axisflip cryptofinancial

Editorial Politics

Remove all money from Congressmen, Senators and Presidents

From this point forward, if and when you win an election, you give up your right to a bank account, to finances, etc.

Instead, you’re given a budget – all Senators the same budget, nothing exorbitant and obviously more than what you’ll need for air-fare, taxis, food and shelter.

But no more than that – and you don’t get control of those funds, as few and meager as they are, our funds are still worth protecting from you.

And there’s a cap on what you can spend in order to get elected to begin with.

You’re given a retirement that matches not a percentage of what you’ve made – but an allowance that is voted on by the people and the presidents and averaged between the votes. This retirement allowance will bestow unto you all the comforts an outgoing president deserves, and more, and adjust with inflation.

The only difference is, you don’t get to keep the money you made before getting into office. Combining the asborbtion of all prior funds (back into the system you work for) with a campaign finance-cap deters even the snakiest of money-tricks used to manipulate elections and obstruct justice that might otherwise lead us back to true democracy, by the people, for the people.

These tricks include, but are not limited to:

Enslavement of the American people by:

  • supplanting political conviction with poisonous (pro-ignorance) ideology

This aids and is achieved by:

  1. negatively affecting the outcome of elections by:
  2. allowing corporate funding to cross over into political campaigns


  1. quietly degrades democracy
  2. bankrupts the American people – the foundation of the nation

axisflip cryptofinancial


Playstation Network users to file class action lawsuit

Today, Sony admitted that the recent breach in the Playstation Network compromised the personal information of its users. The information they fumbled includes full names, home addresses, birthdays, e-mails, logins, and passwords. While Sony has not been forthcoming about the safety of credit card information, they have admitted to the strong probability that this has also been compromised. Sony recommends that customers check their credit report. We must conclude the PSN credit card database has been entirely compromised, otherwise Sony would never ask its customers to check their credit reports.

Sony’s incompetence has led to the collective loss of privacy for 69 million people on PSN. It is safe to assume that this will most likely lead to financial losses in a significant proportion that may already be targets of identity theft and phishing. Even in the unlikely event that the credit card information is proven safe, PSN users have been the victims of Sony’s destructive incompetence. Representatives of the 69 million Playstation Network users are to file a class-action suit shortly. Sony will pay for the damages they have incurred. The masses will not be satisfied with small PSN trifles in exchange for network downtime. This is far beyond the scope of network downtime.

The lack of transparency Sony has shown is shocking. It is apparent that they have no regard for their own users and plot each statement carefully just to set up profitable public relations. The most likely scenario is that Sony has known all the facts for weeks. The DDoS attacks by Anonymous gave Sony their best chance to fix the situation quietly and without blame. However, Sony has misjudged the gullibility and timidity of their consumers. With the help of Anonymous, PSN users have angrily demanded answers to the right questions at the right time. Now they demand to be paid back for Sony’s failure. Anonymous is on the side of PSN users even though they were quick to wrongly blame Anonymous. Anonymous exists to make sure those who are damaged by Sony will be repaid. Anonymous will file the class action suit if no one else will. Many within Anonymous have also been harmed by Sony’s incompetence.



axisflip cryptofinancial


New Zealand's "anti-piracy" law destroys net neutrality

New Zealand’s Parliament has done much more than outlaw the sharing of copyrighted material with their recently adopted legislative amendment.

The government must now force all internet service providers to police their user base for bit torrents. Aside from the immediate cost to service providers, this will have far-reaching economic effects. The slowed growth of internet infrastructure will ultimately hurt all of New Zealand’s online business. This is an affront to a nation that is faced with economic crisis.

This policing of “pirates” will destroy the individual rights to privacy of law abiding individuals. Bit torrents are home to vast quantities of perfectly legal material in the public domain. Those who use bit torrents for any kind of material will become subject to intense surveillance of all their internet activities.

Not stopping at torrents, those who simply use too much bandwidth will be first warned and then charged with steep fines. Under the guise of “anti-piracy,” New Zealand has thrown away net neutrality. On September 1st, 2011, bandwidth will become a taxable commodity for New Zealand.

This same tactic, if proven viable, will likely be applied by other governments all over the world.