INTERNET – Lebal Drocer, Inc. is proud to announce a new milestone in clickbait perfection: Last week’s death hoax, Rob Ford Dead At 46, netted a record 4 million pageviews overnight as the world flocked to confirm the truth about former Toronto mayor Rob Ford.
“We were slammin spikes last night when – with the aide of 4chan, our personal army – tricked the world into believing Rob Ford’s lifestyle had finally caught up with him,” kilgoar, The Internet Chronicle Managing Editor, said.
But when the public discovered mayor Ford is alive and well, they logged on to The Internet Chronicle to express disbelief and outrage.
CHRONICLE.SU ANTHROPOLOGIST AND REAL DOCTOR Dr. Angstrom H. Trustworthy weighed in on the celebrity death hoax phenomenon, explaining it as a kind of punishment laid out by trolls for the CAPITAL SIN of idolatry:
“The thing about these spikes,” Troubadele said, “is you get addicted. Addicted as fuck, even.”
Troubadong described the satisfaction Chronicle staff take from hoaxing as “an orgasmic rush of power and ego.”
Big hits, Troaddsmith said, are a euphoria that clouds his vision and leaves him with powerful headaches.
“When a hoax goes international, man, it’s like being wrapped in a warm blanket and talking to your best friend. It also makes you want to kill yourself because you work for years to create quality, wholesome content, only to find the public rushing like banshees after a piece of candy you dropped. You weaponize language like that because you want to see their celebrity worship hurt them.”

See also: Rob Ford holds numerous world records in the terror simulation game Coke Fiend 3.