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RICHMONDThe Elf Wax Times hits the streets in an explosive new Fall reality series that GETS YOU HIGH with Willy Q, unemployed, where you’ll hear his thoughts on Led Zeppelin, experience his nightmares of Eastern Europe, and shoot the peace sign, which is actually the middle finger where he’s from. Pack a bong and tell the kids: WILLIAM LOVES THE SHIT OUT OF SOME FUCKING LED ZEPPELIN on an all new season of HATE.

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When all are one
And one is all
To be a rock
And not to roll
We love you William.

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New Blog Site Hits The Internet

Just Now, Everywhere–A blog is born. At around four o’clock this afternoon, some guys installed WordPress and then started typing on it, purportedly designed to extol the virtues of the Cyrus family incest gene.

They didn’t change the CSS much and the theme is essentially the same, save for an animated .gif of Angelina Jolie partially nude.

Internet experts anticipate the blog will be abandoned partially toward the beginning of its inception, following a coke binge. “They probably won’t even register the domain,” said Larry Fineberg, some guy on the internet.

The new blog is reportedly so decrepit the writers can’t even finish a s

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Scared? Try Fear.

The All New Fear 3.11 beta is back!

In 3.12

Take a bite out of your own self-image with fear. New and improved. Add hate!

Do you ever have the feeling you’re being watched? That’s because you are – by yourself. So get affected by imagination and have a god damn hair in your head to think with because you’re all you’ve got motherfucker and if that troubles you, then you need to look in a God damn mirror.

Have you read the bibles? That shit getting old? Read Tiger Beat today! Found at your local storeshelf probably.

Now triggering war memories, LSD turns your consciousness insight out! GET HIP TODAY. DEVELOP PTSD WITH A HIT OF DOSES, BRAH. Viet Nam isn’t just for pregnant mothers, anymore!
Ellen and Viet Nam War Crimes