
Tea Party Nation exercises fascist control of information

Tea Party Nation was recently raided by Anonymous and thousands of Tea Party Cultists found themselves viewing NSFW porn and gore. Since then, their “Forum,” which actually consists entirely of threads by Judson Phillips, has clamped down on the free expression of outsiders.

Listed specifically as satire and entirely relevant to the conversation, links to Chronicle.SU led to the banning of Kilgore Trout from Tea Party Nation’s fascist forum. No abuse took place on the part of Trout.

Free Speech is not one of the platforms of the Tea Party. The Tea Party has been known to side with Chronicle.SU in criticizing the Left’s attacks on free speech, but their anti-satire stance has rewarded Tea Party Nation moderators with the honorary title of Hypocrites.

The Tea Party Nation’s behavior is nothing short of Fascism. Invoking the threat of Anonymous was all it took for the moderators to seize complete control over all ideas that are put forth on their “Forum.” The fact that nearly 99% of threads are written by the founder of Tea Party Nation speaks for itself~Kilgore Trout

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Washington, D.C.–Are the recent “leaks” by Anonymous actually government efforts to discredit the hacktivist organization?

The Bank of America mortgage fraud claim is strong, but old. The evidence released Sunday night is weak and indicative of someone who hates his job. That said, it looks like some numbers were in fact changed.

Be that as it may, we will examine motives behind the leak, rather than its content, which is undergoing professional scrutiny as you read this.

The source of the leak, a former employee of Balboa Insurance, suspiciously gave the information to a member of Anonymous instead of Wikileaks. But in his emails to Anonymous, the former employee complained of unfair treatment at his job, and that cute waitresses would only fuck his co-workers. He said they knew too much about the inner-workings of the Bank of America, and not enough about him.

Sounds pretty weak, right? We thought so, too.

The United States Government, or any intelligence-oriented government, for that matter, would play up the release of “weak leaks” – as they appear to have done – to discredit Anonymous and hurt the group’s image and presence. But they would not use Wikileaks, as Wikileaks is sworn enemy of the state and not even in jest should it be used to transmit information.

Anyone able to get their hands on this information can see it’s important, but hardly enough to bring a fraudulent, government-endorsed bank to its knees. Yet leading up to the release, its importance and weight were inflated in real-time to the point where it wouldn’t surprise us to find a Papa John’s ad at the top of the page before too long.

Call it a page from the counter-intel playbook, if you will. Within the Anonymous circle, this practice is known as psy-ops. Out of paranoia, they accused chronicle.SU of PsyOps when we asserted the probability of the USG intervening, watching and influencing Anonymous and [Editor’s note: the assertion stands.]

The “leak” may be substantial, but not in the way it is being played up.


“Deluge dissent in a wave of bad and pointless ‘official’ info so people become skeptical about future releases. I mean, whats with the obvious attempt at eastern european engrish? why would a russian know enough/care to pursue the specifics of american mortgage fraud? They likely have different property laws/procedures.

To me, this whole thing kinda stinks like counterintelligence.”

-noob [that’s his name]


Chronicle.SU shares growing skepticism with an unlikely source of decentralized information, The Pirate Bay.

“atopiary The torrent from @OperationLeakS that we hosted just got taken down and so did the account with The Pirate Bay. Not sure why. #AnonLeaks 2 minutes ago via web

Just a note, #AnonLeaks is simply mirroring the BoA leaks from @OperationLeaks rather than directly leaking. AnonLeaks isn’t taking credit. about 2 hours ago via web

This does look sketchy.”

– Torrent seeder

Stay truthful, readers.

News Politics

Kilgore Trout Ousts Barret Brown as Leader of Anonymous

Cuthbert, GA-Early this morning, Kilgore Trout announced that the hacktivist group formerly known as Anonymous is dead. Because of the inevitable progression and definition of ideology that makes up the body politic of the group formerly known as Anonymous, expert analysts believe the rise of a leader became a necessity. Now known as The Legion, Kilgore Trout has distanced himself and his followers from any actions made by the less mature Anonymous. Anonymous was recently hijacked by the United States Government via and infiltrators threatened attacks on the captors of Bradley Manning. This tactic allows the government to begin investigation and prosecution of anyone who has ever downloaded the Low Orbit Ion Cannon or participated in any operations claimed by Anonymous.

“Anonymous was not originally a true group, but there is now a clear boundary between insiders and outsiders. The threatened attacks on the United States government implicates any person who has ever been affiliated with Anonymous as a terrorist. Thanks to the Patriot Act, Anons can be put to death for treason, or even extradited to the United States for execution without trial. This is why I have formed The Legion, a group worthy of the title hacktivist”~Kilgore Trout

The Legion has defined itself as a more mature and pragmatic entity than the self-destructive Anonymous. The Legion does not seek to do harm but promotes liberty and freedom in the digital age. In his speech, Trout laid out a unifying set of ideas that the less childish members of Anonymous already held in common.

  • Internet activism is best used to promote Internet Freedom. Censoring the sites of dictators and cults runs contrary to the principle of Internet Freedom.
  • Illegal actions should only be taken in an effort to support Internet Freedom. The Low Orbit Ion Cannon must only be deployed as a virtual sit-in against companies who would destroy Internet Freedom and never to block the free propagation of information. The software will be recreated in this image and no longer reflect violence or weaponry, but peaceful disobedience.
  • True civil disobedience requires that Anonymity be abandoned. Each individual deserves their own voice and must own it fully. The Legion’s strength is in numbers and not in Anonymity. Those who only know how to engage in discourse with childish ad hominems will be ignored.
  • The Legion will act only with a consensus determined by range voting. All possible courses of action will be given a desirability rating by participants and outsiders alike. Range voting provides a nearly impenetrable bulwark to ballot stuffing and infiltration.
  • The Legion forgives when it is appropriate, because The Legion seeks change and not destruction.
  • The Legion supports all charities that advocate distribution of computers to the less fortunate and those who lobby for Net Neutrality and Internet Freedom.

Would-be leader Barret Brown has failed to rally members of Anonymous under their original banner. He is currently being investigated by the US government. Soldiers in the nudist section of Quantico have already begun to prepare his accommodations down the hall from Bradley Manning. Barret Brown’s pathetic attempt to lead Anonymous to destruction has been generally accepted as a failure by The Legion.