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Sabu of Anonymous worked with the FBI to engineer the release of internal Stratfor e-mails.

SABU was working with the FBI when Stratfor was hacked

Sabu, leader of both AntiSec and LulzSec, was actually working with the FBI during the Christmas hack of STRATFOR, and the entire meaning of this event has come into question. Is it possible that what has become the biggest story for WikiLeaks in several months was actually planned by the FBI from the outset? Analysts suggest that yes, this entire leak was designed from the ground up by the FBI to discredit the hacktivism movement. In fact, the bizarre and uncharacteristic move by Anonymous to work with WikiLeaks was the first sign something was not right.

Experts have all agreed that Stratfor is actually not a well-connected intelligence agency, but instead a bumbling assortment of analysts who are mostly amateurs. Many of the outlandish statements made by amateurs at Stratfor have been blown out of proportion and taken out of context. This is exactly what law enforcement wants, because it discredits Anonymous, WikiLeaks, and most importantly Julian Assange.

In related news, Barrett Brown’s apartment was raided, but he was not arrested. This can only mean that Barrett Brown is most likely working with the FBI as well.


haha newfag turns out to be a snitch. I hope you all enjoy getting ass raped in prison and believing in this douche.

Hector made Adrian Lamo look a retard….better hope Hector’s kid never turn in a computer, #EVAR!!!

So the next big question, how deep does the rabbit hole go….the big question now is WikiLeaks black ops, do Assange and fankid slaves now it or not. This is some lulz and heady stuff. Good article fishfag!

I knew there was a reason to only give a shit about BRADLEY MANNING!
6:12:32 PM virus: I don’t have proof of him being a snitch, and he doesn’t have proof of me being a snitch. it’s my word against his.
6:15:39 PM virus: he disappeared for a week, I don’t recall what day
6:15:52 PM virus: but when he returned he said his grand mother died and that’s why he was MIA
6:16:01 PM virus: after that he started offering me money to own people
6:16:14 PM Sam Biddle: anyone important?
6:16:55 PM virus: backtrace security and laurelai
6:17:22 PM virus: he gave me IPs, asked me to access their accounts with their IP and asked me to access their emails
6:17:25 PM virus: told me he would pay me
6:17:42 PM Sam Biddle: did you?
6:17:53 PM virus: no, I found that to be suspicious and declined

6:19:19 PM virus: another reason why I believe he was converted after he disappeared and returned is everybody else started getting arrested one by one starting with ryan clearly, who was their ddos bitch
6:19:29 PM virus: yes, I believe he cut a deal to save himself

Hector made Adrian Lamo look a retard….better hope Hector’s kid never turn in a computer, #EVAR!!!

So the next big question is….how deep does the rabbit hole go….the big question now is WikiLeaks black ops, do Assange and fankid slaves now it or not. This is some lulz and heady stuff. Good article fishfag!

I knew there was a reason to only give a shit about BRADLEY MANNING!
6:12:32 PM virus: I don’t have proof of him being a snitch, and he doesn’t have proof of me being a snitch. it’s my word against his.
6:15:39 PM virus: he disappeared for a week, I don’t recall what day
6:15:52 PM virus: but when he returned he said his grand mother died and that’s why he was MIA
6:16:01 PM virus: after that he started offering me money to own people
6:16:14 PM Sam Biddle: anyone important?
6:16:55 PM virus: backtrace security and laurelai
6:17:22 PM virus: he gave me IPs, asked me to access their accounts with their IP and asked me to access their emails
6:17:25 PM virus: told me he would pay me
6:17:42 PM Sam Biddle: did you?
6:17:53 PM virus: no, I found that to be suspicious and declined

6:19:19 PM virus: another reason why I believe he was converted after he disappeared and returned is everybody else started getting arrested one by one starting with ryan clearly, who was their ddos bitch
6:19:29 PM virus: yes, I believe he cut a deal to save himself

Jesus I was typing in retard again…’s the intrawebz, it’s like college, it dumbs you down….

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