On Sunday, Chronicle.SU was attacked by th3j35t3r, noteworthy Anonymous pedophile. On Wednesday, Chronicle.SU rose from the dead – kind of like Jesus over there, except this really happened. Now, while th3j35t3r is carrying out yet more superficial attacks on WikiLeaks, we’d like to share with the world exactly how petty and powerless this “jester” character really is. Read on, citizen.
During our outage, sockpuppets for th3j35t3r claimed that we had not, in fact, been attacked. They demanded our former host force the removal of any and all references to th3j35t3r and assumed that is what actually happened. Actually, our host refused. But when the Chronicle went down from th3j35t3r’s subsequent attack, his child porn ring claimed victory because they’re really just that dumb.
The real attack, a distributed denial of service, proved that a traditional botnet is a functional part of th3j35t3r’s arsenal. We reported accusations of th3j35t3r violating children – and the computers of children – which provoked him to flat out attack us. He attacked us because it was true and we are a threat to him. We are a threat to his pedophilia. He stated several times that he didn’t attack us, and that he didn’t use a botnet. He lied.

Th3j35t3r commits libel as routine, d0xing anyone who looks like they might be LulzSec, peace be with them. He d0xed us, implying that we should fear the consequences of exercising the freedom of speech. Implying that we are criminals, for speaking the truth.
He abuses the infrastructure of the internet and breaks the law for personal glory and fame. He’s not helping anyone out, and especially not soldiers at war.
What kind of sheltered first world dildo would believe that th3j35t3r’s attacks are demoralizing or debilitating terrorists? More to the point, what kind of terrorist sits at his computer, trying to refresh some fucking forum before he goes out to kill infidels? “Gotta Jihad but first f5 to make sure we’re still game.” The same kind of terrorist who sits in Northern Virginia eating Hot Pockets refreshing 4chan, discussing the same old revolutionary bullshit that’ll never happen. Noko! 404.
Th3j35t3r is all misdirection. He’s a living lie, if you can call that living. Every time we’ve called him on his lies, he’s doubled down and socks a threat or five, claiming that each one is the “first and last” – retweeting his own faildox to a miserly 300 views. This internet try-hard has no power he doesn’t fake or take. That is, none of it is earned anymore than you earned access to the Chronicle.SU today.
Hey jesterfag, you just lost the game. Or, has the game lost you? Since reporting on th3j35t3r, the Chronicle.SU has enjoyed no increase in traffic although we did pick up seven Twitter followers – or 700% of living, breathing followers who know what “th3j35t3r” is. If there is anything to be learned from our coverage of the declining child pornographer and pseudo-hacker (scriptkiddie), it is this: The Jester is officially completely utterly irrelevant.
JesterAttacksChronicle320 by ChronicleSU
On the phone: James K. Galloway

51 replies on “Th3j35t3r’s lie”
who else thinks that’s Spenny from KennyVsSpenny ?
glad you guys are back. wish the pad wasn’t blocked.
lulz at the jester and his useless nerd-puppets.
i foresee some pretty immense shit to come from here in the near future. SAIL ON!
The woman in that picture is my girlfriend.
You seem upset.
WTF! Inquiring minds want to know. 2 things. Can I get a Chronicle.su T Shirt? and will it make me look gay too?
I will take 2. XXXXL pl0x
Hello, citizen. You will accept what the government awards you. Thank you for your time.
I hear the jester’s irc is a great place to trade child pornography around is this true y/n
You guys just never learn… ::sigh::
Does anyone have aggression 24/7?
Would you hit a Handy Cap Child/ Adult?
This is a very interesting question. … There are mental retarded children. They’re possessing teachers that are typing for money. This will never stop. … The drug addicts need to be weeded out to be more intelligent. The Principle of this is that them cunt educators need to stop being pigs.
Are you just getting a pay check for brainwashing? Can you tell me how to Deny math? All of these questions I asked my community college teacher. He said “GET OUT OF MY CLASS!”
I told my school counselor about how brainwashing a child and how that can change the view of mathematics.
This forum made me feel better!!! :)
You’ve earned it, citizen!
i would like on of those shirts to wear around campus… you should mail one to my box at school.
dm me on twitter if you’re down
Chronic.su making trolls everywhere proud…that is all, trollolol on…xD
Ps-Cool shades, seen them somewhere else, did you borrow them from Topiary…
that is all
James, please let me suck your penis. Please let me do it.
If B.C.E. years are unable to start then A.D.E. years are unable to begin. B.C.E. years are unable to start. Thus, A.D.E. years are unable to begin.
Can you teach me to Deny math?
I like this new Mach
Every human who’s mentally capable is always able to be treasurer of their new currency
I am sad for Greta van Sustren. She never talks about the stroke that stole her complete mouth movement. #sostrong
dolotsofacid 2 seconds ago
James, call me!
I want to.
oh god, tell me you’re james
oh baby do i want to hop on pop
hop on pappi!
::jizzes her whities::
**jizzes her jizzed whities**
Eats them.
Th3j35t3r’s reaction to the pederast claims proves that either they are true and he is a pederast or that he is John Tiessen and this is all about misinformation.
I’m the Jester, and I did not have sexual relations with those children. #is
i fuck kids
Well you do know jester aka (chester) was right about one thing, there are a lot of kids on these pages, I give him that. Name calling is done between 4 year old. You kids should make a point or not its up to you. When I say chester is a child molester it is not name calling it is a fact. If I was to start name calling I put lol at the end or something like that. I do know 100% he is a child molester and that there is the str8 truth.
I know everything and it’s okay if I name call because you kids don’t know for a fact what I know for a fact but I will never reveal my proof because I’m above that and I hate Chester.
Any analysis of the data will show that the lizard people are taking over the planet Earth. It is imperative to grow some balls and reveal the massive infiltration of cold-blooded creatures impersonating homo-sapiens. Code word is KLUMPA
Fight back!
[…] tinychat room, where he bragged about taking the Chronicle down for a few days. Which is true, he did: by running a simple script against BlueHost, who we paid to host the Chronicle, he caused one of […]
March 11, 2012 at 5:20 AM · Reply
oh hai jester! i see you think you an ub3r h4ck3r. i wil put that to an end while i leave in in the t0x1c trap! you caught my eye because you think you are a genius. well i guess its time you learn your place, i will devote my time alone when my wife sleeps to construct a plan so elegant and DESTRUCTIVE you shall learn the meaning of “FUCK WITH THE BEST DIE LIKE THE REST” i am done with hex as of now ive gotten a lil kick in thar, but now i haz some new fagz to getz! jester you sir are my first target as i have doxed you and i am planning some fun for you tommorow(; 3/11/12 if you keep talking shit after you receive your punishment i will not stop and i will be relentless, i will destroy your life like i did to richard and i will have you begging for mercy! so after you are owned tommorow admit it and move on because you dont want to have the same fate as richard who beg me for mercy, well as i promised heres your dox
Ryan, Thomas [email protected]
Provide Security, Inc.
86 Amber St
Staten Island, New York 10306-2022
United States
remember anons and brothers, get trusted TRUST NO ONE. dont trust me or anyother hacker if you want to stay anonymous or you WILL end up like lulzsec
Ahahahahaha he was just running his mouth all over twitter tonight. Looks good on that stupid fuck. Hope the terrorist come and get his ass #JhadiMOTHERFUCKER$
[…] than ever before. But is it going too far to call th3j35t3r’s attacks terrorism? As a recent victim of an attack by th3j35t3r, Chronicle.SU is of the opinion that th3j35t3r is indeed a terrorist. He was quick to publish our […]
Th3j35t3r’s reaction to the pederast claims proves that either they are true and he is a pederast or that he is John Tiessen and this is all about misinformation.
john tiessen is. the J#ST#R
beefrave’s tongue feels so good sliding up and down my flaccid old cock
i found this today.,
oh hai jester! i see you think you an ub3r h4ck3r. i wil put that to an end while i leave in in the t0x1c trap! you caught my eye because you think you are a genius. well i guess its time you learn your place, i will devote my time alone when my wife sleeps to construct a plan so elegant and DESTRUCTIVE you shall learn the meaning of “FUCK WITH THE BEST DIE LIKE THE REST” i am done with hex as of now ive gotten a lil kick in thar, but now i haz some new fagz to getz! jester you sir are my first target as i have doxed you and i am planning some fun for you tommorow(; 3/11/12 if you keep talking shit after you receive your punishment i will not stop and i will be relentless, i will destroy your life like i did to richard and i will have you begging for mercy! so after you are owned tommorow admit it and move on because you dont want to have the same fate as richard who beg me for mercy, well as i promised heres your dox
Ryan, Thomas [email protected]
Provide Security, Inc.
86 Amber St
Staten Island, New York 10306-2022
United States
remember anons and brothers, get trusted TRUST NO ONE.
i am a rat and you can block or monitor this site all you want
ric veda loves me
i have to watch who i talk about
not every one just lays and takes it well i know i like to lay and take it nut this is something other then butt fucking.
[…] Brown’s empty tinychat room, where he bragged about taking the Chronicle down for a few days. Which is true, he did: by running a simple script against BlueHost, who we paid to host the Chronicle, he caused […]