NORFOLK, Va. – Jamie Jo Corne clings to General Lee as his battle wagon, a 74 Winnebago, struggling over the Rockies at three miles per hour, backing up traffic all the way to the grasslands, lapping against the snowcapped peaks.
“God Dammit I learned a lot of shit when I was investigating Anonymous. We can use it to our advantage,” Jamie Jo said. For a fleeting moment, life flashed through Jamie’s eyes. She was alive. Looming in the recesses though, her nine children and her ruined husband, Vincubus Dante. Sometimes big things were more important than family, like Matthew McConaughey in Interstellar.
General Lee pulled his dick out of Jamie’s ass and busted a hot one across her tramp stamp. “We gonna have a real revolution Tiger, stop up the traffic ’round DC. Jam the beltway. Boil the boomer hides! I’ve been everywhere, man. You rub a little more of that innernet magic on our social media game and I’ll fire up the CB. We’ll ride our horses up to the White House. We’ll start a new political party, start a Convoy!” The General paused, licking his lips. “Get out the meth hunny.”
A Rebel Outlaw
“I’m wanted in five states, Lee, and the only way I’m gettin’ out of it is by starting a goddamn revolution. Truckers are so left wing, nowadays. What’s up with that? This Tiger needs a man who don’t need viagra to fuck. Your whole revolution is limp. Ya didn’t even deliver a document to the capitol. I’m gonna do that one day, a-ridin’ on a horse with a dick that satisfies.”
“Tiger! Tiger! Come back baby, don’t! Come back!”
Tiger took one last long drag from Lee’s meth pipe and bounded from the camper, hesitating only for a moment, to glance at the moon before scampering off into the night.
The Revolution may had ended, but felt like it had only begun.
Uncertain Principles
Her phone buzzed all night. Strange men from around the nation were sending in car payments, text messages begging for hot, dirty sex. The revolution was just dodging the inevitable decades in prison awaiting her, and better to settle in and train dogs, than to eat another shit sandwich and smile for a mugshot. Hacking and trucking had nothing at all, but the dog scamming scene at least had that money. Stealing trained malamutes and huskies was pure profit.
But that, too, was a lie and Jamie wasn’t about to con herself. Those days with Presstorm sure were glamorous. And the power she’d had with Anonymous was beyond anything she ever felt running with truckers. Jamie imagined thousands of Huskies, all following her command, dragging a sled with a giant cannon like Hitler had. One shot and she’d take out DC. Another two shots and she’d blast them yuppies in New York City. Then she’d whip them dogs and get off to LA and maybe she’d let the dogs have them instead of the cannon — if — they gave her a kind welcome.
Maybe, she thought. Maybe she’d have child support.
New Beginnings

The former Presstorm matriarch now injects a motherload of meth, monitoring all hate sites for news and updates on what the public and the law might know about her. From behind a pair of sunglasses at a public library in Cuthbert, Ga., she watches the Internet, fidgeting. She watches the Chronicle. Under her breath, she utters remarks – more guttural anguish than language – and she is bitter.
The money’s dried up. All the drugs, internet, and revolutions have aged her. She can’t draw even the oldest, ugliest men at the bar. She used to snare fresh cock with online dating sites, but the hope of tomorrow’s sugar-daddy evaporates now with each click, typin’ her different names again and again, cycling through social media sites and rubbin’ her shrinking clit. Sometimes she can’t even find it. Almost inaudibly she hisses, “Obama’s gonna put you in jail.”
Though her future is uncertain, there is at least one thing Jamie knows: She’s seen more sunsets now than she’s going to see.
Rebel on the Run: The Life and Trials of Anonymous Dogstar Jamie Jo Corne is part 1 in a multi-part series of biopics called Project Persona Management.
11 replies on “Rebel on the Run: The Life and Trials of Anonymous Trucker Jamie Jo Corne”
+1 for the
I prefer a heavy weight 13 round prize hate ruining fight. Ding, ding round 10 fuckers
What would you do with a brain if you had one?
Pickle it, yo!
I’d eat’em, but fry them with some onions & garlic first.
With fava beans. oh my, jaime jo giving meth whore$ a bad name, no big surprise there. so where is Vince and her 25 kids?
She’s in the great State of Maine where her most recent con game just finished. She was booted OUT of the house where her sorry seven month pregnant skanky ass was staying.
Jamie Jo Brinkman isn’t just a liar and thief – she is an extremely dangerous SOCIOPATH and career criminal. She is a twice convicted felon (she was diagnosed in prison as a sociopath) and prison escapee, with current multiple outstanding warrants for fraud, theft and ASSAULT.
She also uses the aliases Jamie Lambertz, Jamie Corne, Jamie Smith and Menomi Smith
She is a violent and predatory career con artist who engages in relentless, obsessive stalking and vicious harassment of anyone who complains about her robbing them, including the public posting of all personal information she may have, lies posted online to encourage attacks on them (claiming you are a pedophile, rapist, whatever) filing fraudulent lawsuits and protection orders, calling child services with fabricated reports of abuse, etc. etc.
Verification of all of this is available all over the web.
Her felony convictions and prison escape:
Her outstanding arrest warrants:
A web page from some of her previous victims:
JAMIE JO BRINKMAN IS NO LADY!! SHE IS NOTHING BUT A CON ARTIST AND A THIEF!! for anyone who wants to track down that witch, for whatever reason (like maybe choke her): [redacted], she is going by her current boyfriend’s last name, BOYNTON (Marc)
Thanks for the update, but please don’t post people’s addresses here, even shitty people.