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Donald Trump’s death ruled accidental blunt force trauma

INTERNET — Fans mourn the loss of former President Donald Trump, who was found dead at the bottom of a staircase at his imperial suite in Mar-A-Lago, Florida. President Trump is warmly remembered for hundreds of firings as the host of the reality television show The Apprentice, his brand of top quality Angus beef steaks, and his appearance in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.

Coroner Dr. Angstrom H. Troubador told reporters, “He wasn’t too healthy to begin with, and we found him at the bottom of the stairs with bruises all over his body after he suffered a cardiac arrest.”

When asked about any indications of foul play, Dr. Troubador told reporters, “If there was any foul play involved here, it was the criminal amounts of sodium and fat in the fast food diet that Trump was living on for so many decades.”

Fans and haters across the nation gathered for vigils and protests which erupted into confrontations, violence, and the desecration of sacred memorials.

QAnon founder Jim Watkins was arrested with his son Ron Watkins at the Arlington National Cemetery moments after a failed attempt to extinguish the eternal flame at the grave of President John F. Kennedy.

Witnesses said the elder Watkins stretched his arms to the sky and screamed, “The storm is upon us!” as lighting blasted across the Washington DC skyline. Watkins fell to his knees where he began shuddering and mumbling, “JFK! Q++! 4, 10, 20, CLOWNS! Pres is not dead, I repeat, Q+ is not dead!”

The younger Watkins’ eyes grew wide with surprise as he announced to onlookers, “He has channeled the voice of Q, the authentic voice of Q! Glory, Glory! Trump lives!”


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Kilgoar missing from site after Elon Musk purchases Internet Chronicle

Known genius “kilgoar” has been missing for a short time, and is assumed dead.

INTERNET—After more than three days, authorities have called off the manhunt for kilgoar, as he is assumed dead.

#ForgetKilgoar is trending on Twitter by adherents to Musk brand of nihilism as militia group Muskrats calls for his head on a stake.

Friends and family insist the Internet Chronicle journalist “kilgoar” is still alive, and authorities have hope his remains can be

Kilgoar is gone. Elon Musk bought Chronicle. He is bouncing me on his knee.

Who is kilgoar, anyway?

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Man seeks garbled mess

INTERNET NEWS—skull fucking race bias and all that
just whatever like you know race riots, proudboi rallies, q anon digs, sweet angel dug me, she dug me good.
all that type of shit fired in rapid succession at the listeners before descending into repetition like some kind of cascading repetitive struggle time and time again, overlapping chain of chaos. madness of the brain sent down for generations.
Just that sort of thing. Do you have that?
I am looking for that type of shit in rapid succession, please, if you will.
(or how we do it DOWN SOUTH: rapid secession)
or how we do it out west:
    just owned slaves.
    tell you what hoss, how about that?
just stuff like that, in rapid secession.
do you have that?

radical nightmare underground thoughts of the curious mind. leader of the incels chemical breakdown. leading from behind

do you have that? check spoken word.
really, literallyyl just anytthing like that. if you have it. doesn’t even have to be that.
Reply “I have that” to [email protected] when you get it