Local Status Quo

Comcast deploys military police to Ferguson, MO

“The free market has a solution for Ferguson.”

Hate Uncontrollable Patriotism

Police ‘Desperately Outgunned’ by Nonviolent Criminals, ‘Obama Study’ Shows

WASHINGTON – Raped by images of rioters menacing barely-armed peace officers, President Barack Obama received results from a comprehensive review of the Department of Defense program which hands down military-grade equipment to police departments in need. What the study found was concerning: Obama said the shocking results of his study revealed police departments are not […]


Police Collecting License Plate Data in Parking Lots; Photo Confirms

KENOSHA, Wisconsin — It has come to my attention from a dear twitter follower and fellow presidential hatemail author, @HerObama, that local police are not only utilizing visible light communications to transmit rays that not only sedate it’s victims, but collects data on their license plates. I had my skepticism, obviously, being a level-headed veteran journalist […]