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Politics Special Interest новости

The Chronicle Goes To Washington

The Chronicle Goes To Washington, D.C.Washington, D.C.–Five members of the chronicle.SU staff encountered a white Muslim man praying to the East Monday, in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue, directly in front of the White House. Before him sat a pile of bags and at exactly 5:30 p.m., he stood mechanically from prayer and began fumbling with them. The cops watched him intensively and gathered vehicles around the area, as well as establishing police lines.

Spray-paint on the back of his jacket explained his belief that Allah is the only true God.

Federal police in a four-wheel drive vehicle arrived on the scene and were given sealed orders in orange and white plastic baggies by one in a group of bike cops. They appeared immediately out of nowhere with one red box and gathered around the driver side window to exchange orders.

The very next thing to happen was the appearance of Tyler Bass, chronicle.SU journalist and Washington insider. He warned the men to get away from the scene, and subsequently led them into something not all that much different.

Chronicle.SU is banned from the website AnonNews after being gradually purged from their system. This website is so hated, it is not even allowed on the AnonNews hate wall. Even though there is a place specifically reserved for the most hated external sources on the internet, Chronicle.SU is so hated by their moderators that AnonNews even took it down from there.

This is relevant. Chronicle.SU considers that move a win for the cause in general, and applauds AnonNews for its predictable FOX News style censorship, imposing ignorance on its readership, and anyone interested in the democratic sharing of knowledge and information.

Chronicle.SU was then accused by their readership of being Backtrace Security, and even the government. Then, were accused by the moralfags as being a psyche-out operation by the government (as if the NSA would really send agents into a public forum and go “booga-booga-booga!” to boast their strength.)

The six men discussed this, walking diagonally away from the White House and into the city.

“I think that’s how lies propagate,” one of them said, ducking suddenly into a hidden bar: The Royal Palace is a strip joint with no cover charge and cheap drinks; but, there is something of a catch.

After a couple of drinks, an angry dancer came by and insisted they tip the next dancer (or get out, judging by the look on her Mongolian hate face.) It seemed something had gone terribly wrong for her. All at once she’d gone from a small-breasted seductress to totally repressive and frizzy-haired, silently asking onlookers for tips, one by one, with the shake of a hand. She looked tired and angry.

“This is what it feels like to vote,” Old Brutus said, offering up an empty left-handed handshake to the woman. She slithered nastily and hissed about tips, as AnonNews flashed through his memory – How it feels to be voted for, only to see your articles deleted by some zit-faced overlord during his microcosm conspiracy theory of actual real-world politics. How pointless voting can be; to shake an empty hand; like the U.S. Government, AnonNews ignores the majority to pass along the agenda of a privileged minority.

After some bad vibrations, we felt very unwelcome and it became apparent that it was time to leave.

The six editors, writers, musicians and artists jiggled drunkenly down a gray, windy road and into a blues bar. Bouncers at the door said one of them couldn’t come in, because he had no ID. They said, “Good luck finding somebody to serve that guy! Everybody cards in this town.” Three members of the group went inside. Tyler Bass, Kilgore Trout and Old Brutus went next door to a coffee shop that also served drinks.

The waitress there, Taylor, was drunk; and wanted nothing from Trout but his dick.

They were finally safe, finally seriously drunk, when Anonymous came back up in discussion. Bass couldn’t believe the Chronicle’s influence on the dwindling moralfag community. He said their age and visibility explains the splintering of their small group and the Chronicle was right for making note of the factors at work, even calling out the United States Government, who he said had been at this subversion game since the Sixties.

“Behind every action is an emotion,” Trout said, “and the response by AnonNews to delete our material is one of fear, and determination to ultimately disallow their readership access to dissenting facts and articles.”

Chronicle.SU is the only Internet news source with connections to the top, in coordination with Wikileaks and government access nodes using only the finest in journalistic practices. Siding on civility and honor, staff writers seek out truth via phone interviews, contact with government – and religious – officials, even military personnel on behind-the-scenes behavior and protocol, we deliver truth, free of charge, at no cost to anyone.

The Anonymous News “Network” is run by one guy, claiming to be V from the movie V For Vendetta, or the poster boy MoralFag because he wants to be that guy from the movie.

Sources say it wouldn’t be a fool’s wager to believe the owner of AnonNews isn’t behind this new website, which simultaneously runs advertisements and asks for donations. It’s actually worse than AnonNews, though, because all the [propagandist] material is produced by one pathetic guy.

His advertising revenue comes from those “invest in the gold market” scams and large corporations like Pledge.

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) filed a lawsuit against S.C. Johnson & Son, the parent-company of Pledge cleaner, for filing fraudulent tax documents and withholding millions of tax dollars from the federal government. Pledge said “fuck the people,” and exploited tax loopholes, and now props up Anonymous who they know will do that for them.

Why sell Pledge here, at Anonymous News “Network?” To make bombs? No. You can’t make bombs with Pledge. Pledge appears as a search term because Google Ads pick up on Anonymous ideology and matches the volatile cleansing agents with the whitewash fascism of Anonymous.

“V,” like AnonNews, is clearly connected to the government, or some kind of corporate copy-pasting of blogger voices to make cents at a time from 2,000 Google Ad boxes on duplicated platforms across every message and medium available to a multi-tasking god of machinery, the NSA Supercomputer – while simultaneously deteriorating what little integrity is left of Moralfag Anonymous.

Anonymous News Network is the first of its kind – a cog in the automatic money machine, leeching off the main pulsating cable of cash into and out of Google. While begging.

axisflip cryptofinancial


Moralfag Anonymous decidedly fucked

hubrisTHE INTERNET–Hubris is taking the power back. The new Anonymous are a collective, sure, he said. A collective of “moralfags” – a name anonymous dare not apply to us lest it be applied to themselves.

We challenged the most recent bastardization of Anonymous to stand behind their big talk and actually hit hard targets like the revolutionaries they claim to be – picture 100,000 Che Guevaras sitting behind firewalled PCs wearing Guy Fawkes masks clicking off the gate security buttons at the Mubarak compound.

After comparing themselves to the protesters in the streets of Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen, they could only hit a few websites and that of Westboro Baptist Church by downloading the same picture over and over again. Shameful, but that’s what the world can expect from script kiddies whose sole source of determination lies at the bottom of a freshly consumed Mountain Dew: Code Red.

Funny thing is, I was only trying to help “Anonymous,” whoever they may be, by asserting the possibility – no, the fact – that Anonymous is infiltrated, influenced and even operated by the United States Government. Since the 1960s, the FBI has been doing this with groups like the Black Panthers and even environmental activist groups, but especially groups for social change; what makes Anonymous think they’re some kind of special impenetrable force of good? The fact they are such nerd-raging moralfags, that’s what.

So in an effort to defend the integrity of their bullshit do-nothing collective, they inadvertently defended the United States Government by “attacking” me for pointing out what is obvious to everyone: that anyone can go anonymous, even federal agents, even chronicle.SU. Even Hubris, who took it a step further by proving that ‘Yes you can be fooled by the very social engineering techniques the better parts of your group employ.’

Reactionary script kiddies who are just thirsty enough to point the LOIC at something are hardly a force to be reckoned with. The only power they’ve gained yet stems from that handed down by the 24-hour fearmongering news cycle, always following some shithead stunt pulled off under the guise of “hacktivism” – a term so full of shit they had to combine two words to keep it from spilling out into paragraphs of contradictory mayhem.

To fully illustrate the connection between their limited but exaggerated power, and the swirling news cycle of fear from which their true – and only – power comes, I’ll proceed to explain how it works with the following anecdote:

Three easy steps into the Internet hate zone

  1. We pissed off the fake news source of the fake arm of Anonymous we love attacking
  2. Their reader-base – consisting of “white knight” Anonymous coattail-riders – reacted, by gathering “dox” on me, the results of which were then posted as a comment on a story. [One achieves dox by way of Google searches; between two and four search submissions return a name and hopefully an address or phone number; this is no different than the kind of footwork journalists or federal investigators conduct on a daily basis.]
  3. Thanks in part to fearmongering on behalf of nightly television news – and redneck neighbors’ concerns I’d gotten their kids into what they called “hacker shit” – my aunt and uncle refused to believe that the people we pissed off are not actual hackers, but just the kind of wormy shit-for-brains kids who frequent and jerk off to hentai with their LOIC pointed at Westboro Baptist’s website. My family was absolutely certain I’d pissed off one of those as-seen-on-TV “international hacker groups,” and asked me to leave before their personal computers “get hacked” and they lose their jobs. So I moved. No shit.

Failing physical threats of rape and murder, which came later, that’s literally the worst they can do.

[Editor’s note: in case you’re wondering, I’m fine. I missed a few days of work during the move, but I now live on one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world. Things actually got better for me after government agents threatened my life and my family. Springtime here smells sweeter than many women I’ve known. I watch clouds kiss the landscape with my coffee.]

Anonfags think they were doing something good by providing others with the means to bring harm against me and my family, because they saw me as the enemy after I threatened the integrity of the fake news source of the fake arm of Anonymous, effectively calling out their embarrassing superficiality. They really fed me right back to the government, because they liked the lies that they heard better than the truth I was offering.

Just like FOX News viewers, they collectively believed and repeated enough of what spilled out of that fake news source until they became ever-higher and mightier caricatures of themselves. And now this is happening.

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News новости



Washington, D.C.–Anonymous Internet users discovered Thursday that the United States Government plays a major role in the day-to-day operations of the most popular Internet news source used by internet activists, or “hacktivists.” claims to serve decentralized hacker group Anonymous as its central source of information, including targets and Anonymous press releases, which anyone can submit.

A number of Internet users frequenting both the chronicle.SU and websites discovered that the website selectively runs articles that only fall in line with the agenda of the U.S. Government, and brought this to the attention of chronicle.SU senior executives.

[Editor's note: Due to the close-hitting nature of this piece,
subjective articles such as "we," "us" and "I" will be found
in the following paragraphs.]

As perhaps only a handful of our readers know,, whose slogan is Everything Anonymous, actively deletes any and all content submissions originating from chronicle.SU. We have fought this for a long time, out of fairness to Anonymous and outside objectors, but we too have come to realize is either owned by, or in collusion with, various government agencies.

This clampdown on information is akin to what many of us learn in college courses, or from history itself, to expect from oppressive regimes, and compares in no small way to the aggressive reaction from the USG when news hit of daily-leaking diplomatic cables.

It is worth noting that no longer accepts press releases relating to Wikileaks.

Anonymous purports to expose and crush oppressive regimes, and even went on the record with Al Jazeera Saturday morning to take credit for the unprecedented attacks on websites owned by Mastercard, PayPal, Amazon, and outside governments. Anonymous’ spokesperson, which could literally be anyone in the world (but is actually Barrett Brown, according to Brown), compared their actions with those of protesters in the streets of Tunisia, Libya and Egypt.[pullquote]Anonymous [is] by far the most aesthetically-pleasing instrument of sociopolitical subversion ever employed by the United States Government.[/pullquote] lets certain past inflammatory posts slide, including a couple from chronicle.SU, to present an image of “anything goes,” while moderators for the site now allow only positive stories to run that portray Anonymous as the “Great Equalizer” (or “white knight”) of the Internet. The anonymous person speaking to Al Jazeera compared the Anonymous hacker group to Libyan rebels in the street currently taking mortar fire. now plays up this footage, making Anonymous by far the most aesthetically-pleasing instrument of sociopolitical subversion ever employed by the United States Government.

But from a perspective of objective critical analysis, Anonymous looks unfortunately stupid. This is because the USG knows better than to let them run totally wild, making too much change too fast – or worse yet, making their own changes. So the powers that be hired online personalities to infiltrate IRC discussions and /i/nvasion channels in order to redirect the hacktivist userbase toward what are better known in war terms as “soft targets.” NYPA, or ‘not your personal army’ just took on a whole new meaning.

When Anonymous attacked Westboro Baptist Church, they didn’t attack the Westboro Baptist mentality of hate. They attacked their website. Just like Anonymous didn’t really protest in the streets with Egyptians for freedom. They attacked Libya’s website, and Egypt’s website (even though for a period of time Egypt had no Internet.) This is tantamount to when Jon Stewart appeared on Hannity & Colmes (FOX News). He didn’t cripple their agenda; he attacked their image. Even though he appeared to “pwn” them on live TV, it proved to be a giant ratings circlejerk for everyone, where voter ideology cowered slimy in the middle of an entertainment-value bukkake. When I watched Anonymous take down WBC’s website from my toilet, I noticed it was just a PR game, as I suspected all along, and that Anonymous is just as likely to do something stupid as it is to do something meaningful.

‘But who benefits from this PR?’ I thought.

During that poop is when I realized Anonymous, in its current form, will never do anything meaningful, such as the Paypal/Amazon attacks, again – or at least, not while is recognized collectively as an unbiased, trustworthy portal for equal access to information. Anonnews, like FOX News, pushes a narrative in which there is no place for the voice of reason or questioning. We have fought in the past, for selectively censoring submissions, and only obtained temporary, diplomatic posting privileges following huge public outcry. When that outcry died back down, so did our posting privileges. They don’t want you reading dissent, because is controlled by the U.S. Government, who censors dissent, tortures its own citizens, and sends Anons to waste their time, energy, and image on “targets” like WBC and Glenn Beck (thereby legitimizing the voices of both). Who “spreads democracy” abroad, and destroys it at home.

It is my belief and that of the chronicle.SU, attacking in the name of Wikileaks is beautiful and righteous on all counts. Paypal deserved it too, and even reinstated PFC Bradley Manning’s support group – a move clearly designed to cover their sorry asses by saying it was a glitch, or somebody sat on the remote control, or some bullshit like that. Paypal still deserves it. They’re scum. would hate them more if they knew they were Jewish, because like WBC, they hate fags and jews, but I doubt they’ll read this or inform themselves otherwise.

Wikileaks’ behavior constitutes the backbone of actual journalism, and is not illegal in a free and democratic society. Right now the only thing preventing humanity as we know it from being subject to totalitarian world government is investigative journalism, which Paypal went out of their way to prove they hate; as did Amazon. Internet users all across the world recognized evil at work and carved out a warpath alongside Anonymous that even chronicle.SU cut into. But no more quickly did Anonymous cast its hat into the political arena did government agencies drop hired geeks into the flock to take control of what they could and report back what they could not.

This was a real job position within the USG until Tyler Bass reported its existence last week. It was called “undercover online personality,” and the description explicitly stated the applicant’s duties include infiltration of online political groups for the purposes of spying and manipulation. It was removed for one of two reasons: either because the position was filled, or because exposure caused officials to decide not to publicly advertise a legion of hired spies. Attacks against anti-freedom-of-speech targets ceased as immediately as they had begun, and when anonops came “back online,” the IRC stunk like government spooks.

When the USG saw the power of the hivemind at work, they knew instantly to harness it as best they could and make it their own. The right thing can be done for the wrong reasons, and the wrong thing done for the right reasons – any combination of which are taking place as I type this, and all of which are allowed to happen because is  influenced and operated by the actions and interests of police state sympathizers and employees hired by the United States Government.

If knowledge is power, take it back. Inform yourself.

“Read widely.” ~ Noam Chomsky