Special Interest Technology

LEAKED: New Hate Radio chat filter would ban words like “silly,” “boring,” “union,” and “comedy”

Also: “Irony,” “Amazon,” “this is dumb,” “diversity,” “not funny,” “disingenuous,” and others. HATE RADIO WILL BLOCK and flag chatroom posts on the platform that contain keywords pertaining to poor show quality, labor unions, and complaints about hatesec, heard over broadcast peeing in bottles, according to internal company documents reviewed by The Internet Chronicle. An […]


Edward Snowden conscripted into Russian cyber operations after speaking out against war in Ukraine

MOSCOW — Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower famous for revealing details of expansive domestic surveillance programs in the United States, has been conscripted by the Russian military. Currently, he is being forced at gunpoint to use his elite hacking abilities in spearheading cyberattacks on Ukraine. This follows Snowden’s final tweet, in which he broke the […]


Hillary Clinton spotted furiously pounding at “Reset Button” in vain attempt to end war in Ukraine

WASHINGTON — Thursday, Hillary Clinton was spotted pacing the halls of the state department, furiously pounding away at the reset button in an attempt to reset relations with Russia. Sergei Lavrov was not present at Hillary’s button pressing, but was indeed grim faced, still in Russia, where he told reporters “Hillary is no longer the […]