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Elf Wax Thought Crimes

The Universe unfolds in a series of layers. With the years we shed paradigms and discover new meanings in old material. It’s time to examine the next layer to go and question why or where it’s going. Then, we may learn to see above all boundaries and through the fogs of time.

This message was brought to you by Elf Wax Laboratories in coordination with [experimentation] using [L.S.D.] on [humans].

Lebal Drocer, Incorporated – “paving the way in forced evolution!”

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Law Technology

Big Brother is watching you

"internet meme"Your Town, U.S.A.– ISPs are working out a deal with the FBI to track what you do online and hand it over to them.

The FBI will monitor IPs, domains and websites you visit, and the Bureau is even talking about gaining access to direct URLs if they can successfully bypass the Wiretap Act, which has been proven all but impossible through scientific research conducted by Elf Wax Laboratories.

While no accusations are being made, the FBI stresses that this is primarily targeted at child porn. FBI spokesperson Robert Mueller said, “We’re looking to get as much of it as possible.”

Unfortunately, no significant progress has been made on this yet, but don’t you already feel like someone is watching you?

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The Hottest Little Hacker On The Intertits

hacked ps3Some guy who hacked the iPhone just hacked the PS3 for the first time ever.

“I can now do whatever I want with the system. It’s like I’ve got an awesome new power. – I’m just not sure how to wield it.” – Awesome Hacker Kid

He said it opens up the ability to play old PS2 games, and allows people to run pirated games or install new OS software.

The hacker added, “I’ve never really played a PS3.”