axisflip cryptofinancial


A lucid response to Barrett Brown

Barrett Brown, I think you’re a pretty decent guy. “A moral chap,” in the words of Ian Murphy. What Murphy doesn’t realize is that morality is one of the worst epithets within Anonymous.

You have long worked as a crusader for truth and justice, heroically sacrificing your journalism career for worldwide fame and recognition. I swear, if I see “A Flock of Dodos” plugged one more time, I might actually buy the $95.91 hardcover from our free-speech friends at Amazon so I can get it over with. Come on, Barrett, you don’t actually think I’m so insane as to think you’re getting kickbacks from pro bono lawyers, do you? I think everyone understands where that joke was aimed. Only someone with a complete misunderstanding of Anonymous would not recognize this joke as cultural satire of Anonymous.

You have a poor understanding of Anonymous and its culture. Until recently, I thought you were probably pretty close to the mark. Not anymore. Your comments on Sony are wholly disturbing to my sense of truth.

“This week, Sony Corporation claimed to Congress that its investigation of the breach by which millions of customers had their credit card numbers compromised had turned up a document left on the server in question entitled “Anonymous” and containing the phrase “We are Legion”, itself a fragment of our longtime slogan. Some have taken this as proof that Anonymous was responsible for the most significant online heists in memory.”

“Some” have taken this as proof? As a crusader for truth, I think it’s your duty to point out that this “some” includes some within Anonymous itself. Well, I can let that go. This is a relatively minor offense, and you’re allowed to frame things in a way that makes Anonymous look better. It’s what a spokesperson does. It’s not an outright lie, like this:

“Anonymous is accused of having committed a major crime entirely different from the campaigns of civil disobedience for which we are rightfully known. The evidence is a single document that helpfully names us as the perpetrators.”

This is your most offensive statement because it characterizes Anonymous in such a grossly false light. You slander CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE by describing Anonymous as a series of “campaigns of civil disobedience.” Yes, Anonymous is known for CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, but let’s be intellectually honest. Anonymous is known for other things too. Anonymous is known for publishing the personal information of enemies. The theft of millions of credit card numbers, sadly, is perfectly aligned with the previous behavior of Anonymous. Considering the epic failure of OpSony, is it so absurd to imagine a vengeful Anon who took “doxing” to a genocidal scale? No! Of course not! Anonymous was never so full of pure hate as it was when the PSN data was stolen. Anyone who paid any attention would know the hate was directed at the FANS OF SONY as much as the corporation itself. You are creating an imaginary group called Anonymous that the public desperately wants to believe in. It is, no matter how believable and cuddly, purely imaginary.

Anonymous is a culture. When things like “doxing” become acceptable behavior, the actions of a single person jeopardize the whole. Like I’ve warned many times with the metaphor of violence, all it takes is one maniac with a gun and a Guy Fawkes mask, and the whole thing is set up to fail. The Guy Fawkes mask was a file that says “We are Legion.” The gun was the over-zealous product of a culture that finds “doxing” hilarious. There has never been an instance where Anonymous didn’t leave a calling card. Listen, I want to believe Anonymous was framed, but I’m not going to use a bunch of blatant lies to rationalize this belief! That is exactly what you have done, oh moral crusader for truth.

Logs or it didn’t happen? Please! Logs of all private messages between everyone on AnonOps, or STFU.

I respect you for attempting to present the best side of Anonymous. However, the way you have ignored the worst of Anonymous is a miserable failure for truth. Please, Barrett, the name of truth is more holy than the name of Anonymous. Anonymous has always been in denial of its dark side, and you are now the very worst part of this problem. Sony may be guilty of framing Anonymous. Eastern European criminals may be guilty of framing Anonymous. More likely, Anonymous is guilty of framing Anonymous. Anonymous is a magnet for people who want to see the world burn.

The way you have portrayed Anonymous as a group is perhaps the most dangerous lie yet. It’s dangerous for your own position as spokesperson and dangerous for everyone who has ever participated under the banner of Anonymous. This excerpt is from Yes, you should join Anonymous, a piece that singlehandedly leverages your celebrity to define Anonymous as AnonOps IRC. What’s happened to AnonOps IRC, since you wrote this, Barrett?

“If you’d like to support Anonymous in our work, you may easily do so via these instructions, which includes information on using IRC to connect to our main base of operations at Anonops. A list of tools that are of use to anyone conducting our style of “information warfare” against corrupt institutions or engaging in activism of any sort may be found here.”

Well Barrett, you’ve further defined Anonymous as a group and helped implicate every participant in a larger conspiracy that doesn’t exist. For all your talk about the mad legal research going on within AnonOps, you’ve outed exactly how many sockpuppets and gearheads? Congratulations on being such a great spokesperson, slinging the word faggot around like it doesn’t mean something hateful. Bradley Manning is the real hero of our age. In a country that has only recently allowed free speech for homosexuals in its military, why the fuck are you, a supposed figurehead for free speech activism, using the word ‘faggot?’ You got a problem with Bradley Manning’s homosexuality or something? We all know how much great work you’ve done, and that I do nothing but pointless bitching and moaning. HAH! You’re the one who’s always left bitching after we’re done with the jokes. Anonymous is not a group, it is a culture. We’re so sorry that we have a mean sense of humor.

With a spokesperson like you, who needs enemies?

‘Truther’ is an epithet in America. Do you want ‘Anonymous’ to be an epithet?



axisflip cryptofinancial


Someone's going to take over the world. Osama Lives!

Listen, right now the United States is engineering complete ownership of the entire world. Osama Bin Laden has always worked for our government. He was raised in a laboratory and bred for evil. Then, after we conditioned and trained him, he set to work False Flagging all over the world. Now we own all teh OiLZ! LULZ!!! World War 3 is about to break out and everyone’s going to run out of gas but teh USA. Hell, America controls Europe with NATO and uses the third world as slave-states. We’re slow-hitlering. Did you know that HAARP radio waves can wipe out whole flocks of birds?

The grays have a kind of multi-dimensional control of the universe that I can’t comprehend. As far as I know, they created life as a kind of computer simulation and pop in whenever they need to conduct an experiment. They have an obsession with cows. And anuses. And how much cow meat you have in your anus. They are trying to send you a message.

The Bilderberg group are extremely rich people who pull all the strings on Earth by giving out billions of dollars like pimp-daddyz.  Alex Jones stalks them, because like me, he knows how evil they are. I know they’re paying him off. If we don’t do something about them, they’ll just merge America and Europe into one huge corporation state. America would be exactly like China. These people paid Osama for 9/11 through the CIA, which they own.

There is a group of super-rich ancient druids who meet at Bohemian Grove and get wasted in front of a giant owl. They are also stalked by Alex Jones. He even broke in one time, and crashed their ritual. It was really gnarly, there’s this giant owl, fireworks, and evil rich people. The footage is now on sale.

Freemasons are a Teutonic cult that holds the power of eternal youth and the Holy Grail. They came to America before anyone, and wrote our history down before it ever happened. They have always been in control. They have never been in control. They leave symbols on our money and shit, just to remind us. They’re staring at us like the eye of Sauron, from every dollar bill.

There’s a bunch of maniacs at the Colorado Airport, ready to unleash the final disease on mankind, they’ve built the doomsday bio-weapon. They’re Nazis too! Once they’ve got enough disease built up, the motherfuckers will hold the world hostage or more likely just gas humanity like insects. This airport is where the chemtrails come from. One day they’ll prove this.

The other side of this technological doomsday battle is in production by the Scientists at CERN. The large Hadron Collider was designed to evaporate the world with the single push of a button. This would serve as a retaliatory threat to the creators of the Colorado airport bio-weapon/chemtrail factory.

But, there are yet more forces at work. The Reptilians have crawled out of their hiding-caves for the first time in millenia. They are an ancient race of evolved lizards which are indistinguishable from humans. Some say the lizards are already at the helm of all big business and government!

Meanwhile, my computer has been infected with a trojan that Anonymous is using to commit acts of cyber-terrorism. I hear that hard drive racing all night long, like it’s up to something. Updating Windows my ass. Fuck! The bastards are closing in on me! I am the poet-terrorist of their worst nightmare.

The UN is working with NASA on project bluebeam, a crazy light show that will start a new religion to take over the world. Two of my favorite artists are indicted in this conspiracy. Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick created 2001: A Space Odyssey just to condition us for the new religion. I agree that they are prophets!

Osama Lives! We are for the truth, but ‘truther’ is an epithet. There is no truth, only Hate and Lies! We choose lies that keep America expanding. Capitalism! Terrorism! Economic crisis! We are afraid of opposing views, it is our culture. You want to change the culture? Make fun of it. Poetic terrorism. Osama Lives!

axisflip cryptofinancial


welcum 2 lowercase anonymous

ur not allowed in lowercase anonymous, homophobe

lowercase anonymous is the new anonymous. it’s the old anonymous. it’s what anonymous should never be. it’s exactly what anonymous could be.

uppercase anonymous framed lowercase anonymous by using ddos as a cover to get away with sophisticated attacks. lowercase anonymous is just a socially engineered group of skiddies given teh power of ddos, which is dressed up like a video game in loic. then they feed youz propaganda and you fire teh cann0ns so they can make more intrusive attacks under your cover. uppercase does not care to protect your privacy and censor anyone who wants to complain.

uppercase is for people who just say ‘fag’ or ‘nigger’ and think it makes them win an argument. this is a sign of stupidity and narcissism.

lowercase anonymous people have facebooks and twitters because they have friends. uppercase anonymous is forced to use cracked warez photoshop in linux, which is admittedly retarded. lowercase anonymous loves lolcatz. uppercase anonymous luvz barrett brown’z bobcat.

so whats up, uppercase anonymous? hows anonops, ur little fed hole? don’t do any hacking now that ur on anonops fbi watch list, lolz. i hope all youz guyz are in there doing legal hax0ring just lyke barrett brown said!

we r lowercase anonymous
