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Local Sports новости

Tennessee Man: "I once punctuated a whole sentence"

Jacob Tamme is a TIGHT PUSSY
Harold Buckhauer, punctuated a sentence one time

Nashville, Tenn.–An area Titans fan made headlines Sunday when he held up a sign reading “Jacob Tamme is a tight pussy” at a home game against the Indianapolis Colts in LP Field.

Jacob Tamme plays tight end for the Indianapolis Colts, and rejects all assertions that he is a human vagina “of any elasticity or resistance.”

Harold Buckhauer, 30, held the sign up high for at least three hours, chanting the slogan. He was beloved by his neighboring spectators, and even hailed as a hero by one man who said he believes Buckhauer’s message “needed to be said.” The man reportedly purchased Buckhauer three beers to provoke more outlandish drunken behavior, such as singing with one foot up on the back of the chair in front of him, a claim he denies.

Language scholars have jumped on the sensation to condemn the Tennessee Titans enthusiast for his gross lack of punctuation that leaders claim “contradicts” the presentation of the man’s clever idea in the context of his drunkenly-constructed sign.

Buckhauer, a plumber of 10 years’ experience, defended himself, saying, “I once punctuated a whole sentence,” but intimated his distrust of “funny” characters on a page, saying he doesn’t know why it exists anyway.

[pullquote]”Harold-Hymen ain’t never used no hyphen.”[/pullquote]

When questioned about a rare, documented instance where Buckhauer attempted punctuation, he failed to recall whether it was a period or an exclamation mark he used, because memory of his mistake was immediately overshadowed by the “distinct” memory of his friends using a rhyming female anatomical word to describe him as “Harold-Hymen, who ain’t never used no hyphen.”

A string of Google searches reveals the “punctuation” to which Buckhauer referred was used on a wrestling forum, and was not punctuation at all, but capitalization. In 2009, Buckhauer wrote, “batista is purdy good but he aint gt shit on the Edge”

Cecil Dillard, pastor of Midrow Baptist Church defended Harold Buckhauer’s lifestyle, devoid of punctuation, saying, “Harry’s a trustworthy, God-fearing American who don’t need no punctuation because it ain’t holy. Punctuation is misleading, saying things that letters don’t. Now do you want your kids to read punctuation, or do you want ’em reading the truth?” he asked, tapping the Bible.

This message is brought to you by Lebal Drocer, and:

“Now do you want your kids to read punctuation, or do you want ’em reading the truth?”

-Cecil Dillard, Pastor

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The sham that is

Anons everywhere, please take back your voice. AnonNews is running ads for Papa Johns Pizza. I wonder if they’re getting free pizzas delivered to their house. Is supporting corporate interests what you stand for? I have spoken with the creator of AnonNews about his web site and in the light of his actions he is a complete hypocrite.

It’s my personal opinion that the greatest majority of so-called “press releases” misrepresent Anons and destroy the image of Anonymous in a way that is reflected by the media. I feel that this is in fact more relevant than any press release so far, so I attempted to post it to AnonNews, being assured of the openness by the creator himself. This was a lie. Your holy freedom of speech is so sacred until someone speaks criticism. Who determined that my criticism is not relevant? I’m guessing it was the same person who I was critical of.

The truth is that I was CENSORED by – a sham web site that stands only for Papa John’s Pizza and the ideas of its moderators.

If Anonymous is a “hyperconsciousness” it lacks the ability to properly communicate, even as it takes down major web sites at the drop of a hat. I will repeat my appeal to AnonNews to at LEAST add the up/down vote system to press releases as it already does to outside news articles. This is only the first step to giving Anonymous a sophisticated voice that recognizes what a press release actually is: The most relevant information presented with the most accessible possible language. Threatening images that highlight every other word in red or rambling manifestos that quote Gene Simmons will not win Anonymous a place in history.

If you disagree, I am begging you to reassess the material currently on AnonNews. Pay special attention to the tone and the wording. Look at the complex vocabulary and ideas, the usage of terms that only Anons can use. Think about how this must look to someone who does not understand. Anonymous horrifies where it should inspire liberty. You’re far too busy trying to tell people they’re so wrong about you instead of seeing what is wrong with yourself and correcting it.

The civil disobedience that forms the body of Anonymous is remarkable. The reason why Anonymous has been maligned and attacked by media outlets is the fault of Anons and their refusal to communicate on the same level with nonAnons. Present yourself better, Anons, you are not criminals but THE new kind of protesters! Anonymous will be important to the history of the world if, and only if, Anons can better present their points of view.

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Reviews Technology Video


This is a movie I have just finished watching. I suggest you do too. Well, with a title as it is given, meaning ‘life out of balance’. I don’t think the images of technology and especially war and industry are meant to be positive aspects of our present time frame. You can read all kinds of things all over the place but in the end it is you and the choices you make that give meaning and make the difference. With that being said

I say this project clearly shows the destructive and disruptive effects of our present technological and cultural relation to our environment. We have gotten to the point where we are building OURSELVES around technology, rather than the purpose of technology, to be built around OUR needs. Another point I think is that war has evolved. It isn’t just hack and slash, it isn’t shoot a few canon balls to weaken, and control our enemies. We just want all of them DEAD. We build warhead, atom bombs, etc to incinerate everything pertaining to our enemy. In this process of ‘Total Destruction’ War we find we are not just killing our enemies, but the world.

To build these weapons, and carry out these wars we drain every available resource for weapons and transport, not just oil. Tungsten, Uranium, and Iron are only a few resources being drained at a rapid rate. What happens when they DO run out. The whole war scene goes into total chaos, like a Henry Rollins concert. You think the Iraqi war is bad, because of the minuscule amounts of oil we are trying to obtain? What if Oil is completely gone? Any strong, stable country will target weaker countries with oil reserves to fuel their other conquests. The governments will do ANYTHING to obtain what they need. You think the Jewish genocide was bad in WWII? This will be the biggest Genocide of all time. It will be HUMAN genocide. BILLIONS would be killed in the conquests, with little to no fight. What happens after the weak countries are gone? The strong ones fight each other. This is the where the REAL nuclear war begins. The remaining humans will fight one another for these resources. It will be utter chaos!

THAT may just be the conspiracy theorist in me talking, but lets talk about a MUCH more real danger.

The Destruction of Technology.

I know there will be an asshole out there to be Captain obvious saying, “Technology is any advancement”. Yes I know. In this instance I am referring to modern technology.

We use the new technology for everything, checking the weather to helping in self erotic satisfaction. But it has become one with humans. It controls the banking system, communication, airplane charting. What if all of it just… Disappeared? What would happen to the human race. This is a hard thought it fathom. What COULD we do? The world would go back to the days of the late 1800’s. We’d lose telephones, computers, television, and if this is due to lack of resources, automobiles. The world would go into a state of Anarchy. It would allow easy murder, theft, rape, and since none of us are aware of HOW to solve these problems without technology it would ALL go unchecked. I’m not saying HOW this destruction of Tech would happen, because I don’t know how it could. It’s a possibility though. Energy rations, recurring black outs, Damage in the (Already decaying) power grid. All it needs is a push off the edge. Increased solar flare activity, for example.

What would it mean for the world if that happened? The resource War or the technology destruction would make a big impact. This is MY view, this is for YOU to decide what would happen to our world.

Peace, Love, and Black Power