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Modified Zika Virus outbreak linked to US Navy’s darknet

INTERNET — Snowden came forward Sunday with shocking details of a plan by the US Navy to infect mothers in enemy countries with a modified virus that creates pinheaded subhuman babies for future enslavement. Reporters Frank Mason and Ralph Haetsch met with Edward Snowden inside a custom built Faraday enclosure in Moscow’s Red Square, in […]

axisflip cryptofinancial


Man’s desperate quest for meaning ends at these best new tech gadgets of 2016

Check these dank new products that are totally gonna save you from the pain of being alone. Lebal Drocer, Inc. proudly presents our Top 5 Products of 2016 Guaranteed To Distract You From The Pain of Existence! It’s true Jesus had to walk that lonesome valley, but Jesus didn’t have Twitter on an enecrypted futurephone, […]

axisflip cryptofinancial


Dank new product from Lebal Drocer, Inc: lead-free water bottled at shrinking edge of Antarctic glaciers

Wage Jihad on Your Thirst with #ICES Brand Melted Glacier Water   New lead-free, barrel-aged Antarctic glacier water from Lebal Drocer lets you drink CONTINENTS! Lebal Drocer is proud to announce a neoliberal partnership with HAARP, Nestle and corruptresourceful Michigan governor Rick Snyder. The shadowy global weather experimentation agency works with Lebal Drocer to create […]