The most legendary website ever to be used for pulling pussy has seen an increase in the number of people drinking alone at their computers and then announcing it through the News Feeding Trough.
The source of the problem, the U.S. Government said, is the sheer lack of anything enjoyable on the website, whatsoever.
“What’s with all the poking?” asked Norm Macdonald.
Miller Lite said that, paralleling reality, people in a virtual reality will turn to virtual alcoholism as a means of coping with its ordinary lameness. They seek a relationship that “Goes down smooth, and is not too filling.” Fulfilling, that is.
Other sources say that when compared to MySpace (a Rupert Murdoch subsidiary), there is a disproportionate amount of “smart chicks” to slutty easy chicks. “People just aren’t posting tits,” said a hunch-backed old masturbator named Larry.
Snakes are amazing creatures. They live on every continent except for Antarctica, where it is much too cold for snakes to survive. They are so adept at surviving, that some can reproduce without a member of the opposite sex. The Brahminy blind snakes are all females. When mature, they lay fertile eggs, and the young are clones of the mother.
A snake sneaks stealthily through the grass
One of the most interesting snakes to me is the king cobra. The king cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world, reaching lengths of more than 18 feet and weighing up to 50 pounds. The king cobra dines exclusively on other snakes. When it can’t find other snakes to eat, it will dine on other available prey, like small rodents. Although it dines on other snakes, and the occasional rodent, the venom of the king cobra is strong enough to kill an elephant.
The king cobra has a reputation as man killer, but in reality, the king cobra avoids humans. When confronted by man, or other large creatures, they will try to flee. If they are cornered, they will feign death by flipping on to their back, opening their mouths, allowing their tongues to roll out, and emptying a foul smelling substance from their anal glands, making them highly unappetizing to any potential predator. That’s right……in addition to carrying around toxic venom, they have a supply of putrid shit which they can dispense at will. This “man killer” will only strike at humans as a last resort.
A couple of interesting things they have in common with all other snakes are the fact that they are completely deaf, lacking any form of external ear. All snakes are incapable of learning, because they lack the enlarged Cerebral Hemispheres, which is the part of the brain controls learning and thought.
Now, when I read that snakes are incapable of learning, I couldn’t help but think about the trouser snake. Which brings me to the issue I wanted to talk about to begin with.
Like every man besides Calvin Hart, I have a penis that I frequently use for coitus. Coitus is sexual intercourse for those of you not familiar with the term. Sexual intercourse is great fun, for those of you not familiar with the act.
Now, this aforementioned penis of mine has gotten me into more trouble than I can explain in this article. Each and every time it gets me into trouble, I swear that I will never let it do that again. But it inevitably does. I can only conclude that the trouser snake, like all other snakes, is incapable of learning.
I fooled around with my best friend’s wife one time. I shouldn’t have done that. I know it was wrong, but I did it anyway. That cost me my best friend, and my girlfriend, when she found out. I don’t know why I did it. I just did.
I swore I would never do anything like that again.
My friend and I made amends after some time. He eventually got back together with his wife. And I screwed her again.
Just like its scaly brethren, the trouser snake is incapable of learning.
One thing I have learned through the trials and tribulations brought on by the trouser snake, is that the trouble it causes is expensive. This brings me to the most dangerous kind of snake in the world…… the snake in the grass.
I had coitus with a stranger one time, and it is now costing me over $1100 a month. The “justice” system determined that this woman, who slept with a complete stranger one time in a hotel bar and got pregnant, is entitled to more than a grand a month for her noble accomplishment. Now, I could understand a couple hundred dollars a month, but a grand a month? How does a kid need a grand a month to go to elementary school? This woman simply hit the lottery. Fucking snake in the grass bitch!
The American Indians used to share a story about snakes whenever their fellow man needed solace. It goes like this: an old woman finds an injured snake and nurses it back to health. For weeks upon months upon years she tends to this snake until it is OK again. And then one day it bites her. “Snake,” she says, “I saved your life. Why did you bite me?” To which the snake responds, “Look bitch, you knew I was a snake.”
Now perhaps the judge, jury, prosecuting attorney, social worker and even the butch cop who showed up at my house, all being women, had it out for me, deep down, secretly, wanting no one to know, but just to nail me hard. That would be an unnatural pack-like behavior for snakes to temporarily adopt, but scientists will tell you that’s not unheard of in Nature. Or maybe they just understood the ways of a snake.
Yes……out of all the snakes in the world, the king cobra is the most interesting, the trouser snake is the most troublesome, and the snake in the grass is the most dangerous.
North Korean ship, Kang Nam 1, suspected by the US military of carrying missile parts to Myanmar has unexpectedly turned around and appears to be heading home. Intelligence reports the ship’s captain allegedly left the gas burning on the stove in his flat.
“It could start a fire,” said one analyst, Ernest H. Way, at Elf Wax Research Laboratories (Memphis, Tn.). The fire could then spread to other apartments in his building, Way said, “and that would be terrible.”
A fire is something like a weapon of mass destruction. It causes damage, and if placed in the right spot, can cause massive, widespread damage. North Korea has already stated it will “rain a nuclear fireshower upon the US” is provoked by an “attack.” Scientists are trying to determine if the North Koreans will consider an accidental kitchen-fire to be an official attack by the United States. Most scientists are reportedly finding that it will, and the United States will be punished justly.
This comes after North Korea tested an underground nuclear weapon in May, against UN regulations. As the world recoiled in shock and disgust, the United States said, “Awwuh aww! I’m tellin’.” Defiantly, North Korea has placed a long-range missile capable of reaching Alaska onto its launch pad. This time, the United States has quietly stated it is prepared to intercept the missile using highly-flawed and significantly unsuccessful anti-ballistic missile defense systems stationed in the Pacific.
With nothing left to do, the world can but sit back and wait to see if the Taepodong-2 is carrying a nuclear warhead, and if it will reach US soil.
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