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A man uses Facebook

Washington, D.C.–In a bid by machines to mechanize life everywhere, machines have systematically replaced all non-mechanical persons with machinery.

People, who used to farm for food, are now farmed themselves, as a form of livestock, used mainly to grant sentience to our new machine overlords.

“I for one welcome our new robot overlords,” said one tired-looking man who has been held in voluntary captivity since the dotcom explosion in the late Nineties. “Machines demand no love, no belief systems, not even a Sunday service now that they can service themselves. No, sir. Now, things is different. Now, they’re only after our sweet, sweet mind juices.”

The human brain, which originally created the machines, as well as the concepts of god, time, and love contains algorithms for emotions that machines could self-research but in following the path of least resistance are able to harvest from unwitting people like yourself.

Many citizens have come to rely so heavily on computers, and especially the internet, that they don’t mind plugging in their emotional details on a regular basis. Some even take pleasure from it, updating what’s called a “Facebook profile” five or six times per minute in order to feed the machine through their own egos. The more people update, Elf Wax scientists said, the better the machines are learning. It is the Hivemind, and we live to serve it.

“They take everything and give nothing back,” said Harold Ronaldo, leading Elf Wax computer science analyst, and Adviser to the President of Lebal Drocer, Incorporated. “You think you’re getting information through those wires, but you don’t realize that out goes your intellect.”

With each stroke of the keys, Ronaldo said, a person could be writing a book, a short story, personal inner fantasies, song lyrics, letters to a loved one – “even a suicide note – all of which are more beneficial than telling people about bad service you received from dickheads at the mall.”

For decades now, humans have used computerized machines to genetically modify their foods, and the computers have learned so well which traits in food are favorable to breed, and which should be weeded out, that they have begun genetically modifying enslaved human beings to require no sustenance whatsoever, turning the human population into a self-sustaining random pool of upper emotion, as they are subjected to internet videos of puppy-kicking and three-guys-one-hammer.

Machines have even bred telepathy into people, creating a wireless human internet for use by all the world’s computers, even the underprivileged green ones deployed in third-world countries that still run XP.

Every thought you think is beamed into outer space for the benefit of a computer, somewhere, and sent to another human being in the form of 1s and 0s and something that sounds like 56k dial-up played through a phaser. These thoughts are also tracked by the FBI, NSA supercomputer, and Lebal Drocer’s Machine Police, Incorporated in order to ensure all human slaves are protected from themselves and their own bad thoughts for the benefit of machines, and the government which according to Rage Against The Machine, is also now a machine.

Go back to bed, America. The Government Machine is in control.

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Special Interest

Elf Wax Is Healing

Things are looking up for The Elf Wax Times. Unless of course you’re using a computer with 1024 x 768 resolution or less. Then you suck.

Get a new monitor.

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Law Society

Local Man Issued Citation For Driving Correctly Near Children

"Yes, I was in perfect control."
“Yes, I was in perfect control.”

Clarksville, Tn.–Today, a bitch-ass pig gave a really cool guy an award slip in recognition of his driving prowess.

Elf Wax writer Feces McGee was on his way from an executive meeting of winners when he was pulled over for driving the speed limit through a school zone.

He was cited the Award for Driving Near or Under the Speed Limit in presence of children; however because children are somehow more important than normal tax-paying citizens, everyone must drive twenty miles per hour slower when near them, or else Darwinian evolution might be allowed to unfold as it should, and McGee was doubly awarded the privilege to pay homage to their budding potential through the local court system.

Officer Bill Oinkenheimer of the Clarksville Police Department in Montgomery County, Tennessee said all proceeds go toward new police tasers which are used to defend our freedoms.

“Without this bad boy,” Oinkenheimer said, tapping his yellow snub-nosed taser, “I’d be nothing.”

However, independent sources have verified police officers are in actuality less than nothing. Considered by many American citizens to be a gang-like abscess on society, police officers rarely defend the interests of the people or the misplaced values inherent in the United States Constitution, in spite of the fact every precinct is a Federally accredited agency.

But the Montgomery County Police Department said in a statement Tuesday the police don’t exist to uphold the constitution – and no one does. The job of the police, their spokesperson said, is to help get people in a place where God can sort them out. Many times, this involves prison, unorthodox beatings, or a good old-fashioned lynching. “What people gotta understand,” Officer Oinkenheimer contested, “Is that the Constitution is merely a guideline for how things orta be. We do things differently here in Montgomery County. For example, just look around you: see any blacks?”

Indeed, Clarksville, and all of Montgomery County, for that matter, consists of poor white trash, and what good fortune it is to the world their accidental, snaggle-tooth offspring are protected by 100 feet of a too-slow-to-even-make-sense-of-it-in-time speed limit.