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Entertainment Video

How to fail college

How to fail college, and win at life

This message is brought to you by The Elf Wax Times’ very own Media Mogul, Jim “Teabagger” Gallahan.

This video is part one in a one part series entitled, “How To Waste A Shitload Of Federal Grant Money And Feel Good About It.”

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Thank you Atahualpa

For this awesome wordpress theme!

Atahualpa was strangled like a rock star in a strangling chair.

It's called a garrote

An expensive liability, Atahualpa was valuable to the web design community in his time, and by 1533 he had developed the very first fully customizable plug-n-play theme this side of the Mississippi, which during that time was the edge of the known universe.

After the reigning php coder’s execution by strangling, the Incan Empire collapsed and his php code was thought for almost five hundred centuries to be destroyed – until now.

Lebal Drocer, Incorporated recently purchased exclusive rights to the Atahualpa name brand technology and plan to release it on the public within a few short hours.

A Lebal Drocer defended Atahualpa’s five centuries of usefulness in a press conference Thursday. He said, “Remember how the Spanish used him to control the Incan Empire? Now Elf Wax uses him to control their CSS.”

And only a single tear was shed, when he was told he could no longer cross the border to Arizona.

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Slumhouse Five

This extremely disturbing footage was discovered along with the bodies of two Bent Mountain men in the midst of The Great Blizzard of 2009: