The Internet Chronicle is ROUTINELY abused by the dominant search engine Google

First, Google took away our ads. Google doesn’t tell anyone why they take away your ads. Google just takes.
Then Google sent us letters about their new algorithm blaming us for falling down their rankings. They would say shit like, ‘Our new algorithm sucks the dick of any site with large text for mobile, but actually since yours don’t have that, you guys can go fuck yourselves.’ So we adapted our site, and they told us to go fuck ourselves anyway.
And then they said broken links don’t do anything for them anymore, so whatever, I fixed all 1,100 broken links. Too little, too late: only useless infrastructural pages like ‘tags’ appear in related searches. Who gives a shit about tags? No one except Google, who either believe that is our site’s most relevant content every time, or just discovered a fresh way to tell us to go fuck ourselves.
You can’t find anything on Google about us. If you want to search this website, you have to pull up a chair like a big boy and sit down at your desktop computer. Then you may use the Fact Checker to the right hand side of the page to find content. This is our way of telling everyone else to go fuck themselves. Google. You. Everyone. There’s your search engine. It’s free to click in there and type.
Waddup with dat, right? Ordinarily, this would all seem pretty unfair. But we keep it even. I already told Google to go fuck themselves in 2012.
Dr. Troubadaddy says:
“Google can eat a dick in 2018, too.”
3 replies on “Google HATES Internet Chronicle”
mr.b. haz offed himself with that awesome elephant junk!
If you want the good news of the formerly Soviet Chronicle to reach the masses Google keeps you (rightfully) blocked off from, you may want to read well and follow these suggestions:
-Add upthumbs and downthumbs to the comment sections
-Add some fucking color to this pasty Virginian-white eyesore
-Start killing off people Google doesn’t like and/or profit from. People of color or those living outside of the United States may be a good pool
Remember, Google doesn’t hate hate, they hate when you hate what they don’t hate