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Politics Reviews

New Donald Trump Book ‘Grabbing Pussies’ Hits Store Shelves Monday

NEW YORK — “Readers won’t know what hit ’em,” Donald Trump told The Internet Chronicle on Saturday. “It’ll blindside ’em. This book is gonna hit you so hard, reading it will literally make you retarded.”

Trump said he reached out to to discuss the latest in what appears to be the largest public relations stunt in American history.

Trump clarified remarks made in the “leaked” audio actually were prepared statements written to hype his new book, “Grabbing Pussies.”Donald Trump: Grabbing Pussies

“I wanted people to see how I did it,” Trump said. “How I turned a small loan into a booming political franchise. How I walked right up to the country like it was an ATM, and how I just reached out. And grabbed its pussy.”

Mike Pence described his own shock at the book reveal as “apoplectic.” Pence said he hadn’t seen such gross political misconduct since as far back as 2014, when former Va. governor Bob McDonnell and his wife were indicted for selling political favors to Anatabloc salesman Johnnie Williams. Pence said he looks for the same from former Va. governor Tim Kaine.

“Political favor is not to be sold,” Pence said. “It is to be stolen, like an election. That’s democracy.”

An inconsolable Pence did not attend a function in Wisconsin, and could not be reached for further comment.

Look for Donald Trump’s Grabbing Pussies everywhere books are sold, on sale Nov. 2.

[Editor’s Note: Lebal Drocer’s official stance is such that: People are property, and women belong in the crosshairs of male aggression and affection, not positions of power.]

Grabbing Pussies is a Lebal Drocer Production.

CHRONICLE.SU and her subsidiaries are property of Lebal Drocer, Inc.

By Hatesec

I am the hatest

14 replies on “New Donald Trump Book ‘Grabbing Pussies’ Hits Store Shelves Monday”

‘Last night I recorded a HATE RADIO PODCAST with .@Kilgoar — the public eagerly anticipates its release’
**drum’s fingers anticipation & throws a ?& a ? at you.

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