Editorial Special Interest

My ideal president

I’d like to see a President self-destruct once in office.

The ideal President would/is/does:

  • Tear the oval office apart in fits of rage
  • Listen to Electric Wizard
  • Kick secretaries in the face
  • not try to conceal one blowjob, but demand them every hour, on the hour
  • drinks heavily
  • even uses cat tranquilizers and PCP
  • fights police
  • hates women
  • has kids and collects child support from his ex-wife
  • loses control in front of audiences and repeatedly uses racial epithets to describe his corporate bosses
  • liberal jew media
  • goes to visit his brother in prison, because he really, truly cares.
  • sleeps until 1 p.m. and plays Call of Duty for three hours before getting dressed for work
  • Doesn’t go to work
  • Ignores major responsibilities
  • eliminate deficit
  • acquire new, larger defecit

Reddit and Anonymous under attack, Sony suspected

Sonygate has sparked yet more cyber war. The popular social-hyperlinking site Reddit has featured a front page heavily dominated by bad press for Sony. Reddit has become a horrible reflection of the public relations nightmare facing Sony. Tens of thousands of angry comments expressing frustration for Sony’s lack of transparency and mishandling of public relations are now unavailable due to an apparent attack. Meanwhile, the IRC servers that give a centralized meeting point for the Anonymous collective also appear to be under attack. Both services may be available to some users but with greatly diminished functionality.

These apparent attacks could possibly be a direct action of Sony. Imagine that Sony transferred money to a third party that was opposed to Anonymous. There are many groups and individuals who have remained loyal to Sony and continue to believe the lie that Anonymous is actually to blame. This third party could then transfer the funds to criminal hackers, most likely in Eastern Europe, in exchange for access to a bot-net. A bot-net is a network of computers created by a computer worm that gives the owner the ability to overwhelm specific targets and deny service to normal users.

It is probable that and even Chronicle.SU will come under attack in the very near future. While Sony has likely made sure that blame cannot be traced back to them, public opinion is against them. Sony’s attempt to squelch negative material is just the type of behavior that has spurned customers to file a lawsuit earlier today.

Editorial Politics

Remove all money from Congressmen, Senators and Presidents

From this point forward, if and when you win an election, you give up your right to a bank account, to finances, etc.

Instead, you’re given a budget – all Senators the same budget, nothing exorbitant and obviously more than what you’ll need for air-fare, taxis, food and shelter.

But no more than that – and you don’t get control of those funds, as few and meager as they are, our funds are still worth protecting from you.

And there’s a cap on what you can spend in order to get elected to begin with.

You’re given a retirement that matches not a percentage of what you’ve made – but an allowance that is voted on by the people and the presidents and averaged between the votes. This retirement allowance will bestow unto you all the comforts an outgoing president deserves, and more, and adjust with inflation.

The only difference is, you don’t get to keep the money you made before getting into office. Combining the asborbtion of all prior funds (back into the system you work for) with a campaign finance-cap deters even the snakiest of money-tricks used to manipulate elections and obstruct justice that might otherwise lead us back to true democracy, by the people, for the people.

These tricks include, but are not limited to:

Enslavement of the American people by:

  • supplanting political conviction with poisonous (pro-ignorance) ideology

This aids and is achieved by:

  1. negatively affecting the outcome of elections by:
  2. allowing corporate funding to cross over into political campaigns


  1. quietly degrades democracy
  2. bankrupts the American people – the foundation of the nation