Reader beware! There are creeps on the prowl, culminating in a Memorial Day festival of “remember me, you used to trust me? let’s talk” type of motherfuckers crawling out of the woodwork, and into your DMs. If someone comes up to you with friend requests and hi-how-are-yous, that’s nice, but be careful when talking to […]
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INTERNET — Thursday, the Anonymous hacker known only by the alias ‘Asshurt’ revealed damning documents that prove the popular so-called “Anonymous” twitter account YourAnonCentral is owned and operated by the Central Intelligence Agency. “Even in their earliest internal e-mails you can see, they are laughing about calling themselves Your Anon Central, in reference to the […]

Who’s a good little baby? That’s right, consumer: You are. Because you chose Lebal Drocer products to complete your material and immaterial selves, you have earned praise and reward. And gosh darn it, aren’t you pretty! Yes, you are. Hi, I’m hatesec. You might know me from the popular hatecast, Hate Radio, a slammin’ old […]