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Questions Silenced Over Russia Plane Crash

Russian authorities are calling it a “meteorite” dismissing eyewitness reports that described seeing a large fighter plane crash in the sky.

Possible plane crash over the Urals Friday.

Russian authorities are calling it a “meteorite” dismissing eyewitness reports that described seeing a large fighter plane leave twin chemtrails before exploding in the Chelyabinsk region sky.

To make matters worse, authorities then proceeded to shut off public cell phone service – harkening back to bitter days of a Soviet Socialist Republic.

Russian Authorities Silence Questions Around Plane Crash
Russian Authorities Suggest The Plane Crash Was Possible “Meteor Strike”

The explosions heard in the above video are pieces of debris crashing into buildings.

Eyewitness reports cited seeing a plane headed toward the sparsely populated Chelyabinsk region. Some witnesses report one flash of light, and others saw multiple flashes of light – reportedly brighter than the daytime sun.

Damaged Zinc Factory in Chelyabinsk
Damaged Zinc Factory in Chelyabinsk. More than 100 people were hospitalized with injuries following the impact whose shockwave broke windows and triggered car alarms in the area.

By Hatesec

I am the hatest

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