Moscow–“Syria is political chess, not American football,” said Mikhail Margelov, Presidential envoy to Africa, and Russian Premiere to Libya, implying Sunday America has no role in the country, so they should get out.
Margelov spoke on conditions of Anonymity during talks with Soviet journal RT. Over the course of their discussion, he indicated democratic efforts in Libya have failed.
Margelov said, “Some people happy to openly drink moonshine and others unhappy about that because they’re in favor of Sharia laws all over the country.”
“Some people are thinking about purity and Islamic identity,” Margelov boasted. “Some talk about necessity of establishing Sharia law all over the country, Islamic world, all over the Arab world.” At this, Margelov’s eyes flashed, then rolled back into his head as he foamed at the mouth.
“Chances of New Libyan Government and judicial system sharing values of human rights and democracy expected to be minimal,” Margelov explained through gritted teeth.
Related news [ Libya ]
- Russian oil companies have already started operations in Libya
- Russian railroads “ready to get back.”
- New Libyan Government welcomes Russian companies! Margelov: “So why not?”
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12 replies on “Russia gets Libyan oil as half-assed NATO led attempt for democracy fails”
It’s real news, cunt.
And if you don’t like it, fuck you.
shouting at the fans is number one sovchron perk
Be careful Frank your voice might crack ;)
For every moment of triumph, for every instance of beauty, many souls must be trampled.
-Hunter S. Thompson
Let’s not, say we didn’t….same goes for your alt-troll (Anonymous)…
you need writers –> real bad
thought we had a bike rack why is frank alive?
ask Barrett Brown to drop you a line or two from time to time, guy has some good shit out there.
i could write you some prison stories from time to time lol
or do something guys.
ill google beginning writers for you. see if there is something to help you.
just a joke ;-}
@sp00k @johntiessen keep your hands where I can see them.
You not my type, too white, too skinny, BUT John loves all the children…