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Entertainment Video

Local man defeats source of malevolent sugar cubes

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The Skeptical Redneck Wedding

The death of a man’s soul begins at his ease of laughter. I think that is why Tom Arnold could not stay with Roseanne. And I believe this is also why he is no longer funny. That walking, smirking pile of shit will continue to make bad movies from now until the end of all times.

5.8/10 out of 260 votes. Make that 261. That movie was such a piece of shit and I can say with fair certainty that there was probably at least one person in this world who paid not to see it; however, he still lives very comfortably. Too comfortably for comfort. So comfortably, in fact, that he can ignore every day the fact that in spite of his success, he is still the biggest goober to ever walk into the path of a video camera since the animated-to-exaggerated Stuart from Beavis and Butthead.

I have not seen this movie.

But I’ve recently gotten cable and what I have seen is that something is markedly wrong with Tom Arnold. He seems to have had a stroke or something. The Elf Wax Times likes to joke around and espouse lies, because most of the time they’re true in some other way. But seriously. Tom Arnold seems to have suffered a stroke, possibly as a direct result of drug overdose. I recommend you use the internet or your cable box to find CMT’s Redneck Wedding, or whatever it’s called, and look at him. He’s fucked up. Something’s wrong.

If you want to help Tom Arnold, and I mean really make a difference in his life, get on your knees and pray to God. Pray for Tom’s safety and well-being. He will be most grateful.

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News Religion

Jesus resurrected for Nazi Zombies 2

Zombie Jesus
Zombie Jesus

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has returned from the dead, making a cameo appearance in the Nazi Zombies update.

The Second Coming, sponsored by Sony and Red Bull, will feature strobe lights and the surviving members of Lynyrd Skynyrd attempting to cover songs off Slayer’s hit album Christ Illusion. Some analysts expect “mediocre” renditions of Supremist, “at best.”

Long-time fans of the Nazi Zombies mini-game featured in Call of Duty: World at War “can’t wait to shoot Jesus.”

Said little Jimmy Tinsley, “I’m gonna bury that cock-a-roach!” in a Cuban accent.

Videogame experts say Nazi Zombies is “the only feature that makes the game worth buying,” because “the actual game sucks.” Videogame experts are not paid for their work, however, and their opinions are invalid – since no one cares about what oily people living under their parents’ bedroom think.

It’s been a long-standing rumor that Jesus Saves, and XBOX and PlayStation 3 owners will be pleased to discover that killing Jesus will unlock a very useful achievement trophy: the ability to state-save Nazi Zombies – an ability that won’t actually affect the random-item box, but saves asses nonetheless.

Theologian Hunter T. Stockton said putting Jesus in a videogame, in which he resurrects, “The Second Coming,” only to stuff a shotgun in his mouth is horrifying to Christians and likely to result in petitions, protests and possible banning of all Treyarch games worldwide.

Treyarch, who are dedicated to making shitty, broken versions of once-great titles such as Call of Duty 4, said Christians could “stuff it” and ignorantly suggested they “go back to Christania.” What Treyarch’s spokesperson failed to realize is that Christians actually originate from a land of fantastic superstition known as Christland – where all prayers are answered within 24-48 hours, regardless of their effect on the natural progression of life as we know it.

Fans can find Jesus down their sights starting Monday, August 10th, 2009.