
Neil DeGrasse Tyson calls for unrest in Ferguson

Neil DeGrasse Tyson watched the beginning of time, and he also marched with protesters in Ferguson
Neil DeGrasse Tyson watched the beginning of time, and he also marched with protesters in Ferguson

FERGUSON — Neil DeGrasse Tyson bravely marched with protesters in Ferguson last night, inspiring millions of atheists on Reddit and drawing their secular, but moral, recognition of injustice taking place not only in Ferguson, but in black communities everywhere. Tyson’s cosmic and scientific point of view, revered and followed by millions of rational atheists everywhere, has generally only crossed into the territory of social consciousness or activism when touching on topics such as global warming or the proper classification of planets.

However, Tyson broke his silence on the militarized crackdown on the poverty-ridden community dominated by middle-class whites in Ferguson, saying, “The universe provides us with no natural moral system, but statistics and science shows that what’s happening in Ferguson is not only unfair, but truly evil. Whatever controversy there is about Mike Brown committing robbery is irrelevant. The autopsy shows Mike Brown was shot to death with his hands up, corroborating the eyewitness accounts. The statistics of wealth distribution, political power, and the nearly all-white police force convinced me to take to the streets last night.” Tyson lifted his shirt, showing several welts from rubber bullets, and added, “I am very skeptical of the call for a return to so-called ‘peace’ or ‘normalcy’ from religious leaders who joined me in the march. Are they just not aware of the science that shows the general unrest is a result of poverty and racism? Do they really want to go back to that, and call it peace? What the people need is more unrest until these problems are corrected!”


Snowden Unveils NSA "God Mode" Malware That Lives On Your Motherboard And Can Not Be Traced

New Snowden revelation “GODSURGE” gives NSA ability to see everything your computer does – even the screen

The NSA backdoor GODSURGE hooks in and propagates with DIETYBOUNCE
The NSA backdoor GODSURGE hooks in and propagates with DIETYBOUNCE

Original documents released by Snowden reveal surveillance powers that go beyond root access, and into the hardware of all computer systems everywhere.

The exploit hooks itself into a computer’s boot loader, initiating an “infected” BIOS that is in no way distinguishable from normal computer activity, and can only be discovered through forensic investigation of the physical data chip using electron microscopes.

With GODSURGE, a complex malware loaded by the similarly named malware DEITYBOUNCE, secret agents are able to monitor users’ computer activity – even when the computer is offline – because the malware phones home when users plug back in, reporting activity and filling in historical gaps.

It is safe from an operating system reinstall because it lives on the motherboard, and does not affect the installation at all, remaining undetected by antivirus scanners and even computer scientists.

When Ross Ulbricht was found hiding among the stacks in the Glen Park public library in San Francisco, the 29-year-old Silk Road operator was believed to have covered his tracks perfectly. Speculation is rampant as to how he was really caught.

Neckbeards with no working knowledge of Internet technology hypothesized that an “anonymous” forum post asking for help on specialized messageboard code led unseen internet police to backtrace his IP. It is an unlikely connection, but compelling conspiracy theory, because it is a common supposition that the Internet is a self-referencing, self-cleaning hivemind; but it is far more likely that ubiquitous, self-replicating code that bounces to destinations through “jump hosts” – a self-replicating “Onion Router” of malware – led to his discovery because it tells the NSA exactly what any given computer is doing – or trying to do – without being caught.

Or to put it another way, they see what you see.


Ferguson’s Militia Saved it from Race Riots

Ferguson is just another flashpoint for the global war on terror and Obama is not on America’s side. #Benghazi #FastAndFurious #Ferguson

MY OPINION ON FERGUSON — With incredibly small use of force, the Ferguson Police have averted a mass disruption of the local economy that would have affected not only Saint Louis, but all of America. Looting cannot be tolerated under the rule of law.

Now more than ever with the rise of a new Islamic Caliphate, global terrorism is knocking on the front door of fragile incipient puppet nations that buoy our slipping geopolitical grip on the throats of the people we’re really “oppressing” in Ferguson: Terrorists. These shootings are the type of thing instigated by Black Islamic Nationalists who plant false stories to turn people against the government, earning them just a little more wiggle room in their Jihad.

Now I’m not saying the rioters in Ferguson are terrorists, but the best police first protect themselves and always come more prepared than the enemies of the economy. Second comes the safety of the people, and then only in proper proportion to their contribution to the economy. That’s true fairness.

Obama and his patsy of a Missouri governor have deposed the local police force, marching in Federal and State police in violation of local rule of law. We know the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government, but now we know for a fact they’ve made it to the highest office. The spirit of the 2nd amendment is that the government must always outgun the people. Don’t let the shifty Liberals turn that around on us. Gun Control is their number one policy, and it starts with taking guns from POLICE. The Ferguson police are the equivalent of a local militia, and for Obama to deny the right for the militia to assemble is in direct contradiction to the 2nd amendment, which is the most important amendment of all. We MUST impeach Obama today before he dismantles our local homeland militias and takes our guns!