the media, and allows these guys to be themselves for once. I just hope the old codgers whos houses they pick dont catch wind….many seem to be the type who would disown their own kids if they were gay.
And my gaydar is tingling, pulsating and throbbing at your post, Chris. Yes, Im gonna say it…YOU, Chris, ARE GAY!!
Show me your taint!!
True fans have known this all along and don’t care. Thr guys bring us the magic of finding and telling the history of the items! I love antiques and am always fascinated about the stories attached to them. Not to mention the wonderful people they pick from. Keep up the good work guys. Your show is great and your personal lives are nobody’s business. I hope your show is around for many years to come!
This is so cool. I knew there was a reason I enjoyed this show so much.
I love the show, their sexual preference shouldn’t matter. The guys are good people.
omg,so funny that my mom asked me tonight about this, and it never even crossed my mind. WHO CARES?? I said i would google it just to see and am shocked actually. I love the show, love them all, and still dont care about any of their personal lives. Grow up to those who do.
Who Cares, people should just
grow up. The show is great.
who cares gay or straight,I love frank wolfe! what a hunk!
Who care!! Love the show!!
One of the best show!
1. Paw stars
2. American pickers
3. American restoration
I knew those two were faggots when I first saw the show….couple of fags, driving around, sucking cock in that van and then haggling old people out of their stuff.
Zebber you are reason why the world has so much hate. Keep your ignorant comments to yourself. Didn’t your parents raise you “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all”.
Good for you Pickers!!!!!
I am not into that sort of relationship, but if it floats their boat, that’s fine. Life is too short and there is only one, enjoy !!!!!!!!
Frank is an extremely queer homosexual.
He likes to rub motor oil on his fat nudity
and play with antique toys, while Mike
spanks him with a bicycle seat.. in a van
down by the river..
Dont b so childesh their sexuality doesnt change the fact that i like their show n think they r smmart
who is man and who is the woman?
Frank is definitely the woman
Frank has a nice moist mushy butt that mike loves hammering. Im happy for them!
That is such a stereotypical comment. Not all gay men are into butt sex.
Yes, we are gay. Why do yo think Mike has a bad back? He threw it out while giving me a good ass
blasting. I like to bundle his balls.
I don’t really care for queers and had just as soon not be around them,But as long as Danielle stays on the show I,ll watch it for ever.
You just wanna suck on Danielles big ole dick.
I’m proud of them for being courageous enough to be themselves. I love antiques and I love this show. I will enjoy it even more now because I see two people who love each other- and who in their right mind dislikes love???
It would be faux pas to give someone a hard time for their race, especially in a public forum. I don’t understand how it’s still acceptable to ostracize someone based on their sexual orientation. It’s ludicrous. It’s a choice to be straight just as much as it is a choice to be gay. Sure, you get to choose your sexual partners but you don’t get to choose who you find attractive. Everyone can relate to that.
You go boys!
I too am proud. I would love to ride around in their van and watch as they pull over, get in the back of the van and Mike pummels the hell out of Frankies hindquarters. Blasting Franks loss bowels full of hot ManChowder…mmm yummy!
And all this matters to who….their Life’s, and if their HAPPY, I’m in total support for them. To me Love is Love, Happiness is just that…. Please People do Not Judge…My wife and I just Love these guys and their show….Just Stop the BS Please People…..
I want Mike to mount me from behind.
Neither are interested in Danielle, they had to be gay. I’ll continue to watch anyway. I’d love to see her naked!
Was watching American AssPickers today and Francis made the statement “Double team me, I love to be double teamed”.
I love them both but they are gay and will bust hell wide open after the worms are finished.
But Danielle isn’t hot?
Love the show and the guys are awesome, as is Danielle…. some of these ridiculous comments are just laughable in this day and age….
I am stoked for the dudes! Pickers is my favourite show on History. I wish that society will stop makeing issues about personal prefs. I am glad they are happy. Forget about the negative and be cool-in-the-shade! Cheers from South Africa.
Africa. The nigger shitpile of the world.
That’s really a revolting comment. But if that WAS true, it’s obviously where YOU crawled out of.
Fez is correct. Africa is the nigger shitpile of the world. Why do ya think us jigs dont wanna go back….
I like to be T-Bagged by anyone, especially mike after a good day of picking when he is all sweaty.
i could not give a shit if there gay or not. THEY JUST TRY AND RIP PEPOLE OFF. PS FUCKING FAGS
How so? The stuff is sitting there, of no use to anybody. These guys come around offer a decent price, the item is then taken out of it’s “prison” in the hopes of being enjoyed by someone else. Besides, they have expenses, (fuel, lodging, maintenance on the van, salaries etc), which figures into how much they can offer.
Your grammar is exceptional guys. Go to freaking school! Seriously the internet pisses me off so I compiled a shortlist of your mistakes in hope you’ll go learn something.
People isn’t spelt ‘pepole’,
be isn’t ‘b’,
I’ll isn’t I,ll
Tea bag isn’t T bag
Pawn isn’t paw
& The worlds funniest misspelled sentence is from ‘NICOLE’ with-
”Don’t b so childesh their sexuality doesnt change the fact that i like their show n think they r smmart”
Laughs out loud. See what I did there? I must be so smmart
Spelled isn’t ‘spelt’.
Im happy for them and glad they finally acknowledged what we already knew. Mike is hot and Frank is so cute. I bet their buttholes are very tasty and would love to find out.
Just got the November issue of Thunder Press and it has a story on Mike and his show. It says by the time this article hits the stands he will have married his fiancée, Jodi Faeth. They have dated for 18 years and celebrated the birth of their first child, a girl, in January. So what’s the deal? Which story is true? Is he gay, bi or neither?
Tragic he would marry his fiancé just to prove he isn’t gay.
From what I understand this “girlfriend”, Jodi has a 7.5 inch penis swinging between “her” legs and this adopted kid is a bastard.
good luck all and please improve your lagniage in here!!
Yay/they’re gay/get over it. Whoopee—good for them. I’m all for gay marriage so I could care less if they’re a couple–it’s actually kinda’ sweet.
Having said THAT…. I’m glad they could come out finally, but Frank is STILL a dick. I like Mike, but it’s nauseating to watch Frank rip people off and be proud about it. I’ve heard that Mike is a really nice guy, but that Frank is a total asshole and won’t sign autographs for fans when they’re shooting episodes. Mike, on the other hand, is friendly and will hang out with the fans. Frank is a bag of dicks and even thought the show is staged, they still rip people off who have NO idea what their stuff is worth.
Mostly they pick elderly people who don’t even want to sell their shit in the first place, and then Frank offers them some ridiculously low price for something he KNOWS is worth about 15 times more. Yeah, they have to make a profit, but not THAT much of a profit. I know that the producers are the ones who pay these unsuspecting people, but even THEY rip these people off. I’ve read where they won’t pick your place to visit unless they can screw you over for what they want from you. Someone else I read about said that after going through a HUGE screening process, this guy’s grandfather or something WOULDN’T give them the item for what they wanted it for, i.e. a SHITLOAD less than what it’s worth, so they wouldn’t have him on the show and picked someone else who was more clueless as to what their stuff was REALLY worth. That’s basically who these dickwads prey on—people who are clueless about the value of stuff or are willing to let them rip them off. Again, yeah, NO one is putting a gun to these people’s heads, but a LOT of these people have no desire to sell stuff in the first place til this show comes along and wants to buy shit from them; most of the time they unfortunately talk them into selling their stuff for pennies when it’s worth a shitload more than that.I just WISH people would stop being so stupid and just say “NO!” to these idiots, but unfortunately, the phrase “There’s a sucker born every minute” is entirely too true when it comes to this show.
I think the show is great. Mike usually pays a fair price. Frank haggles. I really love the show and could care less what their sexual preference is. They are both guys. And Danielle is great too. But she works to hard. I would love to start picking myself. Since my husband lost his job, I may need to start selling some of my antiques. I just need to have them appraised first. I do trash pick on trash night. Sometimes I find stuff I could use and sometimes I find nothing.
The guys you have to watch out for are the Pawn Stars in Las Vegas. They are a rip off. They have a method to the madness. They ask the person first what they want for their antique and then cut that number in half. Thats just wrong. And I hate the way they treat Chumly. The boss is just a real mean person that doesn’t care about anyone but himself.
I like the show, but I hate Frank. Ball of grease that is always haggling old fellas for their stuff. I bet he doesn’t get enough anal sex from Mike that’s why he is always upset.
Doesn’t make any difference to me.
What an Awesome show!
The only people who would remotely care, are not really ” all there” anyway.
Live your life Happy!
It doesn’t matter…it is their personal life. I love the show and
don’t care about anything else and it isn’t anyones business but
I figured they were gay but wasnt for sure. Now that their secret is out I must admit the idea of plunging my manhood into Franks tasty, mushy rump, is quite appealing.
shoot the two faggots and euthanize the fat filthy ignorant cunt named danni before shespreads more std s
shoot the two faggots and euthanize the fat filthy ignorant cunt named danni before shespreads more std s and fuck u homo harry u need shot also u fucking faggot
Frank Fritz is a looser….he low balls his customers…..all of them, wish I had stuff for him to look at,I’d throw the homo out…..makes thousands on unknowing people……he is a piece of shit….I like Mike, he’s up and up…..Frank is a #$%^%$# looser….just lucky….
Hey Frank…how much for a vintage @#$%#$%????Probably pretty cheap….bein the homo u r…..
This article is FAKE. BOTH MIKE AND FRANK ARE STRAIGHT. They are childhood friends . Mike is married, do a little research before assuming everything on the internet is real.
You people are so gullible.
Frank has a cocktail weenie between his legs and that why his fem side has taken over and allows him to get his rumpHole blasted with ManGravy and hot dicks.
You’re nasty!
That’s the funniest shit I have read on here!!!!
Fake article they are not gay. Mike just got married and has a baby. They are childhood friends.
I always knew they were gay. Romney 2012!
Romney is gay 2012.
Your gay 2012
more proof you can not believe all your read on the internet. come on man!
They ARE gay and it has been proven. Obama is gay.
LiL G,
you’re an asshole. It’s been proven!
Suck a turd outa my asshole ya salad tosser.
You are gay as hell.
Just made me laugh so hard
WTF is wrong with you? This is one of the more bullshit articles I’ve read in a very long time. Sounds like the author is closeted himself and just needs an outlet.
Do people really think Danielle is hot?! Good God!! I wouldn’t fuck her with a stolen dick!!
Hey mike hunt, you cant fuck daniel cause she aint a dude, man! Mike n frank are available. (Wink)
Mega powerbottom!!! Ha!!
Well, another show makes the shit list. I do not & will not support gay anything. This world has turned into a sick twisted crap-hole. Have you ever read the story of Sodom & Gomorrah? or read Leviticus 18:22–23?
22 ‘You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination. 23 ‘Also you shall not have intercourse with any animal to be defiled with it, nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it; it is a perversion.
I bet you are gay and love the hell out of a nice warm chunky doo doo milkshake. Drink up HOMO!!
I don’t understand why this site is not monitored. These foul mouthed unsupervised kids are the making(s) of bullies. Some of the comments are legitimate, but most are just plain bull shit.
This site is monitored perfectly to ensure free speech. But sometimes we do occasionally get bored with beefrave’s homophobia and delete a few. Also this site is monitored by the United States Government to ensure our support for terrorist or non-governmental organizations remains tongue-in-cheek. Have a nice day fag lover.
Shut up and drink your doo doo milkshake you cockwhore.
Danielle is a freak of nature. I can’t believe people actually think she is hot. Then again I never was much for the “I”ma punkrockmommy” type. I think she struggles with her identity.As far as the boys go I always figured these two played endless hours of swords in that love shack on wheels.They probably justified it for years that getting a single room saved money but then just said the hell with it. Mike always struck me as such a bitchy little fem. Frank puts up him like some men put up with listening to their wife. Well turns out no so far from the truth. I have personally grown tired of the show for the most part. They pass up so many high dollar items in the background and they always go for the same old shit all the time. Gas pumps,oil cans,little toy fucking cars. Maybe one of the up and coming episodes will feature these two assfucking each other on a giant ESSO sign (another favorite) American Pickers just became American Peckers.
But seriously to the editors. My utmost kudos to you for an amusing site.
Glad I found it. You must have a lot of fun doing this.
I am happy for ya’ll.
Happy? I bet you’re gay.
i love you guys. i love your show. jane
Who would have thought these guys are fudgepacking sodomizers…no more of that TV show for me…it was sickening enough before!
Listen, You guys PICKED each other. My sincere best wishes for your continued happiness.
My wife and I have said it jokingly from the beginning that we thought they were a couple. Now we know. So what? The show is still a favorite of my wife and not too boring to watch for me. I have zero interest in antiqueing. The hosts humor and enthusiasm are a big part of why I watch. Shame on all the haters, as if they have any, for giving them a hard time. There’s enough educational value alone to make the show worthwhile.
I humped your wifes smelly cunt and believe me she is nothing to write home about.
mike is not gay..he is in a relationship w/a woman and have a child together.
Our boys have gone to Sturgis with their van having several holes drilled in the side and the phrase “GloryHole Junction” painted on the side. Seems Frankee will be busy servicing many SturgisCocks while Mike plows his ass.
I am sorry to have had my suspicions confirmed. I have enjoyed the program, but it is hard to know that they are living against the teachings of the Bible. So that is the end of this program for me.
I wish them well, but hopefully they will see the light.
Wearing clothes with a mix a fabric is also against the bible. Honestly I think god would like these awesome gays more than a hateful Christian, just because you don’t like what they are don’t discriminate asshole.
People are so gullible. The gutter tone of the article shows it to be fake. Anyone who does a two minute google search will find that they are both straight. Who really gives a shit anyways? Article isn’t even funny. Sounds like a prepubescent boy and his friends wrote it.
So! Who is right? Some say ” yes they are”- others say ” No! ” they aren’t??
And I say you Mr Duncan, are gay.
how stupid . i do believe they are (mike seems the most obvious) lol but i dont believe they have came out. this article seems fake, anyway who cares if they are or aren’t the shows pretty much a hit millions of viewers each week & if they haven’t came out its because of lame closed minded people who still have there hateful discriminatory heads in the past & justify it with the bible like some of the people here … the bible was man made people! god did not write it himself & its been changed, altered many times in the past with peoples own opinions i bet if it said start hating blacks, asian, hispanics, whites whatever.. people would start to hate/discriminate on them too why? because the bible told them too … people do foolish things for religion just look at the past, yet they act as if they dont sin themselves . hating/ discriminating on people for no reason & u call ur selfs children of god.. i bet you’d be the ones burning in hell for being such douchbags..
I was actually hoping they were in a palamory relationship with Danni D.
So whatever, I enjoy watching the show not living their life.
I turn gay for mike wolf too lol
i second that! lol
The loud background music in last night’s episode drowned out the dialogue. Don’t need this loud shit to peak interest in the show. Knock
it off! (BACKGROUND music not a friggin’ concert!!)
The loud music helps to cover Franks shrieks of ecstacy when mike is hammering his doodee hole.
I don’t believe that at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Franke puts chapstick on his butthole so it doesnt get chapped while Mike is ramming him.
What are you jealous? Or are you a homophobe? Get an education and grow up.
Biography for
Mike Wolfe (III) More at IMDbPro »
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6′ (1.83 m)
Mini Biography
Mike Wolfe, creator and star of History Channel’s hit TV show “American Pickers,” has became a household name by dominating the world of “picking,” a place where treasure is mined in old barns, crumbling sheds and dilapidated warehouses that line America’s back roads and main streets. Today, he’s at the top of his field, operating as a major voice in the world of interiors and collectibles, not to mention a personal empire that includes retails stores, books, product lines, endorsement deals, and an upcoming CBS sitcom pilot that he developed based on his life as America’s foremost professional scavenger. Mike will also serve as the show’s executive producer.
Before taking on Hollywood, Mike made his name as a professional treasure hunter, road tripping across the country in search of what he calls “rusty gold” to buy and sell in one of his two Antique Archaeology stores. Located in Le Claire, Iowa, and Nashville, Tennessee, the stores feature actual vintage and antique treasures Mike has picked up on the road as well as official merchandise associated with his Antique Archaeology brand.
Born in Joliet, Illinois, Mike is the second of three children raised by a single mother. Though he began picking at the tender age of six, pulling old bicycles out of his neighbor’s trash in Bettendorf, Iowa, Mike has been working as a professional picker for over 20 years. (He logged time as a competitive bicycle racer and owned two bike shops before settling into his picking career). For most of those two-plus decades, Mike went about his business with little fanfare, putting some 60,000 miles on his cargo van each year as he traversed the country in search of cool finds. His anonymity ended in January of 2010, with the debut of “American Pickers,” a TV concept he pitched to various networks for almost five years before it was picked up by The History Channel.
A certified hit, the show attracted 3.1 viewers for its first episode, making it the highest rated History Channel debut in three years. (Mike is credited as the creator, executive producer and co-host of the series.) That first season, as many as 5.4 million viewers tuned in each week, making it cable TV’s highest rated new non-fiction program of 2010 among adults 25-54 – and Mike a bona fide American idol.
Now entering its fifth season, “American Pickers” continues to pull in 4.7 million viewers for new episodes. The success of “Pickers” allowed Mike to expand his retail business (the Nashville store opened in 2011) and buy a house near Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee, a quirky little country town about a half hour south of Nashville, where he lives with his wife Jodi and daughter Charlie, and two beloved Australian blue heelers, Ruby and Scout. The couple also has a home in Le Claire.
In 2012, Mike expanded his personal business empire, announcing several new side businesses. Rustorations is a collection of lighting that “gives new life to old fixtures and vintage lighting parts by forging them into functional, one-of-a-kind furniture for your home or office.” Pieces are available for sale in the Nashville Antique Archaeology store. Kid Pickers is an online community that gives kids aged 7 to 13 a forum to share their own picks. A Kid Pickers book – a how-to guide to picking written with children’s specific needs in mind – will be published by Macmillan (Feiwel and Friends) in spring 2013; it will be Mike’s second book, following 2011’s “American Pickers Guide to Picking.”
Mike’s success has allowed him to expand his reach as a humanitarian. He routinely hosts event and encourages fund raising projects that benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Operation Smile, the ASCPA, and animal shelters.
A longtime music lover with a special affinity for Americana and old school country, he’s co-produced an album called Music to Pick By, a mix of picking-compatible tunes complied by legendary Nashville producer Brian Ahern. The record will feature three new songs composed and recorded by Mike and country singer/songwriter Dale Watson. The release date is TBD.
In September of 2012, CBS announced it had purchased Mike’s latest TV project, a scripted, multi-camera workplace comedy set in an antiques and collectibles shop. The show, which will be directed by actor-turned-director Fred Savage, will be based on Mike’s life and experiences as a picker. Mike is one of the executive producers. Mike recently signed an endorsement deal with Indian Motorcycle, a brand he loves and rides.
IMDb Mini Biography By: Anonymous Nashville
Jodi Faeth
(8 September 2012 – present) 1 child
So what that they are gay, what world are you living in thinking that this type of lifestyle doesn’t exist. The show is good, I support them and the show.
Mike married Jodi Faeth on September 8, 2012, in an “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?”- themed ceremony in Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee.
Mike and wife Jodi Faeth welcomed daughter Charlie Faeth Wolfe on January 30, 2012.
You wonder why people dislike the gay life style ? All you have to do is read the garbage filled comments. Ignorace can be corrected but stupitity lasta life time
Yeah. like your spelling.
Bob W knows all about stupidity and being gay.
did your gay father teach you how to spell Bob?
The real issue is not whether they’re gay, it’s that they constantly rip off the poor and elderly people they deal with on their show. Now that’s something they should be ashamed of.
Mr. Stinky, I like your humor, don’t worry, not your cock or doodee hole.
Is the girl a fag too?
Hell yes she is fag/lesbian. She should make me her human toilet.
Just to get close to her ass I would be willing to eat the corn out of her shit.
gay or not.. They are still idiots,
Well its a great show and Danielle is a babe and a uk rough ranger is harder than a texas ranger!!!
hi love show can you tell all to get stuffed hope c u in oz we got lots and why they make a fuss that all u gay wow im proud love your show i got lots but i learn from you all cheers from australia
On my knees waiting for them both to drop their drawers and gimme some hard cock to suck…mmmmmm!!
me too
Was just wondering if you guys could tell us a little about an ice block carrier attached to a 4-5 ft. piece of wood we found in some of our parents belongings. I can’t seem to find anything on the internet and I watch your show and thought maybe you could help us. It has the word Glueks carved into the wood and seems to be pretty old. Would love to have you come to South Dakota and go through our stuff. I’m sure there are some pretty good antiques around here. Thanks. Becky Johnson
I’ll give ya 20 bucks.
I bet it would fit up my rear-end and make for hours of buttRamming ecstacy!!
Becky this is Mike Wolfe I’d love to buy your ice block carrier I’d like to Bring danielle with me are you willing too eat a cream pie to get the chance for an appraisal ?
Danielle is a hot, gay-stuff even if it is still true
You are hot!! Pull down your pants and rub it all over my face!
I’d like to give Penis Buffet a sound spanking, :)
Found this place by accident looking for the most recent episode which was filmed in my hometown. And before anyone says “I’ll bet you’re gay.” I know I am. I’ve known it for years unlike some others on here. …Just as everyone in these comments (some are funny as shit btw) has freedom of speech, these guys have a right to go antique hunting and put it on tv whether they’re gay or not. I kinda worry about them now though as they go into these hillbilly towns looking for collectibles. Some folks may shoot them with buckshot, on the other hand, some may shoot them with fuckshot.
That Danielle is so nasty. I bet she has black juice and maggotShyt drippin from her hairy, crusty cunt.
They are not gay and neither am I.
Despite hatred and ostracism that seems to be spewing out now, I couldn’t be happier for the couple! I wish them well with picking and with their love.
I bet you are queer as hell.
How can you be gay and not feel disgust with yourself? Every fag is living a lie, whether it be with their fake gay lisp or trying to believe that they aren’t going to hell. Although, I do enjoy the show, best wishes to the progression of the show.
I’d like to take a moment of silence in prayer for those affected by the recent truth bomb dropped on chronicle.su.
If you will, please take a moment to remember the victims, and pray that God put them where they belong, in hell.
Why does Mike take credit for everything. The shows where he is out with his brother makes me so mad, he Mike thinks he knows everything and takes credit for it all.. Frank does just as much work as anybody, and does not whine and cry about everything. Mike might be the boss and all but lets make it fair!!!!!
look guys i live in a house where everyone is welcome. it doesnt matter if you are GAY, STRAIT OR SIDEWAYS ,you are welcome. it was clear from the first show i watch that they were a couple,and hun, Dani, you are what is known as a fag hag. we Hags, take care of our guys, put up with their crap, and we will sit up all night long if one of them is sick. as for this house hold, it doesn’t matter, they work great together and its a great and an entertaining show,and prayers go out for Frank, hope he is better soon and back on the show.
i would love to lick and fuck her plump pussy and cum all over and in her.
me too
It’s pretty obvious that the author of this article is quite homophobic. Firstly, being gay is not a “choice”. Contrary to popular stereotypes, not all gay men speak with a “lisp”. My remarks will fall on deaf ears though as I have learned that the author died shortly after this article was published, apparently due to his “choices”…
bullshit,don’t belive it for a minute,danny is hotttttttt!
Who cares if they are gay. I love the show and I learn something every time I watch it. They make money doing what they love. Doesn’t matter if its eachother. Danielle probably gets hit on all the time. At least she doesn’t have to worry about her bosses doing it. Keep on pickin!!!!
My name is Renee. I wrote that last comment
Fuck-a you
Fuckin faggots
My name is renee, I wrote that last comment.
I drive past Mike & Frank’s Iowa store on I80 and now finding out these guys are queers makes me remember to keep my windows up tight so I don’t catch anything they have or wish to give.
The Holy Bible states that Our God &Savior HATES THE ACT OF HOMOS but loves the individual who is commiting this sickning sin. If they Mike & Frank and all other people who practice this act do not ask forgiveness from God and quit their sin they will end up for eternity in HELL. This is not a joke people but fact. WHERE WILL YOU SPEND ETERNITY? You people are not funny with your joking and vulgar langauge. If you knew God Our Maker and Savior you would not write, talk and think as you do you. I invite you to turn and seek God while you have time. I did and know I am heading to heaven when I kick off. Hope to see you there!
Hey ass fuck, who are you to judge? You praise you’re all mighty god, but why do you speak for him? Did he right the bible? No. People find happiness in places others think may be taboo, strange, different, but its their life. I’d have more to say, but I don’t want to be damn hippocrate. See you in heaven dick head. Peace. Smoke weed all day. Bitch.
The emails I just read were lude and crude. Danni does not deserve your gross comments ever! The show is great and works gay or streight.I just discovered that the boys were gay from this website.Do I care. no….the show is still good.Come on people……they are just people.Stop putting people down show some intellagence not ingnorence.
Danni does have a juicy fat ass and I am sure she can take it like Franky,and of course she loves it, you can tell shes a dirty girl and likes to get down, them two queers are certainly not going to hit it, they like man hole, not her butt hole or her old school hairy bush (I read an article and she said she is au natural ( I always said bring back the Bush and I dont mean George!) I think Danni is doing a spread in Penthouse, I’ll buy it, she is a hottie with a nice plump ass ….. Butt boy if that Van could talk, I am sure Mike has had Franky bent over a few antique’s in the back of that old white cargo van that needs new shocks and some air freshners,( a camera man for the show said they stand way back when filming inside that butthole sticking thing) oh well let them queers pick and be happy.
I’m guessing Danni’s hit the biggest dick on the show.
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but they are not gay. Both have long-term girlfriends. Whomever wrote this just thinks any two guys hanging out that close must be that way. How sad you all are.
Whomever is an object not a subject. You’re sad.
Who cares? How do you not see this? Of course they’re gay, it’s pretty obvious.. I’ve watched this show since it’s debut, and as much as don’t care for the gay lifestyle, I’ve always put that aside, because I am interested in the antiques they find. I will say that I love how honest Mike is (he will literally offer someone more money than they ask).. but frank will haggle over 5 fucking dollars. He will offer the poor sap $40, and turn around, and ask $400! What a piece of shit! I like how he proclaims himself as “the bearded charmer” or “the bundle master”.. Fuck him, I’ve seen better looking beards on women; and his “bundling” technique is washed up.. There is no way in hell I would sell him anything.. Especially if he wanted to lower the price on multiple items! Fuck that little ugly bald piece of shit!! Anyway, I digress.. It’s fairly obvious that frank is a queer..Not sure about Mike, but he seems like he could go that way. I doesn’t matter to me if they suck cock, or not.. What matters to me is when someone is on T.V. and exploiting innocent people for their own gain.. Fuck these guys.
For B.L.C, I’m only commenting on the big prices that Frank charges for an item that he paid very little for. Have you seen Pawn Stars or any of the other ones. For example an item may be worth $10,000 but they will only give the owner 2,000. or 3,000. and won’t go any higher. Talk about gouging a person.
What’s truly gay is how fake and staged the show is. Just like all the others; pawn stars, storage wars, breaking amish etc. If you guys believe they are traveling America in that van you’re foolish.
dont bullshit. tehy drive around in that van humping each other in the bum all over the country AND YOU KNOW IT
I’m so happy that they felt it was time to come out of the closet!!! Love the show and admire their bartering skills. Sure they’re a little 2pricey considering its junk but they’re so hot right now America is prepared to pay up!! Hats off to anyone who is willing to come out of the closet…especially on tv where everything you do is under scrutiny!! Keep on picking love the show!! Canada www
I’m gay and I love this show! They are hot by the way . Mmmm
Good one Meff you such a fag. Just come out the closet already!
John Bail your so gay. With your shiny bald head. I new you would come out!
It’s obvious the comments from the below saps have no business sense what so ever!!!! They are paying people with the hopes they can sell it to someone. I have a Babe Ruth baseball card worth 3K but will someone pay that for it???? the answer is NO!!!! I’ve personaly been to The pawn-shop in Vegas and it is real…I can see why our country is in such poor shape just by reading the posts from morons!!! As far as their sexualty goes it shouldnt make a difference but it will to the hillbilly rednecks and bible pushers who all happen to be the most ignorant bastards in the country……Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!
I tell you what… you are apparently the ignorant bastard! I am a PROUD ALABAMA mama of a PROUD LESBIAN that finally at 14 told me her sexual preference. I told her I already knew that and that changes nothing. She’s the same as she was the day before. Get this you f*@*ing idiot….. Not one redneck hillbilly bible thumper has turned their back on her. You are a simple, close minded SOB if you use such remarks against Southerners then you spew more hate than the ones you accuse. Get a f*#@ing clue because you are a hypocrit you dumbass!
It doesn’t matter, I love the show !! But why do” we” have to know !! It’s personnel !!
I always knew the first time I saw the show that these 2 critters were Turd Burglars, I watch it for Danielle, would love to fuck all 3 of her holes, she’s off the charts hot.
skull you sound hot
Well guess what?? It just goes to show people will make up any kind of story.sorry to spoil the rumors but was down at the Iowa shop the end of this summer 2012 and mike was getting married!!and they have a little boy!so much for the he and frank are gay!!!
Sniffy sniffy pussy pussy
Didn’t realize these guys were pole smokers. I’ll quit watching the show. Flaming fags.
I do not believe in gays but that is none of my bussines I will syill watch there show.
Pickers were going through my dad’s barn and we caught ’em knocking a little off. Apparently they like ass-baked sausage. Dad sent them over to a shed by the pig pen. It was a display of dick packed in a pork. It will be on January 7 at 7:30 PM.
Relax who cares if they are gay, All you jerk offs ended up here because you were looking for nude picks of smoken hot Danielle!
Duh! Not shit Holmes! I certainly am hoping for pictures of Danni’s Hairy Puss! Not Wolfy Bending ole short bald Franky hat over an Antique for christ sake!….. yeah, mike & frank like “freestylin” alright, there best times are “freestylin” in the back of that butthole stinking van and Frank Bundling Mikes dick & balls.
If I evet saw a nude pic of her, I would kill myself. Disgusting!
These guys are a joke. Every time they go to someone house asking to “look” around, they get let in no questiones asked. Yea they have Danielle making cold calls for them and getting “leads” but sometimes they “freestyle” and still get a warm greeting!! yea fucken right! I used to go door to door with sales and advertising and not even one in ten people were as kind as the ones Mike and Frank meet. So, my conclusion is that this show is about as real as Pawn stars, which is as real as American Restoration, which is as real as swamp people, and Bamazon and so on. Fake as santa claus
Duck Dynasty is real.
I love the show. Didn’t have a clue as to why Frank wasn’t in a few episodes, Their business is theirs. I will continue watching the show. Each person has to live their life the waythat is theirs alone . Who are we to judge?
He wasn’t there, because he was having an antique candlestick removed from his asshole.
The show is fun to watch… that is all that matters. Danielle, call me!! ;)
Danielle is disgustingly gross.
All I have to say is that you guys are great no matter what.
Thanks! You ruined thoughts about Mike & Frank tag teamin Danielle in the back of the van!How could they not be turned on by her? Shes so freakin sexy!Im still gonna watch the show cause shes my favorite anyway! And of course dream of lickin her pussy till she went crosseyed!Yeah baby!!!!!!!
She is nasty, and doesn’t like you.
who cares what you do in your bedroom I am eighty yearsoldi love your program. Ihave alot of old things.
Now that I’ve stopped barfing and can type again, I’d like to say I don’t care!!! I may never get the mental picture out of my mind but I will still watch the show!
I had a gay child-hood friend that loved to tell me details I didn’t need so I would puke and everyone would get a kick out of it. He came out as soon as he turned 18 and I had to go with him to tell his Mom and sisters. They immeadiatly darted their eyes at me and I was like “Oh hell naw”. In a exhibition of pure stupidity I blearted out, ” Ask your daughters! They’ll tell you!” Not good for an 18 year old to say about 14 and 16 year old girls to their Mom. As an authorized neighborhood Mom, she managed to hit all of us at least once. Years later none of us can quit laughing if it’s brought up although my friend was a victim of AIDS. He was MUCH happier being honest with his family and friends although some folks couldn’t handle it. More power to Mike and Frank if it makes them happy.
I just never, EVER want to smell the inside of that van!!
Wow. Out of all the comments, this one is actually the most offensive, and you managed to accomplish this without using profanity or epithets? Well done.
I wonder how people will like shaking hands with them after each sale now that they know Mike and Frank are fudge packers. Now I know what Mike really meant when he asked Frank if he could move his stool back. I was confused because I did not see a stool in the van. I do not approve of faggism but will still watch the show since I am an old man and enjoy seeing the old junk that was useful when I was young.
Will pay 100 buck if someone can identify the exact location of 12 picks in the east coast or other offer. [email protected]
Paying 100 bucks for the exact location of 12 east coast sites. Or make another offer
350 and it’s a deal
gay? straight? who cares the show is boring. i’d rather watch lil old ladies hit up yard sales after church than these 2 yokels sleepwalk thru mice infested barns and pay 35 bucks for rusted busted garbage.
this is one of the worst reality shows ever
Never occured to me……doesn’t matter a whit ……I am just jealous that I can’t sit on a jumpseat and dive into those old barns, sheds and lean-to’s with ’em….
I had an antique shop and have done markets for decades,…and the thrill of the hunt, once it’s under your skin ….you are hooked for life ….
….lack of storage keeps me into vintage watches …..they’re small …but I see the stuff the guys unearth, and oh I wish I still had my shop !
this seem not legit in previous episode frank has went on dates with women..i think this is just a myth
I’m not saying he’s gay, but I’ve seen men married for 50 years go after young men after their wives die and children are long gone.
I really like the show because I am really into antiques and history, and learn a lot. However, even though people can choose how they live, I am deeply diappointed in Mike and Frank.
You guys should be ashamed
Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get divorced
You guys should be ashamed
I love the show but really
I love this show. I wonder why all these people that dig the show freak out when they find out they are a happy,strong,powerful gay couple. Oh yea Frank grrrrrrr
Eric is gay.
Next Season American Packer’s. I’m Gay and That will Be My Show!, Hell with Everyone Coming Out why not!
And what century are most of you living in? What difference does it make if they are gay? I’m sure if I was on the program you would have even more disgusting things to say about me just because I’m more than a little over weight. I don’t care what you think of me. What upsets me is how some of you must feel that you are so perfect that you have the right to judge and slander these men. You can always find something to not like about a person, if you look for it. There is so much hatred and hostility being verbalized and taught these days that it no wonder some people ‘loose it’ and start shooting up everyone. Have you never heard the phrase, “Live and let Live”?
yourfat and gay
Deb, Are You Through Singing! ” Because It Ain’t Over ‘Til You Do!”.
Frank is Mikes humanToilet.
Frank loves when Mike fires up his LoveGun and fills his butthole with creamCheese.
mike has a nice ass too
First time I watched this crappy show I knew the were gay and so what. If they enjoy pulling their bigdicks from one anothers ass only to find it covered in axleGrease and butterbeans then so what.
Its manlove.
I wanna know how big Danielles delicous dick is?
Much like Frank, I love taking a dump in my underpants.
Bend over Frank and let Mike ram his summer sausage up your moist, juicy ass.
i like his sauage too
I wanna get in the back of that van with those two homos and have a circle jerk.
A golden shower would be nice right about now.
Frank is Mike rectumReactional Vehicle.
After fucking the hell out of Frank, Mike enjoys rubbing salt all up in his bleeding asshole.
My friends, that isnt dirt under their fingernails.
Seriously people Could several of you be anymore homophobic and RUDE? Men who feel the need to launch into pulling out the homophobic name calling, like faggot, fudge packer, ect. I always think, uh huh “He doth protest to much.” Hmmmm… Then there is the lovely “morally right”… passing judgement. There are gay people in the world, it is not a “lifestyle choice”, it is who they are. Deal with it! If you are so “Godly”, then you shouldn’t be pointing fingers anyway. You are doing the exact opposite of what Christanity supposedly teaches and represents. Besides isn’t God suppose to be the judge, not you? Who cares what they do or are in their personal life. Either enjoy the show or don’t watch it. Rather simple….
We just report the fake stories. The hate stirs up itself.
im done with the show now i cant belave this my ilttle franky is gay
Im from harrisburg and i love men i want the fati think his name is frank one more pusshin mmmm
I love those guys and i actually liked that if the story is true.. Such good friends are a couple. gay or not you can’t always get that. :)
Even if they’re not gay they act gay. I can’t stand them, effiminate men get no respect from me. And as for the “He doth protest to much” comment, that doesn’t work with me. I know what I am, what I like and what makes me sick. Psyco-babble reverse psychology shut down any argument by calling your opponent whatever they object to childish arguments used by perverse liberal dodos may work on those who are concerned with acceptance by the mindless masses, but not me. I care not what you think.
You are by far the dumbest, most close-minded and ignorant fuck I have ever had the displeasure of “listening to”. You are clearly a self-loathing, closted gay, yelling loudly from the rooftops, proclaiming yourself to be a man’s man while wearing out the knees of your dungarees making sure all of the “effiminate” men in your neighborhood never have to go to bed with their cocks dry.
I just want to point out: I can’t remember the last time a gay dude badgered me because I dig women. Just a though
A good “though” indeed.
Well, that does it for me,no more Pickers on my T.V.I refuse to support gay people,but I will pray for them to change.
I’m so sick of close minded dipshits fuck you and your hatefull god may you rot in the hell you’ve created what have the gays ever done to any of you leave them be start following the teachings you follow
Chill out Princess.
wharfrat jones please pray for me cause im gay too, and i know that with your prays and refusing to watch american pickers i will be saved.. thank you. you backward fucking assfuck.
Like the dong in your large intestine, huh?
What does Frank & Mike’s, sexual orientation have to do with a cheerful & entertaining show? These are nice guys who are making a living & they aren’t hurting me or you.
Do you have any idea of what a man is?
who cares if they r gay or not the show is fun an dannie is still hot leave their personal life out of it
to the people who will not support gays, remember, gods says not to be the judge, if you sin you will be judged. Let God judge in heavan, not you judging on earth.
Gods did say not to be the judge, but he meant that the priest and the courts should do the judging.
you people need to learn how to spell!
pickers is awesome and I will continue to watch no matter if its true or not
Lies, lies and more lies. Seek the truth before any of you run your mouth. Mike had a baby not to long ago with his longtime girlfriend and recently got married! Amazing how gullible so may people are. Sheesh! And as a TRUE CHRISTIAN, I do not support people being gay ( these guys are not ) but I do support and love all people and their lives are their lives and god is in control of all things I will love and pray for all people and not judge them nor will I think I am better than ANYONE because I am a “Christian” just a human being and a christian doing what I can to help spread God’s word with love in my heart not hatred. To open my arms and offer a safe place, not turn my back and run on unrighteousness. This is a TV show watch it or not based on it contents NOT GOSSIP and judgement.
Fuck Christians bunch of pedephiles
Let he without sin cast the first stones!
RFOL Whom let all the homophobic trolls out of their cages?
DVR will no longer record show for me, I do not support the CHOICE to be gay!!
How do these rumors get started? Mike lives a few miles from me in Leipers Fork, Tn with his long time girlfriend Jodi Faeth. Get a life people.
True Nelson. I’m an East Tennessean and I am also aware that Mike has frequented the Williamson Co. area for years along with Jodi. The guys did a segment a few months ago about 5 miles from my home in Clinton at the Museum of Appalachia. Their van had been sighted in the area but nobody knew why until the show was aired. These gay rumors are vicious and uncalled for. People just need to enjoy the show and forget the rumors from folks who evidently don’t like it. I respect anyone’s sexual preference but Mike is not gay by any means.
Danielle is NOT pretty!!
O yes she is Danielle is sexy as hell
That’s for sure yumo
Danielle is sexy as hell
Good for those 2. Knew it a long time ago.
nope this article is falt out bs mike has a kid, both men have girlfriends, soon to be wifes.
Warfret jones if you are to stop watching pickers because they are gay itis your loss as far as me ilove the show ,, I was shoked to here they wer gay but never the less they seem like 2 good guys and they would be welcom in my wife and my home if ever they get down to Montreal P.Q. Canada
You would welcome them in your wife? What a BONEHEAD! LEARN HOW TO SPELL AND THINK ABOUT WHAT SAYING!
NO matter if they are gay they are susfulin what they do good for them most of you ass holes are jelous because you are not susful and being Gay has nothing to do with what you are saying
Danielle is a angel putting up with thes two guys lol she is truly a real beauty and the tatooes add charm to her person
its part of the show.
I know what you mean. Fat Little Bald Prick! I especially hate when he starts bundling and screws them even more. I’d like to bundle him into a ball and shove him into Mikes ASS!!!!!
who cares one way or another !the show is great ! mike and frank
go git them .
THEY ARE GAY?!! OH!…MY!…GO…So what? I like the show and the places and People they meet.It`s not the best show ever but by no means the worst on T.V.Gay or not Gay isn`t what this show is about.
they are not gay. mike has a kid with his girlfriend soon to be wife. both are straight. this article is bs.
….hum…must admit was always a little curious….great show…what-ever…
I just love them!!!!! Gays make the best friends. Come to Arizona and we can hang out. To have a true best friend is a gift. I love the show and you both.
Who gives a shit gay or not!!! They fucking A in my book and I enjoy them and picking!
Gay? Maybe? Assholes for sure! How can you beat people down on every item you pick, then brag about how much you sell it for? True assholes!!!!!!!! Go to Iowa during the AMCA meet and you won’t find jack-shit or any items for sale by mike or frank. DICK-HEADS for sure! Keep up the good work, ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!! Soon you’ll be unemployed, ass pickers!!!!!
Such anger! Sheesh. These guys are honest to people, they tell them they need to make a profit and they don’t care if their profit is only 10 bucks. I think its pretty admirable the way they deal with people. So try to be more positive and not such a hater.
Fuck u tony u r a douche bag
I agree total Dickheads!!! For Sure!
Danielle = FOX, any guy that thinks different really MUST be gay!
I don’t care if they are “gay”. I love them and I love the show. Leave them alone. It does’t matter.
Hey Donna, shave that nasty furBurger of yours, its stinkin up the place.
I’m disappointed!
Silly people! They are not gay. This is just a joke article. Mike Wolfe was married this year in September and has a doctor who will be turning one next month. Silly people.
everyone in this listing is a dumbass. The only reason wry I say it is cause everyone will hate me for whatever reason they want to.
I don’t know the writer of this article, but something may be loose – Danielle is pretty, but to call her “stunning” and of “staggering beauty” is a bit much.
I agree Jose, she’s certainly not a stunning beauty. I didn’t pick up on them belittling her either.
You people are all crazy. They are NOT gay, and Mike has a wife, and recently, a daughter! Check your facts!
THIS IS COMPLETLY FALSE And to make this up is unreal.
i don’t care if they are gay, they are greatguys even my two daughters love their show andthey are 8 and 10
I knew it!! And I’m loving the fact that its true. Times are changing and it’s great to see two people happy in a relationship and working together. I love you guys!!!
Good morning danielle dame you look good in that picture
I live in conn and wood love to have a nice picture to hang in my bar
so find something nice and send it and if I can do the same for you let me no and ill send you some thing from conn thank you eddie
I need to know if Danielle shaves her pussy. I just think it would make her look so hot and sexy. Then again if she does, I sure hope that she doesn’t have it all marked up with those nasty looking tattoos. I can’t help but to wonder about when someone makes love to her, does her lover get the feeling that she still has her shirt on? I would think it would be kind of disappointing to cohabitate with her knowing that she can never undress down any further than that nasty green, yellow and red colored shirt that she has scrolled into her skin.
I’m not a shrink but you can’t help to wonder if the reason Danielle is so messed up and tries to hide under a coat of tattoos is not because she like tattoos, but she subconsciously does it because she is afraid of the abuse she gets from Mike and Frank. No I am not saying that Frank is giving her the sausage, but when she gets all worked up, nervous and is afraid she is going to get yelled at because some potential seller she had lined up backs out, or when she is told by Mike and Frank to buy something, then they return to the shop and decided that they do not like the item, they take their frustrations out on her. Or when she has to fear them for any other little mistake she makes, it all makes sense why she tries to hide from reality. I mean for the lousy ten dollars an hour they pay her they should not be causing her all this grief and stress in her life. Instead they should build her a loft at the shop with a endless supplied refrigerator full of goodies so she can go and take a nap, watch a little TV or pig out when she decides to take a few hours off from her underpaid job. Face it, the fry guy at McDonalds makes that much and he even gets to snatch a few fries as he whistles while he works. No instead of Mike and Frank humiliating her and forcing her to drive around in that little clown car, forcing her to work in a shop with no heat or air conditioning, and being expected to be there for Mike and Franks every beck and call, they should start treating he like a human and not some mindless idiot.
As for Mike and Frank being gay, I would not be shocked if Mikes pants feel down and he was missing something, but I do not believe they are gay. Then again with those tight pants that Mike wears, I can not help but to wonder if Frank hasn’t tried to slip his bologna into Mike on some of those cold Minnesota nights. But even though I do not think they are gay, I do believe that Frank has his hot dog ready to ram into either Mike or Danielle if they happen to get out of line. Yes Frank might be the silent one but there is no doubt that he dominates over Mike and Danielle.
Hmmmm, I wonder if Mike shaves down there?
love yous. from glasgow scotland an watch every possible programe. will keep doin so. my home wouldnt be the same without yous. ur my friends. so in my heart an keep picking. xxxx always….
Mike and frank are NOT gay. Mike has been with his girlfriend for over 17 years. They are best friends from High school.
And they just got married this year
This whole Gay thing is absolutely digusting. The country has finally gone to hell. What does the bible say about homosexuals.
It was a joke, morrrron, they’re not gay,but being gay should be a lot nicer,truer that iddiots believing in the bible!!
I just like the programme….don’t care about the sexuality….they
all come over as really nice guys….who cares if they are gay or not…..and I love Danielle……………….
Danielle will you marrie ?????
will you merry me daniell….i only watch the show to get a glimps of you……your hot as hell….frank and mike have great camera presence….but you make the show baby…….
I can only imagine having sex with Danielle….me giving her a tongue bath…..among other things…….she wreaks sexual passion and lust……probably a screamer……lucky husband…….
First of all, just take into consideration that MOST people responding to this article cannot SPELL! That right there tells us the quality of the people here. Trailer park trash. Go to school and learn to spell, you’ll never become anything in life if you don’t learn to SPELL!! Disturbing!!
They suck they cheat people get a little price and resale it double or triple
Um Mike is not gay….he has a girlfreind! I know a very close family freind of his…..please dont beleive everything you read!
of COURSE they charge more. DUH!How are they supposed to maake money to pay their expenses and pay salaries???
Their fat acting check from Discovery.
jack. why do u have to be so nasty ? why !
I knew that but i like the show kept up the good work
FYI Mike married his GIRLFRIEND in Sept and has a daughter!
I still have my doubts that they are gay. But even if they are who gives a fuck!No ones business. The show is still good & Danielle is HOT! The idiots making the gay comments are probably spooge wranglers themselves! Get a fuckin life!!!
I don’t give a damn who they sleep with. I have a couple pieces of Iowa History and they don’t seem interested in them. This hurts my feminine side!! lol. Maybe I should mention (even though it’s a lie!) that I have a certain characteristic in common with our equine friends!!!!
rick i need to checked you out
Doesn’t bother me. One of the perks of being gay! You wouldn’t see my GF digging through piles of car parts and riding motorcycles with me!
This article is not true. I fail to understand why someone would lie about others. Please read New York Times online article about american pickers.
Mike and Frank are great guys and extremely personable. Their sexual preference is their business. I love Danielle and I would love to make breakfast for her.
[…] Danielle the Tattoo'd Diva isn't there fave person….. In Iowa, bet that's a tough sell…. Are the American Pickers Gay? Yes, they are gay. | The Internet Chronicle __________________ ***************** http://www.facebook.com/NoBadDaysGraphics Have you got NBD […]
I have been upset with the crap that, mainly Frank pulls, with customers…If you can double your money, that’s cool. But when you talk somebody down & get triple the price, that’s wrong!!
All the news here are fake. Anyway are very funny :D
The show is fake just like all these other shows like Pawn Stars and Storage Wars.
Stupid comment from Kilgoar: “Choice of sexuality.” Like Mike chose to be tall and Frank chose to be short.
But then again, who can believe anything here anyway?
always had the hots for Mike….WHOOO HOOOO, proud of you two for coming out..stand tall and proud boys
I guess your a SICK ASS too.Makes me sick just knowing it.I’ll never watch the show again.I AM ANTI QUEER.
that is very unfortunate.
I heard they have picture of lance armstrong in back of van
and a pair of his signed bike shorts
I fail to see any point of this “article” ??
I’ll never understand why people get off on such garbage.
There both gay and daniel is to
It’s an entertaining show. I love the appreciation they both have for the past and the objects that represent it. Nothing else matters to me. Good relationships and happiness are hard to come by….grab it and hang on to it with whomever. As far as everyone else….it’s none of their damn business…who cares what they think.
This whole show is nothing but a joke! Like if anyone thought they were straight? They are gayer than two men kissing…lol. They are two hard bargainers on the bidding and frank seems like a rip off… His voice and his demeanour is so annoying… But now that they are out of the closet bout their homosexuality I just laugh at the whole show… Lol
So, Mike got married about a month ago……. so…. yeah… this is crap…..
I enjoy the show and don’t care. Was in Canada recently and saw Canadian Pickers – same show different players. Enjoyed that one too.
Uh, do people really believe this article is true??? LOL look at the other “news” headlines on this website like ” Lady GAGA diagnosed with brain cancer” and “Little Wayne Dead at 29”. C’mon people.
I See you two all time richard sluss 3211 williamsburg rd richmond Va23231,.,
If this is true I will not watch them again. That’s too bad because I kike this show. What a shame if true.
Seriously? So, you like the show, but if they are gay you will not watch it? I assume you do not watch baseball, football, basketball, etc since at least 5-10% of the players are gay as well. Hmm….. considering who is actually out of the closet, I think your viewing may be limited to…..uhm, well, nothing. The bigotry and narrow mindedness of some people is unbelievable. And truly sad. My hope is you have not bred yet, as I would hate to think you may have the chance to actually pass on your hatred.
You are a scumbag.
By the way Danielle is NOT pretty. With all those tats makes her very ugly.
Any dude that wants to fuck danielle wud fuck a man cuz thats one burly bitch
I hate to tell ya this, but they are not gay. Mike has had the same girlfriend for over a decade
if they are they are, if not thin well u get it. who cares, its there life and its a good show. i love what they do.. and to misterE
January 27, 2013 at 1:35 PM · Reply she is hot.. on my top 5 list.
I never liked the show and if it is true I wish they’d just keep it to themselves.
Who cares if they’re gay , it’s really a stupid show .
They travel the country in a van and maybe make $500 a show !!!
What’s it cost in gas , food , etc for one day ?
They should have a semi and buy everything [ which they probably do but it’s not on the show ]
unreality TV
Daniel is hot!!!!! I would so love to bruise her inner thighs! SEXY IN EVERY WAY!!:)
I knew you were a couple of Homos..
and they sure like you
Who cares. Good luck to them. Their happy and the show is great. UK loves American pickers.
Regardless if they are or not, I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! Very intertaining ,And I will keep watching it.
Keep up the good work guys .
This isn’t true at all. He is married with a little girl who just turned 1. He would not have “come out” just before getting married to the woman he’s lived with for over 10 years. They’re just super good friends the same way Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were – inseparable buddies. To use a phrase favored by my parents’ generation, this article is pure “hogwash”!
I have stayed away from this for months but they are bad people. In Wisconsin I ran into them. As a fan I was open to them. I was given a rape drug and disappeared in one of there rooms for over 10 hours. Do not go near them unless you want a disease.
I really, really,REALLY dislike Mikes laugh. I asked hubby what he thinks of Danielle, he said, eh.
the imdb site says that Mike lives with his wife in nashville…this is fake, just wanting attention. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3797453/
Don’t see signs that they r gay. Fine with me if they were. Great show. Hope u r good people the way u seem on tv.
I do not care if they are gay. But on a recently aired episode Mike talked about Frank having a “lady friend” and also Franks mom was in a episode when he was sick. So this kinda makes me wonder if this article is true.
Didn’t you see the followup article in which the “Pickers” renounce homosexuality merely for PR?
You’re journalism is nothing but fabricated gossip. A waste of time- get a job, pick your nose or something productive.
Wish People Would Just Leave Them Alone cmon Mike and Frank are great guys and extremely personable. Their sexual preference is their business It’s time to support them.
Been watchin them for years they do alot of climbing and squeezing through some tight places never heard either one of them fart this answers my questions they are both streched out Go Pickers
Read the nytimes article. They are not gay just becaue they dont oogle over a tatto covered girl doesnt make them gay it just gives them good taste. And even if they were, who cares. The show is fun to watch and they have made a great living doing what they love.
Link please, to the article
This is for all your stupid comments I’ve known mike a s frank for awhile now this rumor is stupid mike has a wife and a baby girl frank has a girlfriend they are best friends from school they work together Get real guys
This is mikes wife and he isn’t gay or he wouldn’t be married to me we have a beautiful baby daughter named Charlie and he is one of the best guys I’ve ever met mike and frank are only really good friends form high school frank has a girlfriend named Kim who hes been with over a decade!! Just cause two guys travel together don’t make them gay get real y’all and why would you even look this up unless Yale was questioning yourselfs? And Danielle has two kids herself and a husband all y’all want to do is spread lies no matter what y’all say mike and frank care less!! They know there stright so y’all spreading this horrible rumor around is abunch of rubbish
not sayn they are gay who cares if they are or not! But dont be so stupid to think just because someones married with children that they cant be GAY!
I love AP and I am so sorry about this stupidity going on about M and F. It has to be hurtful. I am suprised they havent said Ruby was gay. Love the pics of Ruby on Twitter. God bless you, Mike, the baby, Danielle, her family, Frank and his family.
I agree with Jan, WHO CARES,it is a great show I wish it were on more often.
Great guys…great show…watch them because their intelligent and funny…and I wish I could be as successful as they are.
Total bullshit…Mike is married, has a beautiful daughter…I knoiw them both and this is totally untrue!
well JOHN THIESSEN is a child molester and thinks this shit is funny for some reason. I GO on youtube and looks at preteen girls talking on their web cams and trY to get them to talk to ME. I AM a real perv and should be BACK in prisoN.
try xtube instead
aloha american pickers
My name is BRian Yonezaki.
I watch the american pickers tv show
on history channal.
i am from Honolulu Hawaii.
Alhoa American pickers
BRIAN Yonezaki
aloha my b
name is brian Yonezaki Ilike american pickers.
is my favorite tv show
aloha american pickers
Aloha danial.
i lke american pickers tv show
MY name is BRIAn YOnezaki
Aloha Dannial
I do love your show very much, I enjoy watching it everyday. I do want to see Daniells body tattoos, she is so very hot, everytime you show her on tv,i look so hard to see more of her tattoos. your biggest fan of all yours.Darrell Trimble
love your show , we do not miss an episode.It is the most down to earth show i know of.
Dani is a real women,all natural, un-like those ugly, bottle blonde, hooker looking bimbos on all those stupid Housewives shows.
Mike D’Amelio
San Jose, CA
Danielles bangin!,shes way hot love her ink i want to give her some proper lovin.
I wanna lick Danielles lips & finger her buthole,portostyle
“choice of sexuality”? If they’re choosing it, they’re not gay.
Fact that Mike has kids does not make him immune to being a fag. In fact fags are know to wanting children because it makes them feel more feminine and motherly. It’s twisted but it’s the truth. Danielle. She’s just hot hot hot. Not sure how she puts up with the fag duo. She has enough talent to make it on her own for sure.
This article is funny. It would make a good Onion article. It’s also funny because they aren’t gay but a Google search for American Pickers pops this article up on the 5th hit. Hahaha.
What’s also funny and a bit creepy is this website but a random photo of some dude next to my name “AJ”. Weird.
Im a christian dont believe in gay. Im not ur judge . I won’t watch any more. Its ur life .good luck with the show. Kay
Mike Wolfe of American Pickers and his girlfriend Jodi Faeth were together for about 17 or 18 years before they got married on September 8th, 2012. Their daughter Charlie Faeth Wolfe was born a little over seven months earlier on January 30th, 2012. The Wolfes married on September 8th, Charlie was baptized on the 9th, and then Mike reported on the 10th that he was off picking again for two weeks. That was a busy weekend for the Wolfe family!
The Wolfes did manage to squeeze in a family honeymoon in Hawaii the next month after the wedding. About a month later, little Charlie, who was born with a cleft palate and lip, underwent a second successful reconstructive surgery to repair the birth defect.
Read more http://www.kgbanswers.com/is-either-mike-wolfe-or-frank-fritz-from-american-pickers-married-or-have-girlfriends/22867543#ixzz2MsxrXr5g
Who a thunk it? Well I like the stuff they find, I love Danielle, so I will keep watching the show.
I have Tw0 (2) questions, 1- Danielle Who is that beautiful woman on your right sholder? 2- Does Mike let you smoke, in the truck while you two are on picks?
Thanks Wallis
This is a spoof. Mike is married with children. Frank on the other hand might be a fag, but no confirmation
leave them alone it is non of our business. you all have way to much time on your hands to worry about this. we just like their show and want to buy some things.
Danielle is a Jehovah’s Witness. If they really were gay, she would not be so easy in accepting it!
Danielle is a burlesque dancer in her spare time. I doubt she would be judgemental of them. She seems too inteligent to be a bigot. Unlike most of the commenters here.
I luv to kiss her eh-hole all day long
I wish they were gay, but I know they are not. Honestly, I wish I could message both to let them know I really like them and the show. I too, am a picker. I could learn a few lessons from these men. Leave them alone. They have a private life. Either they are gay or straight..Who cares? they are great guys!
I dislike the gay propaganda and the attempt to influence our children and grandchildren that gay is normal and to sexualize them early in life. If this is an attempt to get people like me who will not support the gay propaganda to stop watching the pickers, you have succeeded as far as I am concerned. If I know any companies or programs supporting the gay agenda, I go go out of my way to avoid using their services even if they aree free. It has nothing to do with religion. It is just a minority trying to get our children to deviate from the social norm that irks me. I have my say and I will not be back.
zen’get off your high horse’wasnt you the guy who was bumming the coloured guy in pulp fiction.nuff said
Zen is another closeted homo…deflecting his true self by spewing hate. Admit it Zen, you fantasize about the pickers.
There is so much hate in these comments. Especially from the Christians, although I am not surprised… I USED to be one. Then I just realized it was a religion based on hate and discrimination. These comments actually make me a bit nauseated. Im definitely not coming back on this website. I did like this site too.
Yes cause having kids makes anybody straight. Awful closed minds with no character or depth.
I love American Pickers it’s one of the BEST shows out there… for a reality show it’s one of the most fun, educational and wonderful to watch. My Husband and I watch the show always. I just wish people would just leave others to live their lives. Let’s all enjoy life to the fullest and never harm anyone on your life’s journey… AND GO MIKE AND FRANK …AMERICAN PICKERS is AWESOME!
I don’t usually write things on the sites, but this I had to say something.
I totally agree with you Doris. my Husband and i watch it all the time, even the re-runs. Its a great show. Everyone should leave everyone else alone and let them live their own lives the way they want to.
I personally , I could care less if they were guy or not. Why would people care anyways ? That’s there life. Not ours. It is none of our business. Who are we to judge how they live it ? There not here to judge ours. If anyone is bad, then it’s me. I’ve been living with a man for 13 years and not married to him. These gentlemen are happy, healthy and have a great show. I love them. There good people.
So what if they are gay?! I’d blo Mike while bangin Danielle! Best of both worlds! Pick ON Pickers!!!
I just found out that they are gay I record this show every week cuz I work out of town, yes I like it and no I don’t have anything against Peter Puffers but deleting this show from my dvr is probably best. So goodbye Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz. Hope you never have a kid together…
Rick, I just think you have a thing for Mike and Frank…hence deleting the show from your life. Admit it dude…you want to be sandwiched between the pickers. You want Frank’s “frank” in your mouth with Mike’s cock in your ass.
i agree
why do you never see them actually sell anything?anyone can say “i will get so much for this” but do they?nicho
Mike needs to stop eyeballing frank when he bends over, the damn big ticket item isnt in his bum, and i think we all know frank is mikes bitch
I don’t care whether they are gay or straight, who cares… I love the show and I have things they would like to pick through. I love them. and would love to sell them some of my items that are right up their alley.
God hates fags
God hates fag haters more, you dumb Cro-Magnon!
Homo erects is struggling with his/her own sexuality…guaranteed.
People who say, “God hates fags” obviously doesn’t know God. He LOVES everyone, what He hates is sin. Read the bible and you will truly be enlightened.
This is a load of crap !! #1- who cares. # 2- mike is married with a 3 month old baby. Whoever reported this is full of crap and need to get there facts correct !!!!
I don’t care if Frank and Mike are straight or gay. They are just characters in an entertaining show. However, Danielle needs to lose about 40 pounds.
fuck you asshole
Maybe YOU’RE gay, Danielle is hot.
Who cares if they are gay or straight. I love the things they find. I prefer women but I don’t care who is gay or straight. I don’t bother others. They don’t bother me. I would rather people would keep their private life to themselves but it is what it is. Leave people alone, as long as people aren’t breaking any laws leave them alone.
[…] Story found here […]
We watch your show all the time.Keep up the good work.I don’t care if you are gay or not….
Mike talks about his girlfriend on the show (2013) and Frank talks about the women he dates. They aren’t gay. AND even if they were, who cares. They have a great show, wish I could pick for a living instead of sitting behind a desk. Don’t believe the gossip people.
Mike Wolfe of American Pickers and his girlfriend Jodi Faeth were together for about 17 or 18 years before they got married on September 8th, 2012. Their daughter Charlie Faeth Wolfe was born a little over seven months earlier on January 30th, 2012. The Wolfes married on September 8th, Charlie was baptized on the 9th, and then Mike reported on the 10th that he was off picking again for two weeks. That was a busy weekend for the Wolfe family!
The Wolfes did manage to squeeze in a family honeymoon in Hawaii the next month after the wedding. About a month later, little Charlie, who was born with a cleft palate and lip, underwent a second successful reconstructive surgery to repair the birth defect.
Read more http://www.kgbanswers.com/is-either-mike-wolfe-or-frank-fritz-from-american-pickers-married-or-have-girlfriends/22867543#ixzz2MsxrXr5g
There is a major push by the gay and lesbian groups to convince the US that they are millions on millions of them so they can push their liberal propaganda. It doesn’t hurt their cause when we have a president who uses the same tactics as pre world war Germany in trying to get us to believe in lies by pounding the airwaves and internet media. Someday we too will fall as a nation because people failed to recognize what is truth and pursue it.
bob is 100% correct!
You guys that use every chance to dog on Obama is friggin annoying, and screams out publicly just how ignorant you are. Nazi Germany, really? What lies? The condition of this country would be the same no matter who is president. Where do you guys get your facts, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh? You need to let it go dude. Am I gay because I’m liberal? I also served in the Marine Corps, is that patriot enough for you? Do you understand the process involved to making laws and policees? What did Obama do? You think republicans are your buddies do ya?
calm down Chad. It’s a fake article on American Pickers. You have to understand that people have different opinions about things and if you get angry every time someone says something about gays or liberals or what it means to be patriotic, you’re just going to be mad all the time. I don’t think he was bashing Obama… I just think he was saying that Obama never failed to use his skin color to talk about the progress of America. It’s just a tactic that all politicians, advertisers, or manufacturing companies use to appear “progressive” and the gay community does the same thing. It’s not a bad thing, they’re just trying to relate to everyone and show that gay is “normal” and people need to start realizing that. but you have to understand that some people don’t believe that and they will also use the same tactics to prove otherwise. Have a nice day :)
Get a life! Don”t you people have anything better to do?
Well are they or aren’t they?
How does the fat guy wipe his ass? Is it humanly possible
they fuck in da van
they got caught fucking in fa bk of da van
they got busted down a side road in da bk of the van buming
Mike is married and has a baby & Frank has a girlfriend.
How gives a fuck of they are gay bitch
Yer thats why they travel alot
The article is satire you morons. Have you ever read The Onion. Guess not. People are so gullible.
So what if the slopehead is a faggo and “Frank Feh”(as he pronounces it) is his bottom boy, the tatooed fatso back home must be gay too. The whole show makes me nauseous! They always overbid stuff and never do you see anything sell. Maybe thats another series,,, “Gay Storage Wars”. Rubberlips could pit faggot Barry and “Chootem” off swamp people against the fat family of “Bubba Boo Boo”. Gay TV is here to stay along with the frigging Geiko shit and the totally obnoxious Progressive dumb bitch!!! Lets face it, television is not what it used to be. After reading today that they are gay, I’ll never watch that program again….
The Jews are really scraping the “bottom” of the barrel now for their television empire!
Christ almighty, you’re retarded
tru dat
Takes one to know one I guess. We speak on the same level? I’m a zero and your a zero?
This is a compete falsification. Mike has a kid and girlfriend of 17 years, and frank is constantly talking about his woman problems. How about everyone goes to a reputable source: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/25/garden/mike-wolfe-of-american-pickers-at-home-in-iowa.html?pagewanted=all
if this story is true ,,great! Ellen started the ball rolling of people coming out so no big deal! I’ happen to be a gay woman who will be a picker when I have free time very soon… Your all great!!! Love the show! jan
I have no bad feelings for Mike or Frank may hats off to you both would still love to meet you both one day and buy you both a tall cold one all the best guys
Who cares if they are gay. There gende
r choice of partner has nothing to do with the show. I enjoy watching the show no matter whether they like women or men.
Yeh, who cares if they have poop under their finger nails, after softening each other up.
They are two low lives for ripping old people off. They know how much stuff is worth and then they low ball people hoping to steal their stuff.
A couple of thieves who enjoy bilking folks out of their heirlooms.
They have to make money, they are not going to buy the stuff for full price and the people selling the things know that.
Evan is completely right!! Yeah if you want to have the expenses of the gas and business to run along with life expenses and pay top dollar and come out the exact same, that’s up to you. But, I put money on them actually making way further then you. What do you think any retail store does? It’s all about four things, supply, demand, spending and making money. Some episodes you see them ask “how much do you want?” Some people say a low enough number where Mike or Frank tell them a higher number, to be fair.
y bone good to hear from you
They are definitely a couple of poo fingers. They travel around in that truck smelling each others farts, getting all gabby. Then they rip some poor person off. They’ll be like “how much would you take for that.. Then they jip the person with some low offer. Same ole stuff each week.
They laugh as they are leaving with someone’s stuff that they’ll sell for 1000 x profit.
love the show/ who cares bout their sexual life iam sure people are going to live their lives the way i think they should. so who cares /i love their show/would love to do some business with them. and when they leave i wouldn’t feel ripped of after all it would be my choice . and as for daneille she’s cool
Wow joe. You are a horrible person. Gfys
wow,,,some people here are so bad, i think the guys are great,,and if they didnt buy some of that junk, these collectors amass,,then their family who inherit it will just pile it in a dumpster..that is what i would do
Thanks for letting us know! Please send all suggestions to what YOU would do with dead hoarders possessions to [email protected]! We look forward to hearing from you.
these guys are great i love seeing the stuff they get and they always seem fair in the prices they offer….great show keep up the good work…
it’s kind of disturbing to see that most of the folks who responded hate everyone but it’s even sadder to see that even though they graduated from the third grade, they still can’t spell or form a complete sentence
They aren’t gay. Mike Wolfe actually got married not too long ago to Jodi Faeth.
They aren’t gay. Mike Wolfe actually got married not too long ago to Jodi Faeth. Which the two have been together for 17 year’s and together have had a child. BOOM!
WOOOOW! You deleted my comment proving they weren’t gay! Mike is married to Jodi Faeth! Just because your article is incorrect doesn’t mean you should be mad! It’s horrible your thrashing their names! Even more because your completely WRONG!
Holy sh#t there are some morons out there. poo fingers? Rip people off? First of all the person saying they’re poo fingers likely jerks off in from of a PC all day. Not pussy.. PC.. Probably never seen a naked woman in person, and his mom does his laundry.. I’m sure he’s a bad ass on call of duty online tho but couldn’t kick a gay pickers ass.. That’s right gay or not little Frank would knock your ignorant ass out.. Second, did you see the episode where they made a shit load off 2 folk art tapestries and took half the money to the guy they got them from so he could re open his amusement park..? Do you know about the shit they’re involved in with helping people? America (my home country, where I was fukin born and raised) is so full of ignorant fucking idiots that love to judge and talk shit on uncool people.. I would suck two big cocks and take one in the ass proudly before I would be some tool that gets on the internet to talk shit about peoples private lives and sexual preference.. Get a brain then a life and get to know a homosexual or two they are just the same as all the rest of us HUMAN BEINGS….
I am sick of people saying unkind things about the picker’s. I watch them all of the time, new and old as often as I can get them. I think they are great.
god gross
Ok it seems this article is not accurate, and even if it was why would anyone see a problem with this? I am a heterosexual that grew up with a gay uncle, I had listen to family members insult them as if it was a disease! Even at a very young age I knew that what was wrong was how family members treated my uncle and not his sexual preference, its a sad world when at seven years old you know the people that tried to raise you are that small minded and uneducated.
I hate there show there a bunch of poo shooters they con push people to sell stuff they dont want to sell pay them shit prices and they can sell it for top price hope u die u faggots they proply dont know wat a pussy look like fucking homos fuck u america pickers u and ya show sucks fucking shit fingers
Doesnt matter if ur married u could be happy doesnt mean fuck all i know people who were married and they dirty fags. American pickers they allways camping in the van or hotels they gay poo pushers fucking they need a base ball bat to da head
you need to get a girlfriend honey…..
I have she makes me happy in many ways
I want to fuck ur mouth till i blow my load in ur mouth then i tit fuck u blow my load on ur face then i fuck u so hard again and again till u walk bow legged because i want to ur so hot u need a big fat cock in u i want to take u in that van fuck u so every hour on the ower and i allso want to suck ur tits
how about me too
I know were she leaves i should go there with a ribbon tie it to my cock knock on her door flash it tell her its a gift then fuck her till the sun goes down she gives me a wicked hard on
I know were she leaves i should go there with a ribbon tie it to my cock knock on her door flash it tell her its a gift then fuck her till the sun goes down she gives me a wicked hard on
i know i have you if you show up
I know were she leaves i should go there with a ribbon tie it to my cock knock on her door flash it tell her its a gift then fuck her till the sun goes down she gives me a wicked hard on
Sweet Jesus.
Dont be like that u love to pull my junk my cock look gd in ur mouth i love to open ur pussy and lick u out u taste gd
To right i fuck her ever day if i had a chance dont worry about her flabs her pussy would be so worth it she be a gd fuck i love to fuck da shit out of her
i love your junk chris
Danny shes such a hottie i totaly agree with ya i feel sorry for her working with them two faggots
hows your ass
They would like getting shot by a cock
your cock would do
Fake ass story.. Mikes married with a young child..
Doesnt matter if ur marryed or have kids its called a double life people that or marryed leave the marriage to go to there fagget lives
Time to rename the show “American Packers”
It should be bum packers
frankie likes toys soda signs and oil cans and there favorite saying is you gotta leave alittle meat on the bone we gotta make money to whats gay is mikes laugh and the saying lets bundle this mega pick frankie
It should be american bum packers
frank fritz is actually gay he talks about women but also looks very uncomfortable about the subject he also lives with 2 cats so do the math. but it really does not matter gay or straight whats messed up is they do rip people off for there stuff god only knows how bad it is when the camera is off
frank is the gay one he talks about women but he always looks uncomfortable talking about the subject and he lives with 2 cats so do the math.But it really does not matter if there gay or straight but they do try to rip people off on the show and thats not right.
so what if they are gay,i like the tv show,i would love to travel through the usa picking,even just to travel around the usa would be an awesome buzz,im not gay,i would prefer to do a trip around the goodole usa with danny.if a man wants to shear his life with another man,WHATS THE PROBLEM,
whats your problem rod you want frank fritz to drive you around the country while mike wolfe licks your ass 18 hrs a day
thats not nice but i do agree they take advantage of people and almost steal from them by giving them low ball prices who dont know what they really have there theives
i would
So what if they’re married, that means what? It’s called a double life. If they are gay, who cares? if they’re not, who cares?
By the way, the rumor wasn’t that Mike was married, it was that he lived with long time girlfriend Jodi. Get your facts straight and please, for the sake of everyone, learn to spell.
While I agree that these people need to learn how to spell, there was an article that said he was married, Kayley but I’ve only seen that in one place. I do agree with you in other aspects though, who cares of they’re gay or not, it doesn’t matter. Honestly there is such a thing as a double life as well, so you’re right about that as well. I think it’s easier for some people to believe that they’re not than that they are though so any rumor or theory that pops up, they’ll buy the one that’s easiest for them to believe. I LOVE when people judge and talk about things that will never affect their lives =sarcasm=
I do agree the American Pickers scam people sometimes though but keep in mind, these shows are stages, all tv is staged. I imagine it is everyone or at least in a lot of places but especially in this country, United States.
Those who are racists have been found to have low IQs. The above comments are proof of this fact.
your absolutely right judy harper we need more people like you.Are you intrested in a job on the show we need someone to drive around with us and stroke frankies oil stick and help him out if you have any orange crush signs let us know
Ur a fag ur not a pickers arse hole
Thats true they scam ppls they know how much its worth there not dumb and they ask for the item for so cheap fuck u u rip offs i hope they find out how u work and tell u to fuck off u scum bags
how dare you people say we rip people off you wanna think im gay or whatever thats fine the show is as real as it gets and we try to give people a fair price on everything besides we make money off the show airing probably alot more then people who complain about the show
Do u squeal like a fat pig like u are when mike power drives ur arse
no but i do
i rather work your oilstick instead of franks
Those who are racists have been proven to have low IQs. Many of the above comments prove this fact.
Whats the Difference in the world we live today, were every thing goes
Talks cheep any way
I think there are a bunch of rip offs they ask for things so cheap then sells them for more ppls should sell there own stuff study the item to see how much its worth i carnt stand that show and how they work everyone wake up to them and how they bundle stuff come on they sell it by them selfs and make more of a proffet
Will not be watching the show anymore,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what a disappointment:(
That’s really sad that you’re that low.
You guys are dumbasses for believing this. This is Mike’s sister inlaw Sharron. He is not gay nor is Frank (although I do question his sexuality at times). They both have girl friends and this article is a sham. Thank You.
From the Wolfe’s
So u do question there sexuality i think they gay and the hole show its a scam the show doesnt intrest me
Dean ur correct two grown men that travels in there poofter van ripping people off they should can that show all they do is go bush hide in there van and play butt darts u suck american pickers
Fuck you Dean! Your a sorry S.O.B. Your just unhappy to see anyone succeed in life. Get a real job with decent pay and you wouldn’t be bitching about how much others make. You call other men gay because you enjoy fantasizing about oral and anal sex with other men. As your reading this there is probably a man kissing your neck and grabbing your ass. It’s clear Dean is the only homosexual here. Suck a dick faggot. Go jump off a bridge while your at it.
well said but is this site really fake?
i entered that contest that kids guide to picking or whatever for my son can you tell mike we are fans and we can use that cash we dont have to come out there to meet him at the Nashville store we just want the money.p.s. my wife thinks frankies cute for a short guy.
I don’t understand some ppl! Its 2013 who cares if they are gay they provide a service and make a good show im glad they came out but maybe it wasn’t.the thing to do because some childish ppl but this is america we all.have rights to say what we want and do what we want some ppl on here are just showing your true colors
Just started watching the show. I enjoy it. If those folks could sell to someone who would give them the higher price, they would! It’s great to have someone come to your place and offer you money for stuff that has just been sitting around. Besides, it is a business!!!
Come on ppls leave them alone i like the show . It gave me idea and if i come a cross old stuff at least i know how much it is worth i like anything that is got history i learn wat im looking for like old signs etc i have got a few old signs its wat i like to collect gd on ya guys keep up the gd work
yea tonez frankie loves signs and toys let us know if you wanna sell mabe we can bundle and make a deal as long as you leave alittle meat on the bone so we can make a profit and resell it keep on picking.
The signs i like to collect are from the railway i not much for the toys ony if there the tin ones or old army stuff like i said i get alot of idea of value of old items are really woeth by watching this show and it got me into picking
Hey mike u poof do u and frankie keep scores when u play butt darts when u hide in da scrub i bet u got a score board hiden in ya van some were u dirty fifthy fag does ur wife and kids know u and frank are bum buddys
Mike do u and fat frank fight over whos the bitch does frank dress in wemen clothes while u fuck his arse wonder wat goes on in ya van danny does like travel with uses because she could smell like ur fucking arse jucie come down this way and i have a base ball bats waiting im going smash u in the head with it u dirty faggot
colt they might used byour bats as didos
Got some to hide when u went camping after u and fat fankie drinking moonshine u got caught in the sack to geather next morning u dirty poofters u to fags are the biggest rip offs pay people shit prices and sell it for gd money and u do it to the old people ur so cruel u did it to my family i would crack u both u wouldnt walk out thats for shore
I so want to fuck danny she be a gd fuck i fuck her all nite i make her scream i tittie fuck her cum all over her fuck her till the sun shines sorry mike i mite take ur root away from u i know u fuck her wouldnt frankie get jelous u fucking a female wats the story between u and danny at one of ur shop u got caught fucking
Let me begin by saying,I agree with the intelligent people on here.I’m not one for the style of a life partner,but to each they’re own.I have watched a few airings of the show and found it refreshing.I saw the one where they help William Shatner,and where Frank got ripped on 2 automobile.They travel all over investing time and gas to look for these site’s and when they leave the people seem happy to have gotten rid of there belonging’s.I myself wouldn’t pay what they pay,but they bring a service to other people who now know where to find there Treasure’s.Not once did I see Frank or Mike pull a gun to make a deal.If it was a tough sale they used Danny girl and i can’t blame them.If in fact you think they are gay.You are just as bad as them’if not worse.You are playing god in condemning them for there belief’s and playing god is a no no. People are complexed being’s you start a rumor and other’s wan’t to add they’re input.SIT DOWN,SHUT UP,AND QUIT TRYING TO RUIN THERE LIFE. Mike and Frank have a great day
hey the issue is not if frank likes oil cans up his anus its that they rip people off to much to make a buck there onle honest when there shooting the show because they would be called out even more
Some of u people r assholes. Who cares about there sexuality.
I don’t care if they are gay, straight, bisexual, transexual, or pansexual, their show is still entertaining. Whether you are for their lifestyle or against it, you can still learn a lot about things of old just by watching their show. I can’t believe anyone can still be as closed minded and bigoted as some of you people on here. Of course I knew that ignorance was running rampant on this thread when I noticed that nobody on here knows the difference in their there and they’re. It’s sad to me that some of you think you are so much better than others yet you cannot properly differentiate between three words that have very different meanings. My advice to those on here that are guilty of judging others, get a GED, go to college, even if community college, and open your mind to other viewpoints, until then just keep your misspelled thoughts to yourself!
Thanks ppls there only making a living like normal people do i like watching the show i all ways watch it just leave them alone and let them do wat they do best is picking keep up the gd work guys
False. Read this – http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/25/garden/mike-wolfe-of-american-pickers-at-home-in-iowa.html?pagewanted=all
I never understood why there is so much focus on someone’s sexuality. Unless you are about to go to bed with them. And now people are making up celebrities’ “coming out” stories to have more readers. Sad.
Love the American Pickers show!!
OK! ALL OF YOU WHOLESOME PEOPLE…Lets hear about all your dirty little secrets. NEVERMIND..You want to downtalk the pickers and the same time show how low you are by talking about Danny that way? Sweep off your own doorsteps before you sweep theirs off. They arent throwing stones at you. I love the show. Dont you people have other channels ro watch?
OK! ALL OF YOU WHOLESOME PEOPLE…Lets hear about all your dirty little secrets. NEVERMIND..You want to downtalk the pickers and the same time show how low you are by talking about Danny that way? Sweep off your own doorsteps before you sweep theirs off. They arent throwing stones at you. I love the show. Dont you people have other channel to watch?
Aloha My Name is Brian Yionezaki
I live in Honolulu Hawai.
I like america Pickers.
i watch on friday nights.
I have a bad back. I have take shots an d if doesn;t bwork for surgey.
Aloha Dannial Cushman
Brian Yonezaki
They aren’t gay mike was married to a woman in sep. 8th 2012 and had a daughter born on jan. 30th 2012
watch the show enjoy it for what they are teaching you , HISTORY.I sure didnt like history in school it was to F@#!ING BORING, they make it interesting so like i said watch enjoy learn or change the F%$#ing channel.And daniel wow your hot my wife loves u too (nice chest piece)…love u guys gay or not
so what if there gay i still love the show and am a big fan of those two
I don’t care if they are gay. But I don’t believe it. They are awesome and I’ll keep watching no matter who they love or who their partner is.
Get real! They have talked earlier at least about getting back home to their wives once the reality show went out of the state! I DO NOT believe this one either…does this place just write crap? I am starting to wonder that one!
These two ARE NOT GAY! This website is a huge joke. There is a NYT article that interviews them and they talks about the WOMEN they are dating.
suck my picker balls Lyndse who asked for your 2 cents
i love if lyndse doesnt
I am gay and these guys are NOT gay. before they got HUGE on the history channel, the shorter bald guy i think is MIKE….he was seen by a few other celebrities at Stripper clubs throwing the tips ALOT>….my gaydar just aint working on this one…..people project what they want to see. these guys are not gay. i just dont get that vibe and im usually right’
I think mike would love to make love with denial I wish I could she is the hottest girl I ever saw
who cares if they are gay it is a great show and it is up to god to say it is wrong not us and we get to look at the hottest girl in the world sweet denial I love her
Who cares what sexual choice you guys have made..Just keep on picking and plz keep making the show…With all the crap on TV today,your show is one of the few things worth watching…Love the show gentle men Keep up the good work!!!!
you are right james I think it is the best show on tv and would love to meet danney some day she is so nice and hot hot hot
Wow everytime there is good learning show there is someone to distroy it i watch it cause i love it an i learn how to haggle an buy in bundles i also do the ame but i pick newer stuff for my store of new an used items all i need is daniel an i be set but mike frank if u guys read this if you are or you,re not gay is your choice don,t let no one belittle you stand strong sue the hell of whom ever wrote the article an keep up the great job an if daniel reads this i,m single an have the biggest crush on you
luis am single too i love to chat with you
mike and frank should tell the the people to get a life and leave them alone when they do their show danney should do more picking she is nice to look at she has a nice body
u can say that again she has a sexy body
Why did they feel it was necessary to reveal this? Do heterosexuals need to announce which way they go…enough already. Just be who you are without waving a flag. I think that was unnecessary and I hope
this doesnt change their show into a freak show. Leave the show as it is…please.
you are right Kerrie the show is so good people are jeal0us of them
mike is not gay him and denial bang all the time she is so hot if they wear gay she would turn them strait that’s how hot she is
they are all good people and beautifull denial leave them alone
screw these two thieving homos and the she mail thing thats works for them love ro seeher derad
danny d has class and a nice ass
I hate. It they are Peter puffers
I think gay is a sin . Fudge packers should all be shot!!
I already know that you could give two sh** less what I think of you (whilst I could care less of what you think of me.) Only I feel it necessary to srike you on the back of the head with my coc*! You ought to be ashamed of feeling so strongly about homosexuals. After all those who hate Fags really are Fags! Relax…you’ll know when I’m ready to shoot my load. I’ll tell you so you can open wide to get all of its goodness.
jeremiah i like your feeling you posted online your a cool dude
This story is about as fake as they come. This website is obviously trying miserably to be as witty and funny as the Onion and failing.
HEY rufus i know your uncle frankie and even if frank you are gay il still find you toys you can make a buck on. and uncle mike leave alil meat on the bone to ripe those people off
Don’t forget the “Steak and Shake girl” and the episode when Mike gave Frank the book “Relationships for Dummies”.
Now entering its fifth season, “American Pickers” continues to pull in 4.7 million viewers for new episodes. The success of “Pickers” allowed Mike to expand his retail business (the Nashville store opened in 2011) and buy a house near Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee, a quirky little country town about a half hour south of Nashville, where he lives with his wife Jodi and daughter Charlie, and two beloved Australian blue heelers, Ruby and Scout. The couple also has a home in Le Claire.
happy fathers day leave mike and frank alone if they are gay they have to face god not us if you don’t like the show don’t what it and get a life
why do we care if mike and frank is gay when our own president is screwing us ?
I thought they were gay but not sure liberalism sure is getting holds of people in my day what happened in the trenches stayed in the trenches. You didn’t bring it home with you there were comfort girls and free condoms when you were on leave.
So you’d just suck a dude off and just not say anything about it?
you say thank you
I don’t think anybody really cares, they just don’t like being made to feel stupid. There has been so many people(celebrities or not) that think they are fooling the world when in everybody else knows already. A statement is long over due from them and maybe folks could move on. They have never declined it though.
Lol…this makes me laugh! They are NOT gay. Mike is married with a daughter named Charlie, and even if they were, who cares!!!! Why is sexual preference such a main topic with celebrities?
heyy how dare you people we have 4.7 million viewers get a life losers
Which one is Frank and which one is Alice?
why is being gay so hip who cares stay in the closet
Mike & Frank are livin the dream, people, Gay or not, and I doubt if they are. The back & forth with Danni is all just part of the show. You can tell they couldn’t do without her. Now they have that pretty young girl in Nashville. Gay? HAH! No Way.
who cares about mike and frank did you see how good denial looked last night she is a hot looking girl
did you see my uncle mike through his back out and cry about it the rest of the show waa waa i gotta be in the office getting leads for those guys. dani is a better picker then you retire uncle mike and let uncle frankie fritz touch me in bad places
Hey did u see how danny d messed up that one pick and we went to that warehouse apt and robbed her blind
This is an embarrassment. It’s gossip, and you want us to spread it around. You are promoting stereotypes. What a bunch of sleazy queens!
After years of being out in the public, working with and dealing with many uncomfortable situations I have found that gay is just a word and do not judge
a person for this. There are a lot of crazy unbalanced daily people who should not even be working because of their disrespect for others.
This show has shown how respectful and caring they are to people and show and tell you a story with their love of picking. Of all the jobs I have worked my best friend have truly been gay and I LOVE spending time with them. They are honest and loving and very caring.
LOVE you guys and keep doing what you do best.
Best wishes Regina
Check out our new pickers show where we jew people down in price and buy there soda signs and sell it for triple.
Well I like the show I just wish the media would stop praising gays before long people will be having sex with dogs and cats an the democrats will love that shit too I can just hear them now pro dog fucking lol what’s this country coming to. Keep it in the closet men we just want to watch the show without having to see a bunch of gay love.
You are retarded…how warped is your thinking that having sex with humans would cause anyone to have sex with something non-human??? I think all you are doing is expressing what YOU want to do and trying to make others look like they are doing something “wrong” so you don’t feel like the actual screwed up freak YOU ARE!!!
But Frank said he bought a lamp for his girlfriend. GIRLfriend. He can’t be gay if he has a girlfriend.
If you like the show great enjoy it…they don’t ever discuss sex or their prefferances so it’s NONE of anyones business. Even if they did discuss it on the show, if you are so ego-centric that you feel you even have the right to have ANY opinion at all about their love lives…then don’t watch it. Problem solved, they don’t go into the bubble of self-righteousness you live in and insult who you are!!!
Are you all retarded? First off, who cares. Secondly, this is a bullshit article. Mike is married with a daughter. Get a life people!
you dont just get the game… uhhhhh
I think all of you who think MIKE AND FRANK are gay have 2 much time on there hand. This is a reality show like all the others. Just because 2 people of the same sex work together they are gay don’t you people understand this is a TV show……..and they are just messing around 2 make the show more interesting. And who the hell cares and Mike doesn’t come across as a gentleman there are other things 2 complain about with Mike that voice he does and there many more things he does. He is an ass but not gay.
I would love to bend Danielle over and ram my hard cock up her fat, juicy ass!
you sound like a great person to date
they are gay allright, they said it on the episode of last fridaynight
happy time is what i am right now after 5 years in marriage with my wife with good 3 kids, my wife started going out with other men and showed me cold love, on several occasions she threatens to divorce me if I dare question her about her affair with other men, I was totally devastated and confused until a old friend of mine told me about a spell caster on the Internet Prophet.Galala who help people with the relationship and marriage problem by the powers of love spells, at first I doubted if such thing ever exists but decided to give it a try, when I contact him, he helped me cast a spell and within 3 days my wife came back to me and started apologizing, now she has stoped going out with men and she his with me for good and forever. Contact this great spell caster for your relationship or marriage problem email address [email protected].
Im sick of you right wing fucking republicans saying that democrats support animal fucking…get your gubs out and your jack lube out and knock yourself out you bible thumping assholes.
I mean guns….but im sure you fucks got it the first time.
So what is it? If Mike is married, and has a child. How can he come out and say he is gay? I wonder if his wife and daughter know? I think this may be a bit of scam. What do you think
I cannot the people that run this website allow such trash talk/comments as left by
THROBBO. Both bmy husband and myself are disgusted by it. Moreso, by the fact you allowed it to be posted!
all you people need a life who cares if they are gay it is a great and fun show I love Daniel she is funny and hot I love to look at her beautafull face and her gheast and ass and she is so nice
Mike and I are gay and we are proud. Mike touches my bong hole on a regular basis. He’s a sick fuck but what can I say I enjoy it. When he uses two fingers he calls it bundling. He makes me call him the bundle master. If you notice a little lisp on the show its just us being fruity Tootty. ( | ) <
I am James from United States, I am a man that have never agreed room to spells or magic in my whole life, but due to my on certain predicament that swiftly befall me and my house hold I had no choice than to look for an alternative, that was how I met Dr. Dele, I was bolt from the blue that all I need from him was given to me, my wife came back to me, with all she took when she ran from the house to abscond with another man, I am so pleased to great Dr. Dele for making me smile again, contact him if you want or have a similar issues with this e-mail: [email protected]
Mike is married, was in 2012..has a kid.. Frank seems to be in love with his cat, maybe that’s the “girlfriend” he always talks about.
I am Shana, wants to say a big thank you thank you thank you to Dr Ejemen spell for everything . To everyone who doesn’t believe in spell, I was one of those ones at first. I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to do this since I’ve tried others so-called spells casters and they did not work and was a waste of my time and money. However, when I read through the testimonies of other people at this website and after I talked to Dr Ejemen who answered all my questions and was very nice and sincere about everything, I decided to give it a try. I figured it would be my last try to get my guy back. So my story is that I was at my office when the guy I am in love with told me that he wasn’t in love with me and never will be and that he didn’t want to speak or see me again, especially since he was talking to this other girl. When I talked to Dr Ejemen about it, he let me know which spells would be most appropriate for me and I chose the ones that was to get him back to me and stay with me and want to marry me.As soon as he started on the spells, my guy came back into my life! It was a miracle to me and I’m so thankful for that. Things have been going well, and pretty much according to what Dr Ejemen said would happen. He’s always there when you need him,you can contact him via email [email protected]
I saw the pickers last night aug 12 denial looks better each week I love her she is smart and hot hot hot and the pickers were good to
They r not gay
I’m bisexual and proud! If you have a problem phone my publicist Feras Diaz at 216-235-1509. Thank you.
Hey im frankies cat yes frank takes cock up the anal canal I gotta watch that crap when hes not picking peoples junk and low balling the shit out of them. Mike wolfe is straight though ..
I can’t stand faggots. You guys are sick in the head. You all should beg Jesus to forgive you for your sins and save you from damnation. Praise Jesus to make you straight again and mentally healthy. If god wanted there to be gays he would have created one sex and told them to fuck each other but he didn’t. He created two different sexs for a reason. Sticking your pipe in another mans crapper is wrong. It’s supposed to be a one way street to rid the body of its wastes not help another man get his jolleys off. Samething goes for you dildo wearing snatch eaters. Repent to sweet Jesus to forgive for your sins. I will personally talk you through any sexual reorientation and crisis management issues you are having and make you a good Christian again. Call me free at 440-734-6107, ask for Kurtis Dorner.
you are right kurtis this gay shit is out of control gay marriage is wrong kids think it cool to be gay its not its sick but it might be to late everyone is out of the closet and aborshun is murder I hope mike and frank are not gay I think denial is one of the most beautifull girl in the world
Tom, check your spelling.Danielle is her name. She is not in denial of anything. Aboshun!!!
Your right ladybug wolfe frankie is fagolucious not mike hes married so lets shake on it.
They are not gay!! Mike is married to a woman and has a little girl. Frank has a long time girlfriend. Google each of their names
Here is what I read first about Mike.
People need to google and read several sites before making judgemental decisions. We all know the media prints stories for selling papers and sensational stories on their websites to get more hits.
Your right ladybug wolfe frankie is fagolucious not mike hes married so lets shake on it.
I hate these fags especially
the little fat one with the Horse Ass! I cant believe he thinks hes good looking
Don’t you see how they stare at eavh oth
er, you better believe hey Ass finger eachother . Im getting sick of how they rip off all these poor folks. I would love to Bitch slap both of these fudge packers if i ever run inro them FAGGOTS!!!!!
Now Subway has the little far fuck with no carm what so ever as a spokewomen. I bet he wishes it was a foot long cock instead of bread and cold cut. It will be hard to to enjoy a sub ever again. And to make it worse he’s speaking as if getting fingered by his butt Buddy at the same time. WHAT A FAG!!!!
Yep they picked at my place one time and every fair price I gave mike wolfe would say well whats your basement price on this and that then frankie would say well remember we gotta make a buck to well your in my place and trying to jew me down and on top of that want me to help you load it on your truck these guys are jerks and they pocket things when people dont look ohhh man $50 bucks I cant pay that how about $45 really wolfe $5 you jew then thats the Q for frankie to steal an item.
I’m a nurse, I see death everyday. For everyone who thinks they are worthy enough to wish death on someone who chooses life differently than you….it’s not us that will judge but your maker, so stop judging. Everyone has their own choices and preferences, as do those who dont agree with their sexual decision, its not about you. Focus on your own life, than others you have no power over.
Amen! Well said sister, well said! :)
Also…life is too short to harbor hate & ill will to others. If you can’t be happy fer someone else’s happiness, I feel sorry fer you :(
I just keep telling myself, “these people (most of the people posting on here) are children, they must be.” or this is a joke and everyone is in on it except me. I’m confused about what i’m reading and surprised about all the hatred. I just don’t even know what to say about it. I feel a bit more stupid now. Thank you all for that.
Well your name is dinosaur you should feel stupid if you dont like what your reading heres an idea ummm dont read it
Danielle your a hot sexy bitch im comming to the stoire to buy a few thinigs
Danielle id like to stick my borrito in your taco
This is a fake posting you idiots,mike and frank not gay mike is happily married with a women and has a child
You are all pranked by some MF that want too much props on hisher website.
Danielle?..the tattooed beastie..”fat girl who dresses like she isn’t”, picks her clothes out of the drop off bin at Goodwill, and her only other job option would be in a circus freak show?? Is a “staggering beauty” WTF!!! Choosing between her and being gay..I’d go with gay!
danille is so beautifull and smart if you can hear me I love you and your stile
Leave Danielle alone she dont fuck groupies or guys who think they know the show but me and arby can swing by and lick your taint and oil up your black anus and mega pick and stick it.
Of course they are gay. Now it makes sense when in one episode of their show ;a customer had a son who was ill or had died , Idont remember , but they showed the picture of his son , and it was a gay boy actor , from the Gay porn site Boyscasting.com. I inmediately recognized that boy from a scene and I was shocked they lied about him. They’re definetely related to Gay world . Look up for the boy is ‘Bruce Corey’ and see yourself
who cares
i wouldnt mind given it to danielle up the fat ass
id love to poke danielle up that fine butt
danielle needs my dick in her fat ass
i would love to feel danielles lips kissing mine
i would love to suck on danielles pussy lips
Holyy grail of picking is the mother load cause wolfe 3:16 says I just picked your ass and sucked frankies dick and arby watched
denial is the hottest girl on tv she is smart I love her body she is my dream girl I would like to make love to her and respect her
Frank fritz sucks by fat nigger dick…
For Tippy Tom-nice comment asshole-how about treating others as you would like to be treated-or better yet get a life…people like you shouldn’t be allowed to own a tv – there should be a law outlawing that kind of negativity-but then again maybe you are a bit jealous…lol
and remember the remote will take ya where you wanna go and obviously you wanna go to Am. Pickers so you can have something to complain about
Def a great show! Very entertainin, knowledgeable, and occasionally funny-p who cares if those 2 gays r gay! Lol still deserve the same respect…n danielle is def a dream girl..who wouldn’t wana b with a tigress like that!? Keep doin the damn thang guys..n wowman-)!!!
The two guy’s on American Pickers are just fake “reality” show material. I am a huge opponent of stupid, mindless TV shows. American Pickers is a mindless, faked, “reality” show.
The History Channel once catered to the more academic minded. We’re the critical thinkers who value great documentaries and vignettes of illustrious moments in history. We value great science shows completely devoid of pseudo-scientific rot. Take that all of you mentally imbalanced paranormal believers!
So what does The History Channel offer to the more academically inclined viewer? Well, nothing! Dear, or dear! Have Americans fallen into an abyss of perpetual dumbness or what!
Getting back to American Pickers, I see only a miniscule inclusion of history offered in this show. Finding old rubbish packed to the rafters, in some old hillbilly’s barn, of which a brief explanation of the junk, by one of those “picker” guys, could count for an iota of history of the crap they’ve “picked.”
I know how these “reality” shows are formated. Only soggy minded individuals think they’re the real deal. Do these “picker” guys really deal in old junk? Yes. Do they for real wheel and deal on the air? No. Is the production completely stages? For sure!
As long as TV viewers continue supporting dumb TV shows, then producers are just going to keep throwing them at us.
I hate to admit it, but if there were truly mindful presentations offered on The History Channel, Bravo, TLC, Travel Channel, HGTV, A&E, Bio, etc. then the networks would probably go belly up. Because too many people want to watch CRAP on their TV’s.
I could only dream if the Science Channel brought back Cosmos. Or even show reruns with Dr. Carl Sagen. We need more Carl Sagen’s to influence rational thought and intelligence in America! I’d love to see Dr. Richard Dawkins have hos own show. Dr. Dawkins is quite possibly one of the most intelligent men alive in the world! Dr. Steven Hawking, we’d love to hear more from you too!
For Jaydan-do your complaining to the history channel and leave Mike and Frank out of it-you obviously watch the show or you wouldn’t have so much to complain about-anyone with common sense knows how unreal reality shows are-some people liked to be entertained and while I agree that some are mindless dribble-Jaydan-that’s what the remote is for-as for myself I know the show is scripted but some of the things they pick I have an interest in so I like to hear the backstory on the item and then when I research it normally it is right on point so I have learned something. Perhaps you could learn to treat others as you would like to be treated -from the greatest History Book ever.
Jaydan-my sincerest apologies-my comments refer to the person who wrote a reply to your reply-my point to him is if you don’t like something use the remote-i agree that there are too many mindless bs Reality (not) shows on tv these days -so that’s what the remote is for-on the other hand the world would be a better place if there were more shows by people such as the great Dr. Sagan-miss him tremendously-I think we are all sick of crappy reality shows-but the remarks need to go to the History Channel network-not at each other – what’s this world coming to when we are directing our negativity at each other instead of where it belongs -the producers of the shows we don’t like and the History Channel and other channels that offer the crap-if we quit watching it-they will get the message eventually and take it off the air-but as long as we take our negative feelings out on each other it proves to the channel that we’re watching the crap-so that’s what we will get more of.
Religion is one of the most egregious forms of “thought” worldwide!
Viva! Dr. Richard Dawkins!!!!!!
If every person stayed out of other people’s bedrooms the world would be better off
People aren’t Christian’s when they judge other people and use that language seriously would u kiss mom with that filthy pig through of a mouth
No, dispite rumors on questionable websites Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz are not homosexual. A New York Times Article titled At Home With Mike Wolfe; The Jack Kerouac of Junk stated “rumors circulate on the Internet that Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Fritz are gay. In fact, both men are straight; for the last 17 years, Mr. Wolfe has dated Ms. Faeth, an accountant with a laid-back manner that complements what Ms. Colby described as her boss’s “firecracker” personality.”
these two fags, mike wolfe and frank,horse butt, fritz make quite the fag pair. mike with his horse face and shrilly laughter and this fritz, looks like a hog with a beard. but, after all they are nothing but glorified junk dealers. michael santini
Who cares what they are.
Mike can put his sneakers ubnder my bed any day he choses.
He will find my bed in Dublin Ireland
Who cares what they are.
Mike can put his sneakers under my bed any day he choses.
He will find my bed in Dublin Ireland
Hey Hayden if you are so smart, and intellegent then why are you trying to pick up knowledge fromtelevision….television is for enterteinment you fucking douchebag. Get out in the world and actually get some knowledge dont sit on your couch and try and soak some up you retard.
I meant to say jayden
None of your opinions matter in the end where all going to the same place.
Fake story..mike is married with children
Although 100% straight…My 2 best friends are gay men and I think that it’s hilarious that you all think that Mike and Frank are gay.. Not likely..
The funniest thing about all of this is that Danielle is the one that is gay….
The show obviously is somewhat staged and I still find it entertaining, but as mentioned earlier by others I too miss the earlier programming that was educational. I have expressed my feelings to Discovery Channel on their website and would like to encourage others with similar feelings to do the same.
There could be some truth to this. Danielle seems to be fun to be around and is an attractive woman as well. Frank, comes across as a surly, but cuddly bear. No mater, I enjoy the show and find it entertaining. At least it is not as smug as Pawn Stars.
I guess you are probably a Pawn Stars fan, what with the “drama” with Old Man, Corey, Rick and Chumley? Or how Rick conveniently has an “expert” on call to give their opinions on the majority of the items that come into this shop, these experts just happen to mention where they work, (ie the gun guy, Tortuga(?), the guy from the Clarke County museum, handwriting expert guy, video game guy, etc). American Restoration is another show, that ironically happens to be “attached” to Pawn Stars.
Point being, American Pickers is enjoyable and Frank, gay or straight is a hot bear.
Would never have guessed, but in the scheme of things, does it really matter if they are gay?? They are knowledgeable about the itEms, enjoyable to watch and they seem to truly enjoy their jobs – and they work with their partner – how could it be sny better!!! To all you bigots and haters out there, Satan is saving a special place in hell for you and your kind! My hat’s off to you guys and my heart and prayers go out to you!
Who cares if they are fags? That’s their Business.
Makes no never mind to me.
But just for the sake of accuracy, you drooling damn fool IT IS NOT A CHOICE~!!!!!
Did you wake up one morning after weeks of struggle with the epiphany that you were really into chicks after all?
No you didn’t. It wasn’t a choice it was just how you were when you got squirted out of your mommy’s kooze.
It’s like that with the fags. They don’t choose, it’s how god made them.
But callin’ that fat ugly cow Cushman stunning – – – – – – Well that’s a bridge too far.
Even if you were to say, arguendo, that you liked plus size chicks – even if – she’s still homely.
Maybe you are gay?
American scammers you rip people off
Uh Mike Wolfe is married and has a daughter that will be 2 in January. The ceremony was in Tennessee. These two have known each other since high school since they both graduated from the same school in 1982. Frank has a girlfriend, but don’t know much about who or how long, or how long any of this other past relationships have lasted.
Yeah don’t believe they r gay… so stupid there new season just started in Italy Mike had a wedding ring on something new I think since last season and Frank does not I believe
If they are gay so what, who cares. I watch the show and never got the impression they were a gay couple. I asked my wife to watch and she is very good pointing out if some guy is gay, she also said no way they are gay.
This site is run by hater morons.
Why the hell do y’all keep spelling her name Denial? Freakin’ morons.
it is so sad to see the whole country care if mike and frank is gay meanwhile our preisident is destroying our country being nice to terror leaders everyone is out of work he made this country weak the other world leaders are laughing at us we must inpeach him now
but it’s not true. neither are homosexual…
They may not be but your husband is. He love a good doodoo hole rodgering and afterwards licking off the hot fudge and chomping down on the butterbean.
Just read a story about mike’s new house and how he was married in Sept. Under the wisteria vine there. Also talked about him being a new dad/w a photo of a baby girl with him. Now I’m not naive enough to believe a baby means straight but marrying a woman 9 times out of 10 indicates a person just may be straight. Besides maybe respect for their coworker,Danielle, May be why they haven’t put the moves on her. Though it may not happen often sexual tension in the work place is not always the case.
If they are gay or not, what is the problem. Yes i saw a picture of Mike with wife and child. Everyone is gay. It is their choice if they want to act upon it or not. So lets move on and stop worrying who’s gay.
Lets live all happy.
Nick, you sound jealous. My dick is available so come wrap those fat lips around my love-pump.
they sure spend allot of time in that truck together? I heard they are having a lovers quarrel lately too. someone left the cap off the Vaseline jar
This is the same quality show. Personally,I watch it for Danielle. She is the star anyway. History channel execs must
be up nights with Pan Stars death and this news. By the way, pickets are not necessarily gay or straight, just like the
population. Actually, I would like much more Danielle. Now, she would be my picker.
I just don’t believe everything I read and I just don’t see either of them being gay so I’m quite surprised. The fact is, it shouldn’t matter either way. They are very fun to watch, I love picking and learn something new every time I watch. Way to go Mike & Frank, keep up the great job! God Bless
Try looking at this site to see Mike’s wedding photos to his wife, Jodi.
Your an idiot. By the time you wrote this Mike and his girlfriend (now wife) had a baby
I want to say and I hope that Frank reads this post because this is directed to you. You are a crook I am watching your episode tonight on November the 13th and what you offered that lady for that Zippo collection was ridiculous. I really like this show but to be honest Frank you need to step up and be more like Mike. Quite always low balling everyone. Mike steps up you are always trying to rip everyone off. Always saying oh I have shipping cost and what ever well that’s your problem not theirs. Quite frankly it is awful the way you do people unlike Mike he will be fair and actually offer something. You are a waste of time in my eye if you came to my house I wouldn’t even let you be apart of any picking.
Leave my master alone he has to make money to buy blow up guy dolls penis pumps anal beeds and my cat food
Yes the Zippo was wrong and it had lighters in the case wow
Look leave arby the cat out of this ok im not coming to your town to pick anymore you jerks fuck off
These two are definitely plowing each other in the ass. Straight up reaming that shit out in the back of the van.
No way these two are a couple of queers.. I don’t believe this piece of shit article and I’ll tell you another thing-you gotta have no fucking life and a miserable one at that to sit around writing up false shit like this..
Nope these boys came to texas bought my stuff and frank fritz sucked the shit outta my cock for some micky gillie cups.
This is utter bullshit, of course they are ‘NOT’ gay Mike has gone with the same woman for 18 years and recently married and has a little girl. These kind of ugly rumors are sick
Thanks anne for sticking up for me keep on picking
To pick, or not to pick??
Hi.Danielle this is Rodger i watch you’ns on would History about the picker hey Danielle you are nice looking woman for 37 year so whats going with you? Working at the picker place. So I’m still enterestedi in you. Your the prettyest girisl in town. Y best thatd why your at the office their. I chin you on tv. Rodger Purvis….
Hey bud…like she read this sh*t and she’s gonna reply? Get real dude
Hey anne suck frankies gay cock.And Roger purvert Danielle s not intrested she fucks herself with old gas pumps
Your cunt smells like an ole dirty sock.
Fuck uuuuu
I want someones hairy 8 inch dick in me and i dont want them to be sercumcised because im not and i want to dock with him.
Look mike and frank are real nice guys yea they left me alittle broke and are jews with there deals and think there getting one over on me but franks love for toys cats and oil cans dont spell GAY and mike may pretend hes intrested in my storys but hes just trying to find the honey hole of the pick and thats not GAY neither there thick as thieves not homos..
Ok guys you have had your fun on here it stops now. I will start reporting these.comments if it does not stop we are not gay and theres nothing wrong with being gay just stop if you dont like the show dont watch simple as that and if u do keep on picking thanks
Mike, you are such a picking pro. I was wondering it you would tell us just how many mason jars will fit up Franks ass at once?
How can you blame mike and franke for being gay? If all the girls in idaho look like daniel I’d be gay to
Hi Mike & Frank
I live in Bali, Indonesia, I luv your show guys, it’s very entertaining and how your knowledge of the history of America, in a wide variety of industries automobile, motorcycle, oil, toys, etc..
As indonenesian my knowledge about American culture, and the history of America and industry and how things become rusty valuable,its interesting
Keep strongs guys, there are so many shows luv your shows
Bali, Indonesia
Put your Gunnar up my tailpipe ya homo.
Ive heard these twinks are so far gone they have began eatin one anothers turd logs our of hot dog buns.
Frankie likes to pull into the nearest rest stop, go to the back of the van, slather his ass in butter flavored crisco so Mike plunder his ass for buried treasure AKA a nice plate ass brownes.
Joe is gay for me.
Perhaps owing to a stereotype about the antiques business, rumors circulate on the Internet that Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Fritz are gay. In fact, both men are straight; for the last 17 years, Mr. Wolfe has dated Ms. Faeth, an accountant with a laid-back manner that complements what Ms. Colby described as her boss’s “firecracker” personality.
New York times
Published: August 24, 2011
way to go mikes family in my opion he isnt nothing but a shister he and frank are like the old carpet baggers some one will tell them a price they find something wrong or it is full blown retail and they cant pay the price stated then at the end of show they show price paid the price they want way way more than they paid i know they have to make a living but pay 25 for something then ask 2 or 325 for just the one item they are crooks some times the seller will ask way less than the item is worth they will tell the seller the price is too low but still want give what it is worth
That’s a long sentence.
Mike married his girlfriend last year and has a daughter.
GOT ON WEB TO READ about pickers. I can not believe the dirt talk about Frank an Mike. we must live in a sick world. if they are gay so. The comments was sick and rude. grow up people.
My husband and I were watching the show tonight and we would like to know where in Lousiana did you get the knives with turquoise in the handles. We would like to buy some for our sons. We love your show.
I figured they probably were gay I’m just waiting for them to flame out .
I dont think I would let them in my house ( frank seems like he would steal) but I do like the show.
Good luck
Look I am gay . So what ? If you don’t like me bite me
The brother on the show tonight ….meow…way better than the bearded guy…think I’ll watch a few more…♡☆♡
This is the fakest news ever written.Mike Wolfe just married his high school sweetheart after 12 years together and just had the first kid a daughter named Charlie.Stop making shit up,its funny how stupid people are who belive the first dumb thing they read.Do some more searches find out the truth yourself .This article is pure fiction made up by the person who wrote it
What i hate even more then some idiot making stuff up about people,Is actual gay people saying “so what if hes gay”.Not everyones ok with unnormal behavior.Theres nothing worse then gay people and activists trying to force you into accepting it.You wanna be gay Thats fine,but do it in private.I dont want to have a conversation with my 5 year old son when he asks me why two guys with Beards are kissing each other.It will never be openly accepted no matter what anyone says ,people who say there ok with it are saving face and are full of shit.I get tired of hearing about “gay rights” and activists trying to force people to be ok with it.
Hey guys i just filled one of my old oil cans up with human seamen and dared Mike to drink it.He was sitting on a “antique woodrim bicycle” without a seat when he accepted my dare.Chaos ensued and Danielle pulled out her penis and started jerking off.
Hey Danielle C…. C…. Ur Beautiful. Enough Said
Hey Danielle C. C. You’re Beautiful. Enough Said.
This has thoroughly entertained me for the last half hour. Listen, If they were gay (which they aren’t) they wouldn’t just have some little reality show…they would own the network and would be far more rich and awesome then they actual are because they gays are just more fabulous then the rest of us! Frank is cheap, yes. But mike is pretty fair. They have the whole “good-cop, bad-cop” thing going and that is why they are so successful! They are great partners. They dont try to hide that. nor do they hide franks creepy life or mikes love for tight-fitting leathers. They are who they are and thats why i like them! i like the show. It’s the only reality show I can actual stand watching. i just hope it doesn’t get too fake or all weird, like some of you guys and your fucked up sexual fantasies. Sickos.
u r all gay fags
Most of you idiots who left comments must be from the South because you can’t even spell basic words
How ironic that you call people idiots, then go on to state they must be from the South. Clearly you’re ignorant and uneducated and when you make a ridiculous statement like that you just sound like…an idiot. A bigoted idiot, but still an idiot. Bet you felt oh so superior when you typed that piece of nonsense out didn’tcha?
I’m actually very intelligent and I apologize to you for the ignorant Southerner remark. People are ignorant all over the country,whatever direction they are from
You just made an absolute pre-conceived notion, and an assumption according to liberal polls and talking points. Assumptions = Opinions… You have postulated and absolute assumption! Not just on your comment, but on your reply as well! Frank and Mike are not gay, and Danielle is not their midnight buffet!
i am so sick of the word gay who cares stay in the closet the show is the best on tv i love danial she is so hot
This is a sick world we live in! I can’t believe how disgusting people can be! It’s bad enough that you rip off these poor folks, and make money at their expense. Now I find out that you’re gay too! I will never watch your show again you will burn in hell
You’re a friggin idiot
I think this is the worst show that has ever been on tv.Only a very few people
have any interest in what they are buying like advertising signs, oil cans,gas
pumps and rusty pieces of junk.
This is completely false. Don’t believe this crap. if their gay explain why mike is married and gas a two year old daughter. Ur an idiot for posting such cruad rumors out there!
That little girl, much like my Miley, was born with a huge penis.
All this gay talk is making up boys horny. Uh oh…there goes my twin brother rumaging around in my underpants…I bet he is gonna shine my knob.
Exscuse me there grandpa, you wanna pull down those pants? I wanna suckle from your big hairy penis until the cumDumplings sqew forth into my mouth. I bet you taste like a persimmon.
Take that frankie into the stall, ram his head into the toilet bowl and blast his hole full of warm marshmallow creme.
Im like Frankie and love to lay on my back as the doodoo logs are dumped on my face then smeared it in my eyebrows.
Ive seen that perverted Fritz boy do some strange things. This one time him and that alley cat of his were both squattin over the litter box together, having a contest to see which had the biggest, smelliest turds.
Fuck the world
NO! Mike Wolfe is not gay. He’s married and has a child. Where on earth did u find that info. this is website is bogus
I want to scissor with Danielle while Frank rubs chicken shit all over my man titties.
I would love to catch those two idiots homo-sexually engaging one another so I could kick the hell outa their gay asses. I hate queers. After I beat them to a pulp I would run my 8 inch pipe up Franks manhole which shinin Mikes hot tastee knob.
I hate queers.
you’re gay
Dude, calm down. They are NOT gay!!!!
Look the sprinter smells like semen he cleans it up with the hat sometimes cause he has sex head but thats why frank always has an extra pocket shirt. Picking 102 hide gay sex and act straight laugh about toys and oil signs cause the cameras are rolling
Frank has no say on the show I make the prices and rip people off so haha we can do what we want so fuck everyone who watches us your just a bunch of dumb marks we trick you in to believing we are nice fuck everyone give us your stuff already heres a few bucks now get lost losers and yea I jerk off to danny d. So what fuck my wife I fuck frankie to up his fat ass
They are “NOT” gay! Frank has a girl friend, and ‘was’ engaged once. Mike is married and has been in a relationship with his wife for over 6 years… The Wolfe’s have 1 child, a baby girl. She’s about 2. Daniel worked as a model and Burlesque dancer for a time before currently partnering with the duo. She is divorced, currently in a relationship, and has 2 children.
Im not marriedi fuck franks ass hole and he fucks mine
Can you please relegate your remarks to a single comment post?
I ‘m guessing you get turned on by talking such bullshit! You might try reading a book you fucking moron!
They are not Gay. Mike has a wife Jodi and a child. Even if they were gay, who cares its’ a great show and totally besides the point.
It does not matter if these two libs from lowa are queer or not.They have allready ruined a favorite american past time of finding treasures at yard sales,flea markets ect…
These two pimps and there side show wench have had there day history/discovery/ABC can pull the plug anytime on these jokers
We overcharge to make more $ cause history channel dont pay enough
Hey guys stop already we make to much money off p teople we intended to mail back rebates so chill the network pays us enough
Its me frank the teddy bear fritz I need a valentines day date real girl or plastic or teenage boy would do we can share choclates beer and butt noises name that fart and dutch oven eachother sex not necessary just 4 play and arby must watch I need a witness that I had a date I love smell that fart thanks FRANKIE FRITZ KEEP ON PICKING
Hey jerks we are out looking for the holy grail of toys and oil cans you guys are fighting about if im gay well picking 101 im not jerks
Thanks gangster whatever that is
Daniel I love you I also have some tattoos do you have a boyfriend
yes i have a man sorry
Wow ! I just wanted to tell Frank he’s a cheap ass ! Makes me sick when he hagles over 5 bucks then makes 200% profit! Ur takin advantage of people! At least Mike pays up !! Now I find out ur GAY! U GOTTA BE KIDDIN ME IM CHANGING THE CHANNEL !!!
Hey im franks boy toy leave him alone ok this is your final warning im not gonna yell or scream im a straight shooter I love frank we will get married just leave it be he loves man toys and oil cans signs and his cat arby but more important we love eachother in fact we are gonna ass fuck tonight and its none of your business or TMZ
well queers are queers, they can put their heads up each others ass and kiss themselves goodbye…..
You people are insane!!!! How is anybody else sexuality any of your f…. buisiness? Someone died and made you God? They do not need your approval nor your permission…. if you don t like it…change the channel ! BY the way…the most homophobic people are usually closeted homosexuals…
I found it
Danielle Colby is stunning? Are you insane? She is a fat freak that is homely beyond ugly!!! Her tatoos are so gross. That thing on her next looks like she is jaundice.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! One’s personality determines one’s beauty. You musn’t be much to look at….
Mike wolfe I wanna shit in your stupid hat and make you wear it scam artists
Fuck you people get a life frank and mike have a life what do you assholes do for a job and what are your hobbies fuckers
I found the hioly grail your at $1250 im at $800 cause I gotta leave some meat on the bone eventhough il sell it for $1800 how about $19 and a quarter and you give frank those gi joes w no legs or arms and the hess oil my ass for faggot fucking frank style only do we have a deal cmon shake on it shake my motherfucking hand before we pocket shit you old fucks
Hey big andree wats up do you have any cast iron toys r gasolie signs
As a matter of fact I do… you can have them and stick it….
Hey piper thats picking 101 the second is leave some meat on the bone so frankie can ass fuck it and we can sell it for 2 and a quarter
Ok franfie can you fuf anykind of oil cans or oid furniture with holes in it? You also love old toys ken doll was gay also the guy from l eave it to beaver this could be called pick n fuck or pick n suck and any low prices given to you is code for blowjob. Mike wolfe you just have to drive with that dumb hat u were pickers rim jobs and semen suckers we will call it. Cc
An we have michael sam on it to tongue fucking mike wolfe mans hat… yes or mabe
Hey they used to call me wolfe man in highschool look my hat is not gay or stupid its a picking hat and gucci makes it so you cant even afford it picking 101 if u can buy it dont make fun of it. Hahahahahaha
Hey fritz and wolfe man you came you saw and you raped me out of my stuff and I want you to mail me a larger cut or il tell everyone how your cock was stiff through ur cheap jeansyou remember us we had the old magician stuff. Thanks chris and ward. P.s. you guys are hacks fakes pieces of shit
Holy shit! You bunch of homophobic, racist red neck idiots!
Cmon shake on it means im gonna rip you off thats picking 101 mike n frank are gay robbers of the night and day
That blonde who worked at the store sucked my cock real good and I came all over her tie die shirt bitch tried to over sell it to me so she got a sick load in her mouth
What danielle would def gag on a cock and love it up her ass like fritz danielle would be a great fuck
Hey piper you moron you dont have a chance in hell go jerk of to xnxx small dick piper picked a pepper full of empty cause thats how your brain works
fuckin fags. that buy junk. you guys are a joke enjoy your fame it wont last
Hey frank fritz here ron the show has been on awhile pick on opicking
Guess what we have cash more then you sitting at home making fun of my brotjer mike and frank. Yours truly Robbie wolfe I would love to call you a few other things but your not worth it cause its all about the bengimens baby hahahaha and you have a reg boring job lolo eat that man see ya wouldnt wanna be ya son bye take care
Hey guys stop it im not gay I jerk off to french fucking Danielles tits and jerking off on robbie wolfes wifes ugly face well time to find a big ticket idem picking 101 hi arby il be home soon
Holy shit!!!!!! Didn’t realize how fucking backwards you redneck assholes are!!!!! Get over yourselves already! Maybe pick up a book and educate yourself asshole!
Hey true story I met frankie fritz in sturges at tthe biike rally I was meat gazeing him hard we shot the shshIt for abit I was very blunt told him i wanted to suck and llIck his balls real bad he said nows not the time but he had time to under bid me and fuck me out of money for my rusty gold jerks.
“We’re going to keep on picking, but if you hear a little more lisp when we’re trying to haggle with gays, you’ll know that we aren’t actually just pandering for better prices.” Proves that being gay is a CHOICE!
Leave my uncles alone there great guys so what if they have to make alittle money off people we all do yes im sure the prices are more when the cameras are gone but thats life and fyi uncle fritz is not a gay man his cat arby is nice to leave them alone. Oh and yea danielle is pretty to
Wow, fantastic blog structure! How lengthy have you ever been blogging for?
you make blogging glance easy. The full look of your web site is wonderful,
let alone the content material!
boy you guys are the stupid mike just got married a couple years ago with a women they have a small child and frank has a girlfriend also, stop believing everything you read on sites that have no credibility.
Fuck you dana u dum picking bitch you dont know anything ive personally sucked franks cock and he loved it mike wolfey can stay married hes just a theif he robs people blind saying he cant pay certain prices what….theses people are letting you look and pick there shit not knowing the value and your gonna play them like a fool with the cameras running god help them when cameras are off frank told me theres no stopping him he has to due this act for a job or else hed say fuck off theif
your all a bunch of dickheads that don’t have anything better to do if you have nothing to do play with your fucking ass
from junk to make a buck love picking yeah bitch Aussie rider mother fuckers
You people are shitheads mike and frank have a life what do you assholes do for work and what are your hobbies you fuckin shit people
mike and frank are awesome keep picking you guys australia loves
your show and who gives a crap what the people say the people of America mike and frank is one of your own people You don’t have to watch the show but don’t be mean to them cut the crap
we Australians watch all your shows and that makes us happy
God bless you mike and frank and god bless USA
It is hard to be human but we should try to respect people think about that
Pick on your own people is like picking on your own country think about that?
God bless the United States of america
They bring junk back to life for people to use and see and not rotting in a barn or outside in rain or mud
i love to watch the pickers every day i would like to meet the beautifull danial some day
Tim you got no chance in hell homo sit and jerk off to her on ur tv
Who cares, great show,good interesting people.
No they’re not gay. Mike Wolfe is married with a kid. Danielle is bisexual but was married to a guy up to about 2012 because her husband couldn’t deal with her being famous. Frank on the other hand, I doubt he’s gay.
On the other hand I do enjoy watching the show along with that of Pawn Star but at the same time it makes picking impossible. I go to Yard Sales, the last yard sale for me the 400 mile yard sale, a lot of stuff was over priced. A beat up lunch box created back in 2001 with Superman on it some guy tried to sell it for $20. I swear the guy was on drugs to be selling it for that.
To fucking thieves and to top it of two faggots they need shot along with the foul whore
Want some truth then go read this article http://starcasm.net/archives/227318
Deee da dee
[…] American pickers stars “come out of the closet” « the […]
[…] American pickers stars “come out of the closet” « the […]
[…] American pickers stars “come out of the closet” « the […]
[…] American pickers stars “come out of the closet” « the […]
[…] American pickers stars “come out of the closet” « the […]
[…] American pickers stars “come out of the closet” « the […]
[…] American pickers stars “come out of the closet” « the […]
[…] American pickers stars “come out of the closet” « the […]
[…] American pickers stars “come out of the closet” « the […]
[…] American pickers stars “come out of the closet” « the […]
[…] American pickers stars “come out of the closet” « the […]
[…] American pickers stars “come out of the closet” « the […]
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A warm glass of horse jism would go good right now with this butt brownies Mike just gave me. I want an ass fucking.
This website does not look like a viable source of information what-so-ever, if you believe this shit, you’re fuckin retarded. Just look at the dumb shit in the BREAKING NEWS area over there >>
I want to blast Frankies rumphole elbow deep with both fists the serve up some brown gravy over rice to that idiot Mike.
wow! All my life I have been Americans are a sub species but this really proves it
Get off this site you faggots. Let myself and Mike enjoy being gay as hell. We just bought a new van so Im gonna squat and suck Mikes big hog while taking a shit in the corner.
I thought it was going to be some boring old post, but I’m glad I visited. I will post a link to this site on my blog. I believe my visitors will find that very useful.
Ok well first of all you people disgust me, and I am not talking about Frank nor Mike, I am talking about those of you that are stating that you liked the show and now since you THINK they are gay, then the show is ruined, well either way, they are still the same guys that you have been watching they are no different, and to be quite honest, they way some of you talk and act disgusts me, I in fact love the show, and I also know that they are not going to cause any harm, nor change there show, so for those of you that are immature, then I am sure that Frank, Mike, and Danielle don’t want you watching their show anyways. Want some truth then go read this article http://starcasm.net/archives/227318
Can an we get off the mike and frank issue for a moment I have a real dilemma. I lost a condom in my German shepards ass 3 days ago! He’s very lethargic and won’t eat. Now he’s coughing bowel but no condom. I’m sure this is a common problem. Should I tell the vet. He ran away or was abducted 3 days ago? Do I fill out a sodomy report with the local authorities? ( I NEED A GERMAN PICKER, ) please advise.
Man there are some crazy people posting here. Lets remember we are all Americans and quit sticking our noises into other peoples bedrooms. Basically, we should mind our own business and remember that Freedom come in many shapes.
sorry but not every one likes tattoos.
Who cares about the boys sex life.
Biscuits and Butt Gravy is what these mother fuckers eat every morning from each others buttholes.
you can not be a christian & be gay… why? the bible says you have to change…in the greek scriptures [new test] it says that is what you once were. those who lie with men will not inherit the kingdom. [1 cor6:9,10, 11…other scriptures[DE 23: 17,18, 23:`17,18, 1 kings 14;24
So you’re saying that two single, middle-aged men who spend their time antiquing together are gay?
The TRUTH is that Mike has been married for the past few years to his girlfriend of 20+ years, Jodi Faeth. Frank has mentioned the occasional girlfriend.
No, conspiracy theorists, the Pickers are NOT gay. I’m sure they’re decent enough to support gay rights, but they’re not gay, themselves.
Now, if only Mike would stop sucking up to the bloodstained military, life would be great.
Omg Mike is married ?? He didnt tell me when he rammed my tight asshole and made me drip a gallon of come all over the back of his white sprinter van at a Maryland rest stop
Mike then made me cum in his ass multiple times he kept referring to his bum as an oil can
Demanding I fill his can all night making Mike jealous then they both assaulted me and left me on the side of the hiway were I was raped by a woman , it was the worst experience I even had in my life and they set it up I feel so dirty after being violated by the two legged vagina monster
The only one gay here is the original poster of this article who decided to finally come out and admit it! American pickers are NOT like you pal, they are in hetro relationships and there is proof of this! Now stop fantasizing about everyone in the world being like you and PLEEZ stop playing with your stick. Ok?
The statements below are posted on their ‘about’ page…their articles are crock.
It’s amazing the amount of people that will take what they read on the internet and run with it without the simplest investigation first.
At the Chronicle.SU, we take truth seriously. We take what we do so seriusly, untruths at chronicle.su are punishable by mutilation or death.
Sadly, chronicle.su is not of this earth. After crash landing in an asteroid December 30th, 1976, the alien husks of Chronicle editors rapidly adapted to Earth climates and bacterial flora. They are able to survive naturally in the wild and reproduce freely.
Here at chronicle.su, we take a liberal stance on drug abuse and theft of intellectual property, but that does not mean we are liberal because liberals are faggots and I ain’t no steer-boatin’ queer!
Receiving tweets twice daily via fax from religious advisers impregnates our right-wing furnace of hate, enabling us to bring you the most horrifyingly sensational headlines you’ve ever seen, or your money back – guaranteed!
If you wish to write us spam, please use [email protected] and we will get back to you at our earliest possible convenience, or whenever.
I just can’t with these comments LMAO!!! All of you (well, most of you) are clearly insane. Have fun with your trolling and alternative facts. Just ewwwww.
LOL, people will believe anything. I knew the pickers weren’t bungholers.
I’m not religious, therefore I won’t scream at all of you homo’s and homo lovers how God hates sodomites lol.
However, as a naturalist I will tell you sodomoy is definitely not a natural practice. And those who will use so called observations of non-humans having “queer” relationships you’re losers. Male dogs will try to fuck other male dogs when they’re in heat not because they were born to be doggie faggots, but because nature has dictated that their hormones be so strong they’ll fuck anything with a hole in it procreate. Cut their nuts off and no more raging testosterone and attemts to screw other male dogs or your leg.
Butt fucking is definitely a choice, you may have the lustful desire to do it, but you don’t have to succumb to your lusts or testosterone. I’m sure someone will try and get on here and reply to me with “scientific” proof that sodomoy is natural and acceptable. As my 8 year old would say “yeahh riiiight.” A man has never cum in another man’s butt hole and produced a child. It has never happened and it never will, by the same token a woman has never stuck her plastic dildo in her female love or ate her pussy with the result of pregnancy.
For you transgender, if you think you’re male but your genatalia proves you’re a female, YOU ARE a woman! Using your logic, I think I’m a bald eagle, but just cause I think I’m a bald eagle doesn’t mean I can jump off a cliff and fly.
Now back to the pickers, I don’t think Mike and Frank treat her with disdain. I think they actually have a secret desire to stick their dicks between her fucking gorgeous tits. I know I do!
u all can have these fags
You are all literal idiots. Obviously this is a fake article. Literally, stop being so stupid.
Mike n frank are epic! Gay or straight, they are entertaining as hell! Go guys!
Straight Rob from UK
Hey everyone let’s be clear I’m from the Official Faggot Registry and neither Mike nor Frank are on the list but the rest of you fucking Homo’s are.
Suck a dick you Fucking Punks.
I cannot believe some people everybody criticizes other peoples life as if they’ve got the perfect life of their own I don’t care what/who/when/or where they do it at as long as it does not affect my life and I still can enjoy the TV program that’s all that matters some of you all the to get a life
Your nothing special, just because your gay. So stop acting like you are. If you choose to live that lifestyle (and it is a choice, no matter what you tell yourselves) its your right. Just keep it to yourselves. Kids might see your comments and we don’t need our kids reading this crap. So keep it in your bedrooms, shut your friggin mouths and be grateful you live in a place that tolerates your disgusting lifestyles!!
Wow people can be so ignorant and mean. Scary. I love people regardless of indifference we may have. A lnimals animals are gay. Look it up, insects, before even people existed. What u like is none of my business but hate is bad enough we have wars going on over the same type of mentality. Whatever I like them and y’alls who show because the cute ones are always gay! Truth!
Oh all man animals are gay especially giraffes
I was at the zoo yesterday and saw two gay giraffes go at it first one guy giraffe was blowing another guy giraffe then they started giving each other rusty trombones when the giraffes came (which was like a 5 gallon bucket of cum each then they shit on each other and took a nap
Hey I filled up a few oil cans with man jizz
When would you queers like to cum pick them up ?
How naive am I? It’s never crossed my mind that they were gay, then again, never paid that much attention to the program, and who cares. All I’ve ever thought is that Mike Wolfe is the most objectionable, annoying, ignorant gaffawing jackass on TV, whatever his leaning. Can’t understand what entertainment anyway can extract from this jerk.
This article is satire. Neither Mike Wolfe or Frank Fritz is gay. A quick internet search will show their past and current relationships are all with women.
Bullshit this is all 100% facts these two flags drive around with glory holes in the side of their van giving out and taking brown but pickles blowing hoses , thell even shit on your face , and I’m not shitting you !!!
All these peoples stories are the real deal
Sorry they dont fit into your perfect picture of what American pickers really are
Omg Mike is married ?? He didnt tell me when he rammed my tight asshole and made me drip a gallon of come all over the back of his white sprinter van at a Maryland rest stop
Mike then made me cum in his ass multiple times he kept referring to his bum as an oil can
Demanding I fill his can all night making Mike jealous then they both assaulted me and left me on the side of the hiway were I was raped by a woman , it was the worst experience I even had in my life and they set it up I feel so dirty after being violated by the two legged vagina monster