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Entertainment Special Interest

Blast from the Past

Hope everyone had a nice Halloween. I was having quite a good time until I saw the pics of the devil below. Sheesh. Anyway, searching deep into archives, I was able to find our old friend Backpack Monster and make his sequel available to the world (wide web).
Backpack Monster II. Youtubed.

Youtube doesn’t accept .swf files. Should be called youn00b. MIRITE?!?

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Editorial News Politics Special Interest Uncontrollable Patriotism World

Bigfoot, imaginary or Communist?

Bigfoot, according to believers, would be the largest Ape known to man. How then could they elude detection for so long? How do these creatures survive without leaving a mark on the environment? The perfect answer to the Bigfoot question is beneath our noses, and has been all along. Bigfoot is a communist. Somewhere, probably in a cave, a commune of Bigfoots are leading a simple life, helping each other out, and not leaving a trace. There is just no other way that a population of enormous apes could survive in today’s world without succumbing to the evils of communism. I suggest that Bigfoot populations may actually be devolved hippie populations, which have grown hairier and smellier, and may in fact be the sole provider of drugs to America. After winning the war on drugs, how am I so blazed right now? It’s as simple as this: Bigfoot is a Communist.

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Special Interest

Sexting 1957

1957 Pinup Girl