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“You got rats amongst ya,” part of a John Tiessen rantshow

You got rats amongst ya, man
You lost all credibility
Once ya have a rat in you, amongst you – the people even associating with the rats – they get whacked, they go down.
That’s how ya deal with rats, you don’t have nothing to do with ‘em.
You go into a place and there’s rats in there, you get out of there. There’s rats in there.
You’re getting played by the fucking government. Writing programs and doing things for them to go into Egypt. You’re being played. They’re playing you. You say you’re playing the government, you’re being played. They’re so fucking far over your heads you don’t know what the fuck’s going on. You got people helpin’ ya, givin you little programs. Here, have this, it’ll protect your IP address. Credibility is out. It’s done.

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Local News Obituaries World

LulzSec Leader Betrays All of Anonymous aka “wheres your guy fawkes mask now” lol


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News Technology


SABU was working with the FBI when Stratfor was hacked

Sabu, leader of both AntiSec and LulzSec, was actually working with the FBI during the Christmas hack of STRATFOR, and the entire meaning of this event has come into question. Is it possible that what has become the biggest story for WikiLeaks in several months was actually planned by the FBI from the outset? Analysts suggest that yes, this entire leak was designed from the ground up by the FBI to discredit the hacktivism movement. In fact, the bizarre and uncharacteristic move by Anonymous to work with WikiLeaks was the first sign something was not right.

Experts have all agreed that Stratfor is actually not a well-connected intelligence agency, but instead a bumbling assortment of analysts who are mostly amateurs. Many of the outlandish statements made by amateurs at Stratfor have been blown out of proportion and taken out of context. This is exactly what law enforcement wants, because it discredits Anonymous, WikiLeaks, and most importantly Julian Assange.

In related news, Barrett Brown’s apartment was raided, but he was not arrested. This can only mean that Barrett Brown is most likely working with the FBI as well.