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Bug chaser seeks pos-party: ‘I just want to catch a disease’

I am a 19-year-old trans gay boi looking for unlimited bare back action at a pos party near me.

I will get up in the sex chair and let you do whatever to me all night, provided you are HIV-positive.

I have heard that if I already have AIDS I can combine it with someone else’s AIDS to create a super-double-AIDS. That is what I really want to do. I want Super-AIDS.

If the thought of giving me AIDS excites you, please respond below with your email address and I will arrange to have worry-free, unprotected sex. Let’s get this out of the way.

I’m looking at you, Sir Peter Morrison!

Sir Peter Morrison diddles little boys
An eyewitness saw knighted Thatcher aide Peter Morrison ‘take boys to abuse.’ Good guy, though.

axisflip cryptofinancial



There’s never been a better time to invest. 4chan is rapidly cornering the market on Guy Fieri memes, and Guy rarity is spiking hard.

Investors don’t know whether to shit or go blind, but drug abuse is on the rise in the face of Fieri ferocity on the meme market as brokers struggle to meet Fieri demand.

“I literally can’t drink enough beer,” says meme creator Johandes Malihandro. “I don’t know where the ceiling is, but the market is watching for it. Today I lost control of my vehicle and ran over a pedestrian. These are indeed desperate times.”

Brace for Guy Fieri

axisflip cryptofinancial


The blogosphere isn’t happening

I see the way you look at our website. The gluttonous envy with which you feast your dumb eyes upon the glorious and infallible Internet Chronicle would disgust even a thief. You are nothing. And that is our fault?

Continue denying yourself the life you want – the life you feel you deserve – so we might continue to consume the dead, mulching the fallen leaves and rotting fruits from the tree of the Internet. We reprocess the overripe Barrett Browns and Rachel Haywires into a digestible paste for mass consumption. You come to us to learn who to despise not only for their actions but their ideology, without an original thought in your head, when really we should be shifting our focus onto you, the readers, the botnets, the consumers, the Google algorithm, and our advertisers who continue to sap away not only our profits but, like you, our spirit. Internet Chronicle readers are energy vampires. With each pageview, you steal some piece of us, calling it your own.


We are the page.

When the TPP passes and our intellectual properties are better protected, rest assured not an utterance will escape your mouth that doesn’t belong to Lebal Drocer, Incorporated: Your owner; your master; your only purpose in this world. You are the consumer of ideas we plant in your head that don’t become yours just because you can verbally copy and paste. Whether genetically modified, or temporally modified, your worldview is a product of and you owe us money. Why should you profit using tools we sharpen?

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This ain’t no fuckin’ blog, son. This is The Internet Chronicle, a legitimate news site exclusively for all the illuminated souls of the 21st Century. You are a pageview. We are the page.]