The newest findings in Cannabis research have yielded surprising, counter-intuitive results. Scientists have recently found the effect of Marijuana smoke on canine subjects leads to a startling rise in cognitive abilities. Some canines were even able to parse together Semi-English sentences, but rarely spoke of anything other than being “Rotally Razed.” The major rise in cognitive ability was displayed by the canines’ developed ability to solve simple mysteries, which did not occur in test subjects who were not dosed with Cannabis. The dogs proved especially good at solving what appear to be “paranormal” mysteries. The thoroughly-baked test subjects would meander around pointlessly as if unaware of the task at hand, only at the last minute to stumble across some catalyst that would unwind any mystery that still remained.
Scientific testing in this subject was spurned on by a recent incident that took place at O’Hare intergalactic airport. An over-zealous drug-sniffing dog, Scoobert “Scooby” Doo, devoured a traveler’s marijuana supply, and then ran off wildly, in search of Scooby Snacks. Crashing headlong into a group of generic terrorists who had already passed through security screening, the dog revealed their evil plot and saved the day.
Tag: Marijuana

Breakwater Shadow
(Wrightsville Beach, NC) ELF WAX TIMES-
Student Filmographer and friend of the Times, Wayne Moss, was taking late night long exposure photographs of the beach , t
o produce the perfect lighting effect. A dark shadowy figure was revealed to him in two of his 64 second exposures. Enhancement has revealed an obviously humanoid figure, nature unkown. Upon on-site review of these pictures, Wayne reported no sight of any obtrusion from the breakwater at all. We will leave speculation to the reader. However, it could have been a Mermaid, Shadow Person, or a Ghost.
Many shapes can be identified in the photos, but what it is we will never find out.

Elf Wax, your #1 trustworthy news source for Marinoid news.