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Scientists create MUTANT enzyme that recycles news headlines “in hours”

INTERNET — If it sounds too good to be true, that’s because it came from Lebal Drocer Laboratories.

A mutant amoebic enzyme that breaks down news content for recycling has been created by scientists working tirelessly at Lebal Drocer Laboratories in Van Nuys.

The enzyme, originally discovered in the garbage outside the home of deceased FOX News anchor Sean Hannity, reduced news headlines, such as those found on standard broadsheet, to clips and phrases that were then reconstituted into brand new meanings. Existing technologies usually require a blogger between the keyboard and chair.

The megacorporation behind the breakthrough, Lebal Drocer, Inc., said it was aiming for industrial-scale news regurgitation within 2 years. It has partnered with major companies including TerrorMax, Pfizer and Apple, where they say the technology can also be used to break down pill bottles and obsolete computers. Independent experts call the new enzyme everything from alarming to concerning, and very exciting!

Sean Hannity was once found dead, his body covered in Fentanyl patches. Lebal Drocer changed all that.

Trillions of paragraphs of journalistic waste have polluted the news environment, from the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, and pose a significant risk to public well-being. Critics have called for revitalized public education as a countermeasure to toxic news reporting and propaganda, but Lebal Drocer threatens to reuse every news headline that hits their Artificial Intelligence learning machines by the Fall of 2022, promising to permanently transform human perception of reality forever. Yeah, we knew you’d like that.

The new enzyme was revealed in research published on Saturday night in the Sakers Weekend Journal of Biomedical Nightmares. The work began with the intake of “thousands” of issues of old spunked-filled New York Posts found outside Hannity’s home nearly four years ago. Hannity was recently named by Media Watchdog as the world’s leading source of coronavirus misinformation.

CEO and Lebal Drocer Newstrition Committee Chairman Raleigh T. Sakers announced in 2017 that he was planning to kill himself spectacularly in front of friends, family and the media. Now, with this new enzyme, science predicts narrative timelines that flourish and emerge naturally “from the ether” can rewrite this data to misrepresent the event, rewrite history, or even generate entirely new reports ready for publication at the legendary, and infallible, Internet Chronicle.

Stay tuned for breaking news updates — from an amoebic reaction!

The Internet Chronicle

Your stupid body doesn’t know the difference!

Raleigh T. Sakers, Lebal Drocer, Inc.
Raleigh T. Sakers, Lebal Drocer, Inc.

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Twitter squashes profit bug that “protected users”

INTERNET — At long last, Twitter has removed a petulant privacy bug from the platform that prevented advertisers from gaining necessary access to sensitive details about the entire user base.

A valuable option in Twitter’s privacy settings called “Share your data with trusted affiliates” once enabled trust between consumers and good-natured cookie salesmen. Now, that special trust can never be disabled. It is being heralded as a day of light, disinfecting some of Twitter’s darkest corners.

The staggering effect of this devastating boon to customer relations will expand throughout the Internet, according to Dr. Anstrom H. Troubadour of the Internet Chronicle Institute of Advanced Intelligent Learning.

“We all aged a little faster, today,” Troubadour said.

Dr. Angstrom H. Troubedaur
I’m Dr. Troubadour, and I know shit. In case you don’t know I know shit by what I am saying, you can still tell by how I’m saying it.

Twitter users in the barbarian regions of the European Union, and United Kingdom, will have to opt in – like animals – to sharing their much needed private details with advertisers representing Kellogg’s, part of a complete breakfast, Google, whose slogan is “Don’t be evil,” and the beloved Disney who brought you such motherfuckers as Bambi, The Lion King, and Robin Hood.

Selling your data is the most important thing in this world to Twitter. Before providing anything to friends, family or loved ones, Troubadour advises readers to first share marketing data with trusted privacy-aware partners at, as tidings of good cheer for all they do for us.

Twitter has a long way to go before their work is finished restoring relations between advertisers, users, and their precious, life-sustaining data. Settings like “disable web tracking” still pose a threat to those relations. What are you afraid they’ll find?

Additionally, loopholes in the law continue to obstruct the free flow of such vital information as your name, email address, phone number, and username.

“Because the American legislation system is so MESSED UP,” Troubaour said, “Twitter profits didn’t grow fast enough last quarter. It seems, rather unfairly, that no amount of lobbying Congress can save us. Like the coronavirus, this threat to privacy is a global issue. It’s going to take more than a gift basket, or a handjob, to start explicitly selling usernames.”

With everyone stuck in their homes, now is the perfect chance for a pure measurement of our social value, so hop on Twitter, and show the advertisers who you really are!

This message is brought to you proudly by Lebal Drocer, Inc.
We don’t give a fuck about your privacy. We only want your MONEY.

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The Gift: Coronavirus cases double overnight as healthy people infect themselves through “pos parties”

NEW YORK—As people in the community become face-touch weary, and some even consciously desire coronavirus infection, disturbing new trends of risky behavior have pushed the rate of new infections in New York higher than any other state in the US, all to the mantra of “don’t test, don’t tell.”

Using darknet sites for promotion and connection, a community of maskless, gloveless “barebackers” (those who venture out into the city without personal protective equipment) is flourishing. This includes bug chasers who host conversion parties where participants actively seek the gift of COVID-19 novel coronavirus infection.

Greg Moreland was once an articulate, well-spoken young man who moved to New York from the Midwest in search of a welcoming, presumably healthy, community. He became a bug chaser and actively sought the gift of coronavirus. When Greg became infected with the virus, he felt a sense of belonging to a community of badass, battle-scarred, corona-infected motherfuckers. He is now dealing with the unexpected severity of his illness.

Greg now suffers from sore throat, runny nose, and a dry cough.

Tensions are running high in both directions, as people pass each other in the street. Some are running to the nearest airports, away from viral epicenters. They pass others going the opposite way, headed straight into the throbbing epicenter of full-blown coronavirus, a glowing orange pile of bodies, lit up by thousands of pulsating pos parties, where one secret guest per party is infected with the contagious virus.

“We just want to hurry up and get it already, and get it over with, so we don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

–Noted psychoanalyst, community activist, and gift-giver Dr. Angstrom H. I.V. Ladour, MD, author of Pandemic Hellscapes and You: A Man’s Guide to Surviving Pangolin Flu.

To offer some indication of just how widespread the parties have become, Dr. Ladour said the wife of the Spanish Prime Minister has tested positive for Coronavirus, while the Prime Minister himself feels left out and ashamed, cucked by an exotic new virus.

“Corona is Latin for crown, HIS crown.”

If you are interested in hosting or locating a pos party in your area, please contact the Internet Chronicle resident orgyman, Christopher Nemelka at [email protected].

Thank you, and may God have mercy on our Mormon souls.