
The False Choice of American Politics: The Socialist Party of America website is useless and ugly

Washington, DC — The absolution of two-party control over American voters is so strong that actual voter fraud is neither necessary nor would it even be detectable if such a need were to arise. The Socialist Party of America is suspiciously ugly. When compared to the Democratic and Grand Old Party party websites, the Socialist website seems […]

Uncontrollable Patriotism

NSA to codify ongoing Fourth Amendment rights violations

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Our watchful overlords have decided it is better not to discontinue illegal domestic spying, but to instead make domestic spying legal. The NSA spies on its citizens, which is illegal, as indicated by their desire to legalize it. A bit of context: The collection of private data did not start with governments. […]


REVIEW: Biella Coleman’s Many Faces of Anonymous

There is no book which can equal the rich view of the inner workings of some of the most famous groups associated with Anonymous as The Many Faces of Anonymous. Some of the faces are obscured, others are seen through translucent pseudonyms, and some come waddling in for lunch to give a terrible lesson in realpolitik. […]