
Barrett Brown Edited Down

A lot of people are now saying Barrett Brown is a “performance artist” or a “satirist” and that he was not serious about these threats. While that certainly confirms everything I want to believe about him, because I’m an Official Anonymous Spokesperson and Representative as well, it just doesn’t hold any ketchup. The feds have never “come after me,” and I’ve written just as many Anonymous screeds as Brown, if not more! Some of which have been circulated far beyond the reach of Barrett Brown. But you don’t know me because I totally take the Anonymity thing seriously and I’m more into teachin’ people stuff than just confirming their bias.

This video is just the threats and the relevant context, of course. Some of us don’t have 45 minutes to waste on the conspiracy ramblings of an insane person. I sped up the boring parts, not to mock the quite obviously insane and in need of help Barrett Brown, but rather to save you 35% of the sympathetic pain. Don’t laugh! It’s wrong to laugh at the insane! No one deserves jail, but we are our brothers keepers, and obviously someone could’ve been badly hurt. Probably not “Agent Smith” or his kids, but who’s to say? Brown looked ready to jump off the balcony.

Kids, don’t do drugs. I do drugs, but let’s be honest. Some people can’t be content with a little reefer and alcohol and the occasional mushroom, acid, or DMT trip, and they start puttin’ it in their blood. I’m against the injection of drugs into veins; you can get hantavirus that way, or even West Nile. Next thing you know, you’ve got an imaginary revolution on your hands and the feds are busting in on ya for threatening to “look into” their kiddies.

This is hyperbole, baby, at its best! They just don’t make orators like THIS anymore.



Brown Taken Down

Barrett Frowns

Self-appointed, self-medicating “leader of Anonymous” Barrett Brown was heard struggling against intruders Wednesday, hump day, September 12. Sources confirmed Thursday morning Brown is sitting in a Dallas jail.

Brown’s credibility came under scrutiny after Kilgore Trout tricked Brown into believing he was actually talking to Amber Lyon, a dipshit CNN correspondent. Brown subsequently accused Trout via Twitter of having sex with his girlfriend marking a gradual, but distinct dissolution of sanity and reason which ultimately led Brown to make threats against FBI agents, presumably prompting the raid.

Wednesday’s raid signifies the last nail in the crystal coffin of Brown’s otherwise transient career. Brown was recently heard ranting against all things in a telephone call with Topiary, the actual leader of anonymous. Brown has also appeared in videos making delusional claims provoked by unseen sources of paranoia.

Barrett Brown is the glorified blogger who once belonged to the underground hacker group Anonymous and, for a while, got to decide who gets to join anonymous and who does not., he said, is not anonymous, like himself, Barrett Brown – or similarly, Sabu.

Brown, below, threatens the FBI with an ultimatum

Brown describes the purpose of Project PM to be “wiping out this fucking government” and “certain media publications” ( maybe? We definitely know he means the NY Times)

Sources discuss and make threats against her glorious staff of anti-leaders


The Pied Pipers

Barrett Brown, a self-described journalist with no training whatsoever, has long played pied piper for Anonymous when not working as an intermediary for the media and hackers. Commander X, a long-time hactivist promoting the rights of the homeless, is another popular demagogue who boasts openly about how he is able to “control” the hive.

X claims he can control the hive.

Command  delusions, drug addictions, and homophobia are not the only thing these fire-dogs have in common. In Barrett Brown’s nightly tinychat sessions, he discusses the issues of the day, and yesterday he spoke about the case of Amber Lyon.

Amber Lyon was allegedly fired from CNN for her overzealous coverage of Occupy and Arab Spring events. The ongoing flap between her and CNN is filled with conflicting and confusing nonsense, but I’m inclined to go with the sensible story on CNN International.

“By mid February 2011 CNN had already deployed several of its most well respected international correspondents to report on the unrest and the government’s violent response, including Nic Robertson, Arwa Damon, Rima Maktabi and CNN International Anchor Hala Gorani.  Damon, Maktabi and Gorani are all fluent Arabic speakers.”

Glenn Greenwald, a former trial lawyer with absolutely no training as a journalist, used his podium on the Guardian to push the narrative that Lyon’s documentary on Bahrain and other reports about Bahrain have been suppressed.

“After Lyon’s crew returned from Bahrain, CNN had no correspondents regularly reporting on the escalating violence.”

So, just how are Lyon’s chops? Is she a capable and competent seeker of truth, and is that why she was fired from CNN? Would she fall prey to a simple twitter hoax?

Amber Lyon retweeted a parody account on Twitter, ‘Glen Greenwald’, which appears at a quick glance to be Glenn Greenwald. She quickly removed the tweet, but the damage had already been done.

How about Barrett Brown? Is he also an easily-fooled demagogue who will believe anything confirming his preexisting prejudices?

I assumed the name ‘amber’, a social-engineering hacker character from a novel I’m working on, and Barrett Brown immediately assumed I was Amber Lyon. I requested the presence of Commander X, and he promptly appeared.

The conversation that followed was immensely painful. They begged me for information proving CNN International receives money from Bahrain, and I claimed I had some. I told them I was working on an article which would prove this point, but I only had one source and a professional journalist needs more than just that in order to corroborate fact. This, of course, was a reference to the supposed journalist, Barrett Brown, who did not corroborate the identity of Amber Lyon before reporting on her presence via Twitter. Commander X, the hacker who said he could control the hive, seemed ready to orchestrate a cyberattack at my whim, interpreting my plea for extra sources as a request for a hack. Oh, the bitter horrific irony. Would he have hacked a web site for a hoaxer? My God! Anonymous, is this your leader?

Demagogues are great for confirming everything you already believe and whipping up hysteria, but they’re not what they claim to be. As a proven prophet, I’m all too happy to pull rank on them and show that a lot of noise does not a leader make.