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Dick Means Business

Silly Mahmoud should know we are the only country allowed to have nukes.

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Editorial Politics Science Society Uncontrollable Patriotism

Cavemen. Neo-Con Propaganda?

How does a 30 minute commercial sound? Awesome, right? Featuring Nintendo Wii and Car insurance-slinging cavemen! Well, they don’t talk about car insurance, but they ARE weird, invasive, creepy, and always say really inappropriate things. LOL!

The cavemen actually buffoon “liberal” ways of life. We have 3 cavemen: one is a creep, one’s a metrosexual stoner mooch, and the other is a perfectly good guy, but oops, he dates a different Genus. “Keep your Penis in your Genus” LOL!!

Well, what else did you expect from a TV COMMERCIAL SITCOM? Yes it has the “we’re socially awkward” humor that you love from the commercials. But it boils down to a mockery of people that exist in real life, and at times borders on a modern-day Blackface routine.

It’s a miserable failure at dry humor and all the characters are easy to hate.

Plus, this creep is a caveman: