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Uncontrollable Patriotism


Terrorists mourn loss of terror comrades.
Terrorists mourn loss of terror comrades.

“It worked in Pakistan. It’ll work here.”

The drone program is here to protect your children from terrorism, and serve this country. Do you want your precious, innocent child to be abducted and groomed into a Punjabi-loving terrorist? Or do you want little Timmy to grow up to be a god damn PATRIOT?

Ask yourself, America, if you wouldn’t be satisfied to exchange a little freedom for the terrorists for the added benefits of security for you and your loved ones. Live without fear of terrorism, America, for the US Government is here to help you get over those fears.

We will force you to love us.

American forces are waiting outside your door, and they’re demanding that you let them in, to help you. Let us help you. Won’t you please donate your dignity for just pennies a day to assist YOUR GOVERNMENT in helping you? Help us help you find peace in a perpetual state of holy war against us. The Jihad is upon us now, more than ever before, and you have a unique opportunity to “change” the world for the better.

Invite change into your home today. Register yourself online. Donate your guns to the local police department, so we can turn them on the true terrorists, you.

American lives are at risk, and you can help us put a stop to the influx of unAmerican activity going on in this country because of people like Mexicans, A-rabs, and other breeds of sand people we could all live without. America, why didn’t you listen? You never listen…

This is your final warning.

This message brought to you proudly by Lebal Drocer, Inc – sponsor of many fine wars of aggression to uphold the ruling elite who know what’s right for you and your pathetic family.

“I mean. What. Did you masturbate those kids out at the last minute?”

axisflip cryptofinancial

Law News Politics Uncontrollable Patriotism

Watertown heralds Police State invasion

Eagerly jacked into the story developments on corporate-controlled television media, twitter, facebook, and in this case real life, Redditors eat junk food and excitedly watch police storm through their house.
Redditors enjoy a front-page appearance and are aroused as agents storm through their house.

BOSTON — 9/11 fans rejoiced Thursday after Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was arrested by thousands of paramilitary police units which stormed through nearly 10,000 houses in Watertown, systematically invading every home in the area.

Citizens lauded the merciless efficiency and overwhelming numbers of police who found Tsarnaev critically injured and hiding in a boat.

Eagerly jacked into the story developments on corporate-controlled television media, Twitter, Facebook, and in many cases in real life, Redditors ate junk food and excitedly watched police storm through their houses.

A collective sigh of relief echoed through the Twittersphere when the police announced, “CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won. Suspect in custody.” Exuberant families ran into the streets chanting, “U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A.!”

Police photographers captured the barbarian’s arrest and tweeted it to their quivering, orgasmic fans in real time.

Glorious Stormtroopers accost fiendish Muslim enemy.
Glorious Stormtroopers accost fiendish Muslim enemy.
"Can't tell if Fox News or Facebook."
“Can’t tell if Fox News or Facebook.”

axisflip cryptofinancial

Uncontrollable Patriotism

Rodong Sinmun

No Nuclear Umbrella

Dear Leader

PYONGYANG– The U.S., noisily advertising about its commitment to provision of nuclear umbrella, is stuffing its latest nuclear war equipment into south Korea.

Unaware of what a miserable fate is befalling on them, the south Korean puppets are running headlong into an adventure of attacking the DPRK on a nuke war chariot of the U.S.

Backed by outside forces, they are hell-bent on igniting a nuclear war against the DPRK.

Some time ago, the U.S. suddenly activated its nuclear strategic bomber B-2A to make a sortie to the air of the Korean Peninsula from the U.S. mainland to commit drills of striking a ground target and transferred stealth fighters F-22 Raptors to south Korea from the U.S. air force base at Kadena, Okinawa.

Prior to it, formation of the U.S. nuclear strategic bomber B-52 repeatedly flew to south Korea to stage DPRK-targeted actual nuclear strike drills and its nuclear-powered submarine Cheyenne that had carried out the task of preemptive attack in the 2003 Iraqi war staged joint sea drills with the south Korean puppets.

Of late, the U.S. dispatched interceptor missile-loaded Aegis destroyers John S. McCain, Decatur and the mobile sea radar for detection of ballistic missiles “SBX-1” to the waters around the Korean Peninsula, driving the situation close to a threshold of war.

In a din to provoke a nuclear war against the DPRK, the warmongers converted south Korea into an unprecedented showplace of the U.S. nuclear arms.

It is not a mere saber-rattling, but a prelude to war.

It is utterly silly for the south Korean puppets to want to evade from a shower of our nuclear strike under the nuclear umbrella of their U.S. master.

Now, the U.S. cannot afford to take care of its stooges.

The U.S. has so far swaggered that its existing missile defense system is strong enough to counter the missile threat from north Korea.

But, recently the U.S. gave up even a plan to deploy its MD system in Europe and additionally established its interceptor missile system to defend the mainland.

The south Korean puppets also know its reason well probably.

All has changed today.

Our nuclear deterrent has been boosted up in both quality and quantity. The character of confrontation between the DPRK and the U.S. changed fundamentally.

Of late, U.S. military experts sneered at the remarks of the U.S. Defense Secretary that the U.S. army can undoubtedly protect the U.S. and south Korea from the North’s nuclear threat. They warned that in case the DPRK applies a more singular method, the counter of the U.S. and south Korea would become more miserable and the moment when the North decides to strike, the U.S. would spend very appalling hours.

They made really meaningful comments.

DPRK’s nuclear shower will break the U.S. nuclear umbrella so mercilessly that the warmongers cannot even repent of anything.