axisflip cryptofinancial


LulzSec emulates the CIA but is not affiliated

In order to ensure maximum Lulz, LulzSec has manufactured a misinformation campaign using “dox” on pastebin to expose that they are working with the CIA and famed Bradley Manning snitch, Adrian Lamo. This “CIA project” is purportedly intended to tip the balance of public opinion against hackers. While this is possible, the outrageous public fear of hacking makes this unlikely. Such a ridiculous conspiracy may head off any future suspicion of LulzSec’s questionable motivations. The conspiracy is most likely concocted.

LulzSec has actually adopted the tactics of the CIA. The CIA has been known to pay off the Alex Jones radio show for spreading laughable conspiracies which disarm public suspicion in regards to the failures of FEMA after hurricane Katrina. The lovable LulzSec has, in fact, achieved massive success in emulating the CIA, rather than working with them. In this light, the pastebin “dox” are one of the best trollolols the intertits has ever seen.

After the Sony Fiasco led to a drop in support for Anonymous, LulzSec was likely invented to take credit for the hack ex post facto.

LulzSec appears to be related to the Ryan Cleary incident, which has already been forgotten. Ryan Cleary is a dissident hacker who attacked AnonOps and was subsequently “doxed”. Some accuse Cleary of hacking Sony. However, Cleary is not facing any criminal charges and there is no evidence that he exists. AnonOps hackers may have engineered a false flag attack against their own servers under the name of Ryan Cleary, in hopes that the Sony hack would be credited to him. LulzSec is simply the logical conclusion to this chain of events – a hacker group that breaks all the non-existent unwritten rules of Anonymous in order to regain traction after the failure of #OpSony.



axisflip cryptofinancial


There's no dancing at the Jefferson Memorial

The front line for highly suppressed dancing urges is now the Jefferson Memorial. While Jefferson can do nothing but preside over events silently, the US government has armed hundreds of Nazis to guard the monument with machine guns. This major effort is intended to forever prevent dancing and increase the decorum of our national monuments.

The anti-civilian military guard on such a memorial to freedom appears to be a desperate attempt to make the statue of Jefferson begin to cry blood. Of course, Fox News is ready to spin the tears of blood to represent Jefferson’s disdain for dancing, and sadness that such events are being created by Liberty thieves.

The fact of the matter is that the Great Collective just wants to dance. Unless the machine gunners stand guard every single day, the Great Collective will get what it wants.

Jefferson Memorial is only accessible by a long walk, and this may prevent maximum dancing. The author of this article would like to suggest the area in front of the Capitol building for dancing. He has found that banjo playing is grudgingly tolerated by police.

axisflip cryptofinancial

News Society Trolling

The Meta-Troll

A rudimentary meta-troll from 4chan containing a list of exploits.

The meta troll fails when the meta troll succeeds. The meta troll succeeds when the meta troll fails. The meta troll can never succeed and never fail.
A meta troll turns others into trolls by trolling. Trollin’ is cool. Meta trolls be trollin’, turning millions of other people into trolls.

Meta troll goes like this:

  • Trolls a pit of trolls
  • Troll reveals trolling exploit through troll
  • Trolls will troll each other until trolling no longer is trollin’

The meta troll can destabilize a community with the proper vectors if they are trollin’. When you troll the troll, but do not lead the troll to also troll, you are not a meta troll. Anyone who disagrees is often times considered a troll, but this is not trollin’. A meta troll is always someone who disagrees. A meta troll will rewire the brain without the brain being conscious. Meta trolls may still have a conscience in some cases. They most often do not, and are paid high salaries by trolling organizations like Fox News.

The meta troll is invincible to trolling when the meta troll has reached trollightenment. The trollightened meta troll doesn’t write the best trolls. The trollightened meta troll knows that all the best trolls have already been written, and that more sneakiness is required. The great meta troll feels the world twisting around each troll. Successful trolls shift reality and then shatter it, once the victims have realized how hard they’ve been trolled.

So when troll trolls you into a trollin’ mess, you can always meta troll your way to trolligtenment and you’ve worked your way out of the troll. Troll hard, troll weak, troll like a shotgun, troll like a trooper, and one day you too may be trollin’. That’s trollin’, bro.