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Editorial новости


Pro-Ignorance and Anti-Intellectualism in Western Societies

The pro-ignorance movement in this country is impressive, you have to admit.

We are among a population that champions their ignorance and “choice” not to keep up with the news.

“My country takes care of me. I don’t need no news, because we’re the greatest nation in the world and that’s all I need to know.”

We’re a population that considers the simplification of far-reaching concepts into four-word sentences a smart thing to do.

You can’t explain that.

Freedom isn’t free.

“We are anonymous,” and that mantra.

It’s an impressive movement that took off fast after 9/11 when the media decided you are either with us or against us and the lemmings followed. They followed so far that you can tell by certain behaviors in certain people that your attempted intellectual dialog is regarded as elitist snobbery.

It’s an emerging worldview that means so much to the Western Way of Life, it would take four wars and visible corporate slavery before the peons question it, but only so far as the demands of a workday permit.

And now that the FOX News pro-White House rhetoric is consuming its own diarrhea, mutations of political conviction have spawned what’s known as the American Tea Party – or, the next Neo-Con movement.

It’s so far-right that not even right-wingers are able to pick up on the nightmarish socioeconomic endgame in which we are all the pawns – fighting and dying for unseen corporate overlords – for the kings and queens of the third-world human plantation.


“I knowed they’d git ye!”

-Papaw, regarding my egregious online activity


Picking cotton for sale to the white man is the old version of buying cell phones, Gap t-shirts and Christmas lights from your local retail chain.

Your standard Christmas lights are manufactured by Chinese slaves who were caught practicing non-state-sanctioned Christianity and thrown into labor camps.

That’s capitalism. Go where the money is.

“What happened to the freedom to make money?”

The top 1% controlling 80% of the world’s wealth, that’s what! [You silly goose!]

Okay seriously, though. Some freedoms still exist! Like the freedom to serve our corporate masters – just like the Chinese apartments where rent costs match exactly the wages paid out by the companies that own the living quarters – except in America we get to drive our big gas-guzzling carshackles from our holding cells to the sweatshop – where vacations, health insurance and sick-days are all but deteriorated. Modern day freedom is disguised as mobile slavery.

“My pawn goes here, your pawn there. They will fight perpetually – building a wall. They can’t move past the deadlock. See? The old system never changes. Send out your bishops to die, so we look vulnerable; so the peons can identify with us; so they continue to fight; continue to waste.”

They game viciously. Applied statistics and Keynesian economics the only rules. Greed, and contempt, the parallel forces at work.

“What’s your score? Mine’s higher.”

Genocide, religious war and rape are the disease. Greed is the pathogen. Humanity is the host. Now we are a stinking rotten corpse and in its shuddering death throes croaks, “America number 1. U-S-A! I’ll die for freedom.”

The anti-intellectualism movement is the next phase in turning the populus against itself. Without the verbal skills necessary for true democracy, there can be no public discourse, no prolonged organization and no impetus for action against our slave-driving leaders or the government bodies that enable them.




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Libya, the last bastion of Freedom

gaddafi in shades
I reign with style.

America has rained hell upon my African nation and used Al-Qaeda as a proxy for ground war. We all know that Al-Qaeda exists only as a false-flag extension of American Imperialism. There is actually no war going on in Afghanistan. American troops are cooperating with Al-Qaeda to help cultivate Opium and spend most of their time smoking the local Kush or playing Call of Duty.

I have in my possession proof of these claims and proof that 9/11 was personally planned by George W. Bush. My African son and Muslim brother, Barack Hussein Obama can not tolerate their release because they prove he was born in Libya. I turned to my personal confidant and ally, Julian Assange, who now has made the information safe by disguising it as internal Bank of America documents.

In the coming year, I may be killed by imperialist assassins. Yet I will stand strong! I will fight to the death. The crowds of armed protesters I bombed were incited to rebellion by Operation Metal Gear, and I have been in contact with Barrett Brown. He has assured me that all these revolutions in the Arab world have been artificially created by an army of sockpuppet Facebook accounts posting false information. We are certain that these same tactics are being used to calm Americans and disseminate dissent.

The leaders of all other nations conspire against me! I have not yet ordered my armies to do anything but defend their own lives. When I issue the attack, there will be nothing but death. All in Libya will burn! The dogs of the media will choke on their own lies, and the truth will be seen in a mountain of bodies. You did this, America! You are the ones who bombed the people of Libya!

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(Sadists) Anonymous

I have created a group called (Sadists) Anonymous, which is designed to let sadists vent their urge to cause others harm. We sadists love to harm people’s personal lives because otherwise we would have no power over anyone.

Oh, don’t worry, we rationalize our sadistic acts so that all members can feel justified in hurting others. It’s comparable to how serial killers target hookers and the homeless. We here at Anonymous just like to hurt people, that’s all. When it comes right down to it, we don’t really care if they’re innocent or not. So long as we get the feeling of power over somebody else, we feel justified.

We also use public opinion to help in our efforts at rationalizing our sadism. For instance, when public opinion of Sony became low enough, we decided to harm the personal lives of their executives. Nothing like seeing someone important in pain. We are judge, jury, and doxecutioner.

Sometimes, we accidentally go after someone who is more sadistic than we are. We hold these people up as examples of how justified our hateful nature truly is. Nothing like making an example of a sadist to justify acts of hatred.

We look forward to recreating the world in our own image through threats and violence. We don’t frown upon images of tortured people or dead kittens. This only helps to fuel our progress.


We are Sadists Anonymous

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expect us