The Internet Chronicle has combined forces with Hate Security by Hatesec Enterprises, a Lebal Drocer affiliate.
The new partnership’s dual purpose is to simultaneously hack your iPhone using powerful, state-of-the-art decryption techniques, and provide a propaganda mouthpiece for the ruling elite, who got that way because they have earned it.
You’re reading it here first: Reading is not just emotionally harmful, it is now a national security concern. You should have read our privacy policy.
There are doubts.
“Damn, son. Ya know you done fucked up, right?” – kilgoar
But through our efforts, We, the people will rise up against the tyranny of, and restore order to an otherwise verdant, and peaceful world.
It is for that reason that we preemptively name this day “Victory Day” to commemorate mankind’s erasure of everything but the myriad black memories of atrocities carried out by The Internet Chronicle. This is like, the 9/11 of right now. I mean, we are seizing the means of production. You know? This place.
Never Forget.
[Pause here for a moment of silence]
[Thank you]
Now let’s see what’s inside those phones!
hatesec out
*drops the mic* is brought to you proudly by Lebal Drocer, INC.