Trolling World

Topiary Awaits Hearing as Speculation Mounts Hilariously

Every tech nerd, geek and new owner of adult novelties are glued the their news feeds, all asking the same thing: Will Topiary, hailing from the island of Yell, be a hot hipster or a nasty, ugly nerd like Ryan? Most likely, he will fall somewhere in between, and is likely a eunuch. But we’re […]

Editorial Religion Uncontrollable Patriotism

Peter King To Rescue Fear-Gripped Midwest From Shariah Law

The only “serious” differences in fundie types are alterations in the underlying cartoon narrative of anthropology, familial histories, flying men and talking donkeys.

News Special Interest

Murdoch Family Enslaves Cheetahs To Edit Truth Faster

How NewsCorp leads the way in timeliness and journalistic integrity – A scathing tale of addiction to drugs, sex and exotic animals.